So I tried a John Wayne flight. I was beginning to believe I was Nancyfied and needed to grow a pair of brass ones. Upped off a CV to defend a base under attack. There were 4 or 5 of us trying to break up an attack of 15-20 cons. I am neither a hero or a world class pilot but I can generally take care of my own. It was almost impossible to gain any alt, in the 5 minutes of flight I got hits on 4 different planes but only snap shots. It was much like shoving a hive of bees up your rear and swatting while running. Can't really run fast, can't sit still, unable to really concentrate long enough to make the kill.
How much skill it took to pull a John Wayne flight? I don't know, if I was better maybe I would have lasted 6 minutes. Maybe if I was briliant I would have lasted 7. Should I flatter myself into believing everyone else would have died after only 4? In any case, just plain old sucks.
I'll stick to my cartoon world of following Hartmann and crew about smart fights. If that means I should fly a pink plane - funny, my favorite Spit9 has a sand desert paint scheme, that appears pink.
The horde won!