Author Topic: Support for 3D Monitors, Glasses, and Goggles (Oculus Rift, Vive, etc)  (Read 9063 times)

Offline hitech

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Hows the GUI working in general for you?  Have you both mapped a JS button to perform left click functions?

Also Gman ,please turn on your xbox controller and try it.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 03:22:25 PM by hitech »

Offline Vulcan

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It's truly incredible and needs to be seen first-hand, as the YT videos and screen shots don't do it justice at all. 

I reckon FSO will be a good source of videos when AH3 gets released.

Offline Easyscor

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Reading all these I think you have a new name, not AH3, but Aces High VR.

Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline Gman

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HT - I haven't mapped a JS button to mouse click, but I'll try that today.  I don't know that I really need it myself, but I will set it up today for test purposes, I've just been using the regular mouse by "feel" and it works fine for me.  I can navigate around the GUI/clipboard, move the chat/radio boxes, and all that very well IMO.  The clipboard I do find is hard to get facing completely flat in some of the places I put it, but I think this is just my lack of familiarity, as is the majority of my messing about so far.

Regarding head placement in the cockpits, is that something that can be moved around like in the regular monitor/non VR part of the game?  IE can you pick a specific spot you want as your "baseline" head position, and I just haven't figured out how?  The zoom feature in the Rift works fantastic, unlike the Vive, at least for me, but in other games, this is a common Vive issue I've found too.  I much prefer the Rift in AH beta as well as other cockpit/driving games, for certain. 

I turned on the Xbox controller, and it didn't recognize it,  but I forgot that I probably need to map it in controllers, am I right?  I'll try it again later today and post again.

It's truly amazing flying around, not even shooting anything, but just observing the world around yourself, from inside the cockpit to out the windows.

Offline hitech

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HT - I haven't mapped a JS button to mouse click, but I'll try that today.  I don't know that I really need it myself, but I will set it up today for test purposes, I've just been using the regular mouse by "feel" and it works fine for me.  I can navigate around the GUI/clipboard, move the chat/radio boxes, and all that very well IMO.  The clipboard I do find is hard to get facing completely flat in some of the places I put it, but I think this is just my lack of familiarity, as is the majority of my messing about so far.

Regarding head placement in the cockpits, is that something that can be moved around like in the regular monitor/non VR part of the game?  IE can you pick a specific spot you want as your "baseline" head position, and I just haven't figured out how?  The zoom feature in the Rift works fantastic, unlike the Vive, at least for me, but in other games, this is a common Vive issue I've found too.  I much prefer the Rift in AH beta as well as other cockpit/driving games, for certain. 

I turned on the Xbox controller, and it didn't recognize it,  but I forgot that I probably need to map it in controllers, am I right?  I'll try it again later today and post again.

It's truly amazing flying around, not even shooting anything, but just observing the world around yourself, from inside the cockpit to out the windows.

You could simply set a new head center with Ctrl F4, I.E. Center VR when entering the plane.

If it saw the controller, when you entered the game there should be a 3d object of the controller showing what is mapped.
Did you pair the controller?


Offline Gman

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It was there, I just hadn't set it up in the control panel/controllers setup in game.  I set up the axes/etc - you know what, the game is actually pretty playable with the xbox controller, I could shoot VERY accurately, I was surprised at how good those little thumbsticks work.  All the stuff worked well with it.

As for the clipboard - it must have just been that time I was using it, as now it's flat as it should be, and looks great, easy to move around and so on.

Again, I'm really surprised at how good the xbox controller works in the game, I'd never have guessed that it would work so well as a flightstick.  I'm going to set up the other stick for views and try it again later. 

Offline hitech

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It was there, I just hadn't set it up in the control panel/controllers setup in game.  I set up the axes/etc - you know what, the game is actually pretty playable with the xbox controller, I could shoot VERY accurately, I was surprised at how good those little thumbsticks work.  All the stuff worked well with it.

As for the clipboard - it must have just been that time I was using it, as now it's flat as it should be, and looks great, easy to move around and so on.

Again, I'm really surprised at how good the xbox controller works in the game, I'd never have guessed that it would work so well as a flightstick.  I'm going to set up the other stick for views and try it again later.
Btw I am considering a change to the view system, Right now the view override the vr, I was think of simply stacking the vr on top of the view. So pressing left would simply turn your body, then the VRs fwd view would simply be left.


Offline Gman

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I think that'd be a really good way to incorporate the view system, at least IMO. With relation to quick viewing needed for combat/keeping track of the enemy, I think it's a great solution.

