My Tweet IP had an Iranian student that wouldn't do spin recoveries. Period. Sat on his hands so to speak. Got to the point where it was the last chance for romance. IP told him he'd demo one and then Abdul HAD to enter and recover from just ONE spin or he was going home. Getting sent home without wings was not a good thing in the days of the Shah.
So, demo. Next Abdul puts her in the spin entry correctly but holds full aft stick forever while yelling essentially this is the day we meet Allah. IP keeps telling him to initiate recovery, IP keeps trying to push stick forward, yelling continues with stick full aft. IP unable to get stick forward at all due to leverage situation with stick touching bellybutton.
Passing 10,000, IP begins slamming his fist into Abdul's O2 mask. Third hit, Abdul takes hands off stick to protect face and IP recovers. Threatens to kill Abdul if he touches the stick again. Aircraft RTB Willie, Abdul RTB Iran.
Interesting that a Saudi Arabian student in our Tweet flight had issues with a compass, it turned out. He and his IP walked in from flying one day. The IP had completely lost it and was screaming at the top of his voice at the back of the stud’s head. While out in their assigned tube (airspace sectors), the IP commanded a turn to a cardinal compass heading and the guy turns the wrong direction to a different point on the compass and stops. Long story short, this stud had no idea what a compass was, nor how to use it. The IP spent along time quizzing him on compass headings. It wasn’t in this guy’s tool bag of skills.
Then there was the Iranian student, who must have been asleep during life support class when they explained the ejection seat, parachute, how to use both, and the contingencies for malfunctions. A rather long story but, he hadn’t a clue what the metal “D” shaped thing on the front of his parachute harness was used for.
A friend from F-106 days, had been a T-38 IP prior. One day while flying with a Saudi stud in the traffic pattern, this guy tigered the final turn a bit too much and was rapidly approaching a stall. My IP buddy screamed for him to unload and go full afterburners. The stud threw his hands up in the air and proclaimed “Allah with take care of us”, which prompted my friend to grab the stick, slam the throttles to the full afterburner stops, and recover from the base to final turn stall they were entering. He flew around the pattern for a more conventional approach and landing from the back seat. The debrief was very short and direct. My buddy then went to his flight commander, explained what happened, and went home for the day. On the way home, he stopped at the class VI store, bought a case of beer, and commenced to recover from the day.