Author Topic: SuperBowl Anti-drug Commercials  (Read 2961 times)

Offline Soviet

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« Reply #75 on: February 04, 2002, 07:00:47 PM »
Originally posted by AKSWulfe
Potheads are the scum of the earth , and they dont deserve to live on it. Why not reactive the

"United Pot Heads of America Squad"

You can all go there and O/D

So basically what you are saying here is "I'm a complete and total diddlying moron. I don't know what I'm talking about, I don't have the mental capacity to go out and read about anything I'm talking about and I don't care to know what I'm talking about. So long as the crap continuously spews forth from me like diarhea"

That's basically what you are saying... because you can't overdose on marijuana you damn fool!

stfu pothead and quit using your diddlying weed.  Weed is bad for you.  If I were prez you would be one of my first executions.

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #76 on: February 04, 2002, 07:02:04 PM »
Originally posted by JoeCrip
Rab, do i think Bush should be president...NO. I voted Gore

...who also admitted to smoking weed.


Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #77 on: February 04, 2002, 07:03:18 PM »
Yes, something you assumed. Because you didn't do pot, you assumed.... well here's an assumption, I'll assume that these things are actually out there on the internet. Easy to find. Two search strings you can start off with: Marijuana and THC.

Once you're done assuming, and you actually know a lick of what you are talking about- come back and we'll talk. Until then, shut the hell up. You are only making yourself look dumber by the post.

Offline Soviet

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« Reply #78 on: February 04, 2002, 07:03:30 PM »
Originally posted by mrfish

...who also admitted to smoking weed.


Mr. Fish so your saying since others have done it, it is perfectly acceptable.  That just proves your easily influenced by others.

Offline JoeCrip

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« Reply #79 on: February 04, 2002, 07:03:31 PM »
MrFish,  go knock yourself up on glue or somthing

Offline JoeCrip

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« Reply #80 on: February 04, 2002, 07:05:10 PM »
go knock yourself up on glue or somthing

AKS, same goes for you

Defending drugs? Thats one of the lowelsty acts i have ever seen. You need to get a job, and do some work. Have you ever heard of work? or just sticking the glue bottle up your nose?:rolleyes:

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #81 on: February 04, 2002, 07:07:22 PM »
Originally posted by Soviet

Mr. Fish so your saying since others have done it, it is perfectly acceptable.  That just proves your easily influenced by others., no what i'm saying is that joe crip voted for a pothead for office.

but good try though, you almost had a cogent thought.

Offline JoeCrip

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« Reply #82 on: February 04, 2002, 07:09:13 PM »
MrFish, i would say you have the equvilance of a 3rd grade education? If you didnt understand what soviet said, you obviously aint too bright:eek:

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #83 on: February 04, 2002, 07:12:19 PM »
all i know is that somewhere, in some trailor park, somehwere in america, someone isnt going to get their pizza on time unless you two get off the boss's computer and get back to that job you're so proud of.

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #84 on: February 04, 2002, 07:13:03 PM »
What's the matter, you two ran out of roadkill to spout, so now you are relying on the insults to prove your point?

Well, I'll give you this much, beyond a doubt you two are completely and totally clueless. You believe the lies you were fed, and you have absolutely no intention of double checking anything. You believe drug users are scum, when in fact it's the drug dealers, and drug lords... and guess who the hell keeps those kinds of people in business? That's right, the UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

Soviet, half of everything you do everyday is bad for you. Diet coke? toejam, that's bad for you. That fake sugar (nutra sweet) ain't no good for you. It'll give you a stroke, and can lead to other complications. Alka Seltzer- you ever wondered why they pulled it from the shelves a few years back? It's back now, but if you compare the active ingredients of the two, you'll notice something missing on the newer version. Why? The old one killed several people, and left others disabled from strokes.

Weed is only bad for you if you smoke it. You can ingest it and be fine. But, just as weed is bad for you, the ignorance you are portraying here is much worse. Makes you look like a fool.

Offline Raubvogel

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« Reply #85 on: February 04, 2002, 07:14:07 PM »
Originally posted by mrfish
all i know is that somewhere, in some trailor park, somehwere in america, someone isnt going to get their pizza on time unless you two get off the boss's computer and get back to that job you're so proud of.

LMFAO, thanks for making me spit all over my monitor. :D

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #86 on: February 04, 2002, 07:16:24 PM »
Originally posted by JoeCrip
Defending drugs? Thats one of the lowelsty acts i have ever seen. You need to get a job, and do some work. Have you ever heard of work? or just sticking the glue bottle up your nose?:rolleyes:  

Yes, work I know what that is. No, I do not give blow jobs on the corner for 2cents/hour like you... I work for.... the FEDERAL government.


Offline Sandman

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« Reply #87 on: February 04, 2002, 07:23:58 PM »
Originally posted by JoeCrip

AKS, same goes for you

Defending drugs? Thats one of the lowelsty acts i have ever seen. You need to get a job, and do some work. Have you ever heard of work? or just sticking the glue bottle up your nose?:rolleyes:  

You're fooling yourself Joe. Check your history. Mankind has been using all sorts of mind altering substances since the beginning of history.

It's not a morality issue. No matter what the D.A.R.E. cops told you.

There are plenty of fine, upstanding, productive members of society that use drugs... and I'm not just talking about the big three (alcohol, nicotine, caffiene).

P.S. Some of them are PARENTS !
« Last Edit: February 04, 2002, 07:32:53 PM by Sandman »

Offline Udie

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« Reply #88 on: February 04, 2002, 07:31:28 PM »
Originally posted by JoeCrip
funked, i am 23, i follow the law, and work hard. I did listen to the DARE cops and look now. I am sucessful, and have a job. These pot heads are robbing people to get money for their *precious high*. They need to get a life and a job.

 I'm 32 have a good paying job with fantastic benefits 1 year into my new career, 12 years into my working life.  Didn't finish highschool or college and defenately ignored Nancy Reagan when she said "Just say No!".   I've been in meetings with multi millionairs designing thier houses and they had no clue that I burned a big fatty on the way to the meeting.  I now do civil design which ain't easy let me tell you. There's all kinds of math involved, trig, geometry, some calculus and even diferential equations.  You know what?  20 years of HEAVY[/u] pot smoking has had no ill effect on my ability to learn or perform my job duties or any other life duty.  The only thing that bothers me is my writing skill suck.  I didn't learn those before I dropped out and have never bothered to try to learn propper grammar.   I notice that others that did graduate have the same problem though so I don't give it much thought.  Pot smokers aren't what you think they are man.  Just like a gun don't kill a person, pot doesn't make somebody a lazy do nothing criminal, that's already in them.  Live a bit more and I bet you'll see that first hand as you see you're friends lives all take diferent paths.  I know NO criminal pot smokers and probobly 60% or more of the people I know smoke.

 Here's a list of people I robbed or mugged to get my fix.


 Now I'm proud for you that you managed to navigate your way through the teenage years without lighting up or drinking beer or doing any thing illegal.  That's a damned tough thing to do and if you've done it you should be proud.  Do you're self a favor one day,  light one up so you can see what you misssed.

 You want to talk about smack heads or crack heads or meth addicts being bad people then I'll agree with ya, but pot smokers aren't like that.  You'd be suprised who lights up........................... ........:cool:
« Last Edit: February 04, 2002, 07:36:20 PM by Udie »

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #89 on: February 04, 2002, 07:38:14 PM »
Wow... Udie and I are on the same side of an argument...

Go figure. :D