effin A man. My neighbor is the same way. This guy is in his 70s and a retired engineer so I know he's no dope but when he's spoutin off this stuff. "Wow, just wow" it is. I'm like dude--do you have any idea how many planes and fuel for them and material loaded onto them you'd need to seed the entire gargantuan area that is our atmosphere? Do the math! He tells me "they're" doing it. I'm blown away there's peeps out there that think this seriously. I always got a kick out of Art Bell/George Noory but sheesh, I never bought into any of it! LOL
Man, my friend has given up anything resembling reason or rational evidence based logic...
claims that there are entities that are milking us for our energy, they are spraying barium and aluminum to keep us stressed out where the milking is more productive(when I explained to him how it would be inefficiant even for higher intelligence to use airplanes, he says they are doing it with drones and invisable aircraft technology), Claims that all the scientists are controlled by the control system, that government leaders around the world participate in child sacrafice, that the ancient tribes in Africa are privie to all this and their warnings go unheeded(the main voice being Creedo Mutwa), that they control all the earthquakes and weather, that the moon is a hollow sphere placed there by the entities to help amplify controlling effect of signals sent by our ancient bi-nary sun Saturn, that these entities encoded our left brain intelligence via DNA altering 5000 years ago to steer us away from our natural savant ability to detect and avoid them, the pyramids were built by these entities, that these entities installed a handpicked line of mutants to be the world leaders and the bush family is one of them, 9/11 was done by this family, JFK was shot from the front.....
I just listed what I remember him telling me last night, and I listened to him, then I tried to lure him back to a rational way of looking at these ideas... what frustrated me most is the fact that he completely threw science and evidenced based logic out the door. I mean I am floored by this. I have seen some videos and heard some of the conspiracy nuts before and never would have thought that my bud would be one of them.... Although he was a hard core christian in the past and that always worried me, but he went straight from 2500 year old iron age religion to modern day youtube conspiracy nut! Just Wow!