WTG sloehand, it's always cool from the new guy's perspective to have someone teaching them how to fly.
i remember my first day, in April of 2009, and i was fortunate enough to have both Fudgums and ThndrEGG (same country at the time, although not working together) take me under their wing and teach me most of the game. it was on my 5th day of flight that i learned i was allowed to switch countrys, which i did, to bish. Lo and behold, it was the knits that gave me a hard time when i wanted to learn something.
So, i always find it imparative to take a new guy and fly a sortie or two with him, to teach him the game. i remember one enthusiastic young man (for the life of me i can't remember his tag) who was getting a real hard time from the community, and i took him in a spit8 (in my opinion the best training aircraft in the game). i feel like i did a good job, because after a few training flights we flew a combat sortie, and he scored his first ever kill! that is the best feeling in the world when you see the person YOU more or less trained succeeding in the game. i wish more of them had mics, though.....