I think the reason I like his playing is because he plays riffs we heard in older rock. Getting less likely to hear that skill in modern music.
Kinda why I backed off mixing monitors for concerts, unless its old skewl band. The skill level has dipped.
Today, unless its old vets its s hired gun or session guys going out with an artist for a tour.
Quite a few popular bands got hired guns to make them break through.
Judas Priest is one example. Had they not hired an outside gtr player they would have never got out of the rock bars. Billy Idol same thing.
An interesting video to watch on this subject is literally called “Hired Guns”.
The man gtr player in that video was hired as Joe’s gtr tech. But thr guy can play everything on a gtr. Killer player.
The day we have full bands where all are very talented has been fading.
Point being liking Joe is holding on to that old skewl type talent. Kinda like grasping AH.
Kinda why I liked working with Carol King. Most hit songs in the 70s were written by her, snd then studio was sometimes done by “The Wrecking Crew” musicians. To me one of the few who towered over the bands/players. These skills are being lost.
Joe just files a void.
Some of that old skewl pop influence creeps out of some of your tunes. That makes a mental connection association.
I’m an engineer, not a producer, so its more just educated opinion. I usually get ya after you go all through that and ready to thump a stage.

I like new artist who never heard what I do and watch the look on their faces. Priceless. Most new arist haven’t heard 30k-50k watts in monitors.