'Public shaming' is it's own behavioral issue.
If Arlo Guthrie had believed that, you sir, would not have a name. Use his activism as a guide and stop being a sissy. This board needs your picture finding/creating/posting power in order to properly and thoroughly shame Bomb N' Bailers (BnBers).
I'm here for my game (not like some who are way too much into the shame game). 
I know you are, which is why we need your help. Your game is this BBS. This is where you can make an impact. You don't need to type anything witty (

), all we ask is that you be vigilant. When a BnB thread comes up (or a BnBer is mentioned in a thread) you spring (OK, just slowly animate) into action and blast all necessary threads with pictures designed to shame the BnBer. That's it.
All we ask you to do is just be... you.