I stand by all words and concepts you quoted.
Unfortunately for all of us, evidence suggests otherwise...
Further, I'm not "trolling"
Just because you're inept at it doesn't mean you're not trolling.
and your name calling and attempted disparagement of my honest opinions, facts, and views speaks volumes.
If your opinion would actually matter, you wouldn't have to endlessly repeat how honest and factual your opinions are.
Consider your way, bighorn.
I've already passed the finish line and somewhere you have taken the wrong turn. Consider the GPS, Midway...
Now, back to the topic at hand. The good name and reputation of Badboy, an awesome trainer, pilot, and person.
One, by the way whom has gone out of his way to help me, scheduled time with me in the TA, etc... A good man with strength of character and awesome contributions. A good and awesome man/pilot/contributor indeed.
Indeed, nothing against Badboy, a true community asset.
But then, there's a very "Strange Case of Dr Badboy and Mr Gunzo". Not that I care much about, I just can't let pitiful little troll like you vituperate an upstanding person as NrShida is. All that in favor of a person who is proven griefer, whether is that Badboy himself, or his alleged son Gunzo. Either way, it's Badboy's responsibility to clean up.
And before you start screaming here again like a spoiled toddler, let's just say that nobody owes you any explanation, or evidence, or anything else for that matter. If and when we do, even when directed at you, it is not because of you nor it is for you. It's for everybody else but you, you got that, little troll?