The entire premise of your thread and that of some of the responders is just wrong.
I fly Spit XVI's a lot and rarely land more than three kills. On the other hand I can fly a 190A-8, a Bf-109E-4 or a P-40 and land three kills just as easily and maybe even more so.
The difference is in who and how you're willing to fight in differing aircraft. In the Spit I'm much more bold in how many cons I'm willing to take on at a time and how long I'll linger in a horde. 10 on 1 I'm in. In the E-4 I want to lower the odds against me. In a P-40 three on one's the limit.
It's easy to land many kills against buffs in an A-8, one of the ultimate buff hunters, but I can land just as many in a Spit, one of the most fragile aircraft in the game. Hell, I've killed three B-26's with a Hurricane Mk I.
My point is you can be successful or unsuccessful in any aircraft. It all depends on how you fly it and what you fly it against. Unless you're willing to define the fight paramaters then this thread makes no sense nor does a bias against a given aircraft, no matter what you think about it's ease of flight.