Author Topic: Is this a good fight?  (Read 3617 times)

Offline Tordon22

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #45 on: January 06, 2013, 08:45:04 PM »
Let's muddy the waters and digress further!

Batfink used to not blast me just so fights would go longer :)

Offline Midway

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #46 on: January 06, 2013, 09:01:14 PM »
Nrshida, with all respect... You're way off the mark ...


« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 09:09:14 PM by Midway »

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Offline Reaper90

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #47 on: January 06, 2013, 09:14:18 PM »
And what is more, so many people complain about how others fly, what others fly, where others fly until they are blue in the face. But then when they see someone, as in this clip, flying it out till the end without using any of the supposed verboten tactics, they find another reason to complain! Incredible how hard it is to please a human being sometimes. There is always something. Which just goes to show that next time someone complains at you for how you enjoy your AcesHigh time.....don't bother listening to them or changing anything...because they will only find another reason to complain if you do.

With all due respect, Batty, and you know I have nothing but respect for you... it has nothing to do with his flying, less to do with his plane choice... and everything to do with his attitude and desire to do any and everything in his power to irritate and be obnoxious. Unfortunately, I rarely see you in the MA, and haven't seen much of you in the MA for quite some time, save for the occasional appearance. Up until recently, when it seems who found a way to pretty much stay muted all of the time, he was the most intolerable POS in the game, like that really annoying guy you knew from school who would do and say things just to pizz people off to get a reaction. Honestly sir, you're... for lack of a better term... clueless as to what the true nature of the problem people have with this insufferable jakkazz.
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Offline SPKmes

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #48 on: January 06, 2013, 09:48:25 PM »
I'd say so bat.... but I'd have to say you made that fight..... I'm pretty sure you could have finished that sooner but allowed it to get slow... just my thoughts after fighting you.... you always give a chance and make a fight of it.

Oh I see somebody else noticed this as well   ;)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 09:50:03 PM by SPKmes »

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #49 on: January 06, 2013, 10:19:09 PM »
This fight was in a quiet area of the LMA about 4 months ago. Is this the kind of fight people are looking for when they log in?

Opinions please

Here you ask a question, and while it is later pointed out that these seems to be an ulterior motive...

Although I am sensing there might be an ulterior motive to the post  :), I would say a good fight.

The post continue some what about the fight, and a number of stray topics added in which you where shooting for anyway as the real topic which you admit to here ...

Another thing I'd like to voice is that a lot of people have tried to make negative comment about the spitfire pilot's flying in the video. So a couple of points on that:

1) This spitfire flying is way above average for MA flying ability

2) Most of the people with negative comments have decided they know the spitfire pilot and therefore voiced an opinion biased towards that person

3) Most of the people who posted negative comments couldn't do it any better

4) None of the people who posted negative comments have had a fight this good for a long time against a spitfire

5) The above probably being because they gave up from the start, ready to blame the enemy's plane choice for their demise before it is even certain

And what is more, so many people complain about how others fly, what others fly, where others fly until they are blue in the face. But then when they see someone, as in this clip, flying it out till the end without using any of the supposed verboten tactics, they find another reason to complain! Incredible how hard it is to please a human being sometimes. There is always something. Which just goes to show that next time someone complains at you for how you enjoy your AcesHigh time.....don't bother listening to them or changing anything...because they will only find another reason to complain if you do.

which really has nothing to do with "How someone flys". In the OP, it is all about the fight in that film. great work by both players to win the fight, no question about it. It doesn't matter who EITHER of the players are, because we are discussing the fight.

However, you take the thread totally away from the original post, now we are discussing how people complain or criticize. Make up your mind, which topic would you like to discuss? Because one certainly has nothing to do with the other.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 10:20:49 PM by The Fugitive »

Offline Tom5572

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2013, 12:46:11 AM »
A couple weeks ago, I went to the DA with Who. We had five fights, I lost them all. We both were flying the same A/C. I lost the fights through poor rolling scissors execution. A couple of the fights he owned me, a couple were good. Who has improved a lot since he first started. Perhaps he is a shade, I do not know or care. He executed well timed maneuvers and beat me.

Bat, it was a good fight. Great throttle control and SA. The Spit was doing well too.
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Offline Midway

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #51 on: January 07, 2013, 02:59:56 AM »
A couple weeks ago, I went to the DA with Who. We had five fights, I lost them all. We both were flying the same A/C. I lost the fights through poor rolling scissors execution. A couple of the fights he owned me, a couple were good. Who has improved a lot since he first started. Perhaps he is a shade, I do not know or care. He executed well timed maneuvers and beat me.

Bat, it was a good fight. Great throttle control and SA. The Spit was doing well too.