That cntrl +f4 command, is that an "Aces High" command or a "Rift" command that works in any Rift game - works like a charm.

Offline Vulcan

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Btw I am considering a change to the view system, Right now the view override the vr, I was think of simply stacking the vr on top of the view. So pressing left would simply turn your body, then the VRs fwd view would simply be left.


A gentle remind about view track scaling (ie 140 degrees IRL = 180 degrees in game stuff). With Opentrack and AH2 I can check 6 without needing an orthopedic surgeon afterwards.

Offline Gman

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I'm not sure if there is a setting in the Vive/Rift controllers coming in the future, or if it is on the game developers to figure out, but some sort of head track scaling would be massively beneficial for air combat games where you need to look behind you and around your views quickly.  Right now, checking 6 in VR in a whole host of flying games is essentially a no-go, or at the very least extremely difficult.  HT's idea a few posts up, if I understand it right, would mean that the ability to look behind you and other directions quickly and easily would be solved without having to set up some sort of scaling, by letting the player use key/stick buttons to look in a direction as without VR, yet then have the VR just pointed/looking where that keypress view put you.  At least that's what I think it meant, and I for one think that would work in lieu of TrackIR-like scaling curves in VR.

Offline Vulcan

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I use OpenTrack with AH2 - it provides scaling. I don't see what the big deal is.

When you look behind you three components of your body are typically used, your shoulders, your neck, and your eyeballs. VR does not allow for eyeball movement to be taken into consideration. It forces you to try and move your neck and body more than you would IRL.

Offline Gman

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Re: Support for 3D Monitors, Glasses, and Goggles (Oculus Rift, Vive, etc)
« Reply #56 on: August 16, 2016, 11:03:02 PM »
Bit of a bump, but I see you've incorporated the hat view system with VR now HT.  This if fantastic for VR players, and gives them a fighting change vs trackIr/hat/keypad view users, as you can now quickly use your thumb hat on the stick to look at angles that are very difficult and take a long time in VR to get your eyes/head to.

Is there a way to reverse the way the VR set looks, example if I look left or behind say, when I move my head in VR it feels like the movement is opposite, ie if I look back, and turn my head left, it moves right, same with viewing right/left.  I think I'm just missing a setting.

Also, is there a way to have the mouse control with the clipboard back, or does the player have to use the head movement with the VR "dot" in the Rift to move the "cursor/dot" around.

Huge addition to VR, once I get it figured out more, it'll make all the difference in the world for dog fighting in VR.

Offline FLS

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Re: Support for 3D Monitors, Glasses, and Goggles (Oculus Rift, Vive, etc)
« Reply #57 on: August 17, 2016, 12:06:21 AM »
What I'm seeing with VR with hat views is the view moves with your head movement so you can't look around while using the hat views. It's disorienting.  What I'd like to see is the hat temporarily re-centering your view to each direction but still letting you move your head position and look around.

Offline Zimme83

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Re: Support for 3D Monitors, Glasses, and Goggles (Oculus Rift, Vive, etc)
« Reply #58 on: August 17, 2016, 12:29:52 AM »
I have one of those 3D screens..
''The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge'' - Stephen Hawking

Offline Gman

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Re: Support for 3D Monitors, Glasses, and Goggles (Oculus Rift, Vive, etc)
« Reply #59 on: August 17, 2016, 01:33:17 AM »
Yes FLS, but did you notice the views move backwards as well, ie left goes right, right goes left?  That's what I'm getting. If that is changed and the movement given more "sweep" or scale or distance, whatever you want to call it - it'll be perfect. In any case, it's a huge stride in the right direction, DCS sure doesn't have anything like this, and that's why guys with VR get SCHOOLED by non VR players in online h2h fights.  Big time.

How you describe it is optimal too IMO, but I'm sure HTC knows this already, it's early days, and HT JUST said the other day he was considering this and it's here and working in an alpha level already.  Now unlike VR in other flight/fight games, you'll actually have a chance to win fights in VR, again, once it's optimized a bit more.  If it gets to where you described it FLS, in fact I think it'll not be a hindrance at all being in VR in terms of keeping sight of targets while using it.  Very exciting.  I was really surprised to see it functioning as much as it is already, very happy this is being implemented, otherwise it'd been a "bomber/etc" only deal in VR online for me, as pvp in fighters you would be dead meat vs a trackIR/non VR pilot.  I flew around in VR for a couple hours offline tonight - it's going to be the future, maybe it'll take years, but it's GOING to happen IMO, so much potential, and such a fantastic feeling.