Dogfight has shown 30 players if they follow his directions that they will get their endogenous morphine or dopamine fix quickly and with subsiquent maintenance doses from the community complaining at them.
Extream and irrational behavior like the PM issue is probably due to low seratonin(tryptophan) levels. As you go longer without eating and playing the game for extended periods of time, your seritonan levels drop increasing your impulsivness, rejection of common sense, and social agressiviness. Sound like players you have known over the years guys? Oh and some of you who go to bed and seem to dream the game till you wake up....low seratonin.
Unfortunatly different players have different base seratonin levels and use up seratonin at different rates. You cannot really pick them out of the crowd until the low seratonin symptoms manifest themsleves in the agressive or poor behaviour. But, there is a simple fix. For some of you eat a bowl of chicken soup before you start the game. For others keep chocolate peices near the keyboard and eat a peice every 30-40 minutes. Your body cannot produce tryptothan which is our source for seratonin. You get it through food.
Chocolate will have a secondary effect. You will feel better about yourself and the game. Heck Hot CoCo or chocolate milk during or before the game. This all sounds so touch feely. But video gamers are starting to become an insurance health services payout for addiction and mental health problems. Whats the price of a peice of chocolate towards maintaining your ability to function socialy? Half of us spend thousands every year to get $#it faced drunk while playing this game.
This game and every other MMOG are being studied because of the health concerns surrounding the long periods of self imposed immersion and what it does to the endocrin systems ability to maintain your physical and mental health. Some studies are suggesting long periods of low seritonan levels can contribute to heart problems. So an Aces High with a better ballance of happy players may also be a healthier and more fun game. On a side note. Males need a tad bit of aggression to be healty. Thats how we are built.