Thank you TomG. :)
You didn't have to say that, and I very much appreciate you publicly being this nice to me. :salute :rock

After HOing you a bit recently though, I am not worthy. :cry

I suspect the Spitfire pilot in the video may not be me.. not that it matters much. :)

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #52 on: January 07, 2013, 03:25:41 AM »
 Well, I did not intend any ulterior motive infact. I purely wanted to know if this was a good fight. What transpired was that some people decided they knew who the spitfire pilot was and thus biased their answers completely. My previous post about people never being satisfied was not planned or shot for, it simply became apparent to me during the thread. My apologies if anyone thinks I have deceived them. I would like to point out quite clearly that at no point has anyone confirmed or denied who the other pilot in the film was. People just got an idea and went with it. Therefore I would like to suggest that it was not me who made the motive of this thread spurious at all but infact it was the replies that made the threads subject matter uncertain.
 I challenge anyone to deny the massive irony in people complaining about lack of fights and then when seeing a great fight, complaining about how the spitfire flew even though it stayed in the fight for over seven minutes. That irony was not a product of design of the OP.

  Even so, many people ignored the fact that the spitfire pilot may have been a person that annoys them and answered about the fight, which can give us hope. This is one of the best communities on the interwebs.
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Offline nrshida

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #53 on: January 07, 2013, 05:56:29 AM »

This thread appeared something like 24 hours after you contributed in the Operation Midway thread, where you took the standpoint that you didn't think Midway was a one (or two) trick pony and that he never HOed you and that you had had good long fights with him in a remote corner of the MA.

Then you post this film stating:-

This fight was in a quiet area of the LMA about 4 months ago.

...featuring an 'anonymous', brown Spitfire Mark VIII who you say once again later in this thread is not a one trick pony (or words to that effect).

Are you seriously asserting that you had no ulterior motive?

 I challenge anyone to deny the massive irony in people complaining about lack of fights and then when seeing a great fight, complaining about how the spitfire flew even though it stayed in the fight for over seven minutes. That irony was not a product of design of the OP.

This is no challenge and no irony, this is a Strawman argument. No one is complaining about Midway's aeroplane choice nor that he sticks around and gives a fight. That is commendable and something I even complimented him on in my Goodbye Midway letter.

Furthermore no one is complaining about applying the attributes of their aircraft against the other. You do this throughout this fight, exploiting superior slow speed stability, tighter turn radius in that regime and the natural predisposition of this 109 to drop its nose automatically in combination to force your overshoots.

No, our objection is very simple and explicit: It is all of Midway's other antics built upon his fighting activities to which we object. If he stopped doing that and just fought then there would be no aggravation at all. Of course he wouldn't get as much attention that way.

  Even so, many people ignored the fact that the spitfire pilot may have been a person that annoys them and answered about the fight, which can give us hope. This is one of the best communities on the interwebs.

And by implication those who were able to see your ulterior motive and recognise the pilot immediately give this community despair? Stop messing around then and post the ahf file and prove the Brown Baron wasn't Midway.

There is no accidental transpiration of events in this thread you engineered this as a trap and it backfired. There would be more dignity in acknowledging this instead of trying to project the wrongdoing onto the faction you have identified as 'bullying' Midway.

This community could be even better, if that certain small minority would not allow the interweb to amplify their egos and personality issues. It only takes a little discipline, they are presumably reasonably civilised in 'normal' interaction? This is no longer an endeavour however to which I choose to apply energy.

Batfink I bear you no ill-will personally you have always been respectful and polite to me and I reciprocate your compliment by saying you are undoubtedly a highly skilled virtual pilot. I think this endeavour was a little shady on your part, but I shan't hold it against you since you clearly feel very strongly on this matter.

I have a suggestion for you: if you think Midway is an innocent, persecuted by other players why don't you take him in hand, schedule regular appointments and teach him everything you know about ACM. Then step back and see what he does with that knowledge.

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #54 on: January 07, 2013, 06:47:20 AM »
Shida, you definitely read too much into my words here. Yes of course I knew that the Spit8 would rouse suspicion especially considering the recent 'operation midway' thread that you started. That does not mean to say that I forced anyone to react to that ambiguity.

just to clear up my opinions. I have not once defended midway. I am contradicting people I disagree with about his flying ability which, while not outstanding yet, is certainly worthy of creating a fun fight. More importantly, he does stay around and fight. If you read through the Operation Midway thread again you will see countless posts berating midway for his flying ability and not his personality. This leads me to believe the some people just intend to attempt to put him down about the only thing they think he may care about. An endeavour which proved to fail as we already know he has a cast iron ego. I also commented on the fact that his public self congratulation is only a more basic form of what we all do when we present a side of ourself we like to the community. Because his is so open it fails to annoy me in any way. If it says midway on the tin and I open it to see a contents of midway, how could I complain?

You say no one is complaining at midway's aeroplane choice but that is simply not true. His predilection for flying the spitfire is one of the main things people like to attack him for.

