automatically shuts off after five minutes across the board, for planes with WEP.
Presumably MP could be coaded so that after ?ten minutes? in MP the software would reduce engine power to some high speed cruise setting, and like WEP, require a cool off time.
But that seems to me a tough one, because in AH, WEP is an on/off setting, while throttle is variable. So if you leave your CH throttle pegged, as in MP, the software could enforce a uniform ?five minute? cool off.
But what if you have a somewhat reduced throttle, like 93%, below MP? Then the S/W would have to start calculating for temps. Probably could be worked out fairly, but it would be a chore.
In any case, in WWII combat, if your engine was red line and you got bounced, you doubtless were not worrying about temp restrictions, at least not until after you are clear and on the way home.
So, in a theoretical AH engagement, you use up your MP time and you are in an imposed ?five minute? MP cool off. Would you be able to use WEP if you get bounced or not? In R/L I am sure a pilot would firewall and WEP when applicable.
On the other hand, if you are not going to automatically impose a ?five minute? cool down, then, as several have already mentioned, how do you penalize the MP throttle setting, when engines could run at high power for longer periods than recommended? Ten demerits? (Hey, there's an idea, negative perks!

Just to mention, the P-38L, from what I understand, and I may be mistaken, is not modeled with actual WEP "power" since engines apparently did not use WEP operationally, even though in game it has a "WEP" setting. IF this is the case, then even though you are actually only reaching MP power when you apply WEP, you are limited to 5 minutes of MP until automatic cool off.