There is no accidental transpiration of events in this thread you engineered this as a trap and it backfired. There would be more dignity in acknowledging this instead of trying to project the wrongdoing onto the faction you have identified as 'bullying' Midway.

If it was a trap that backfired what did I intend? For you to say 'good fight' then for me to say 'aha, but this is midway!' Then I suppose I would have slapped my knee and had a jolly good chuckle at your expense?

No. Exactly the opposite infact. If the midway witch hunters had said 'good fight' without prejudice I would have been impressed. What I suspected was that negative feedback would be given by some simply because they thought they knew who was flying one of the aircraft. No matter if Midway deserves your derision or not, to assume who is flying and then base your appraisal of the flying displayed upon that fact is proof alone that one is deeply affected by the antics of Midway. Which, unless I am mistaken, is his intended result. Ergo he is actually encouraged by the reactions he is given.

So yes, you are right that I had thoughts in my mind as to the impact my film might have. I did not however try to trick anyone. You see what you want to see and write what you want to write.

It does not matter who was flying the spitfire.

I must also state that I am not defending anyone, nor do I intend to. If I enter any discussion with my typically off the wall viewpoints it is purely for my own sake. I also have no issue with anyone. I loves you all.

If anyone is interested, this film will be part of a training series I'm currently trying to make which will, rather than explain technical aspects, just explain what the pilot was thinking during the film. I'll be posting it in the training forum sometimes today and hopefully making many more.

here is that thread now:,343759.0.html

« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 07:37:36 AM by mechanic »
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline Tordon22

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #55 on: January 07, 2013, 07:01:08 AM »
Hmm, if I enjoy this thread, should I give skins another chance on netflix? :)

Offline nrshida

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #56 on: January 07, 2013, 02:01:52 PM »
Shida, you definitely read too much into my words here.

It is my nature and business to go deeply to the core of things. I'm not going to debate your motives and degree of deception. Your point about a difference between flying and personality is absolutely accepted. I myself would love to only deal with Midway's flying, let him bring his best face-shooting game to the match and it is for me to figure out how to deny him that shot.

Those who simply have a grudge against the Spitfire should know better, those that have a grudge against a face-shooting Spitfire start to have a credible objection and those who object to a face-shooting Spitfire pilot who then uses this as a platform from which to perpetually troll other players and demand respect for his falsely amplified 'fighting prowess' absolutely do have the right to complain.

No you have not defended Midway but you have not criticised or challenged him either, this is a different thing.

Midway is going to attract an awful lot of criticism, insults and derision and I am sure he accepts this as an occupational hazard and perhaps an enjoyable part of his activities here. He should really, if there is any semblance to real life don't you think?

He doesn't have a cast iron ego, he has a fragile ego and a strict gameplan / flowchart to protect his need and insecurity some of which I listed in the other thread, but this is now uninteresting to me.

I don't think everyone agreed it was a good fight, so unfortunately your experiment can't be entirely successful. Nor did I observe your direct connection between people's opinion of Midway and the fight. I thought several people who knew it was him still commented about the fight in isolation.

Midway essentially breaks the social convention of this community repeatidly, that's why people get offended. The convention which I learned here as I'm sure did you was that smack talking about owning someone necessitated a session in the DA in the same planes and with the same energy and no interuptions, a convention which Midway cannot adhere because it would undermine his trickery and everybody now knows it.

I think your new film series sounds like an interesting and beneficial project which will be received favourably by the community.

I loves you all.

 :salute Batfink.

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Offline 68ZooM

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #57 on: January 07, 2013, 02:32:39 PM »
Quote from: mechanic
You say no one is complaining at midway's aeroplane choice but that is simply not true. His predilection for flying the spitfire is one of the main things people like to attack him for.

I don't think people attack him for his choice of plane their sick and tired of his pompous arrogant egotistical attitude displayed in game and on the bb, on many occasions (forget to squelch him upon entering the arena) I've seen him on 200 carrying  on how he pwned this guy or that guy over and over to the point of being sickening, the last rant he went on before his latest mute was his rant on how much he owned skyrock just going on and onand on will he was muted.

Personally I can't stand the guy that's why I have him muted on the bbs and instantly mute him upon entering the game, he's just an attention seeking person and quite frankly annoying .
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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #58 on: January 07, 2013, 03:28:28 PM »
Even if it was Midway, it's a good fight  :rolleyes:
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Offline Sunka

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Re: Is this a good fight?
« Reply #59 on: January 07, 2013, 03:31:04 PM »
I found this fight fun to watch ,and all around most likely a fun fight for both players.Neather of these players suck ,that's easy to say but the 109 stick from wining the merge threw the whole fight is the better stick (i think),though he could have lost that fight many times with a good head shot from the spit.
I wont go in to flying styles as i was not in the fight and could not see it from the spits point of view.
Ty for sharing though and i would love to get up with that 109 stick for a while.
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