Originally posted by 28sweep
Look I think we are getting off the topic here. All I meant to say is that all Americans have been selected by God to rule over the Earth. It doesn't matter what race you are or anything….even if you where just naturalized as a citizen….as long as your American. Look its not easy being American. We've got a lot of responsibility in this world. Kind of like we are the parents and the rest of the world are our children (except in Canada's case…they are more like our dumb pets). It's our responsibility to keep you out of trouble. When Germany punches England in the sandbox its our job to break it up. When the Serb's need a spanking…it's the US that’s got the belt. When Canada needs a litter box changed….we laugh and let them stand in their own…well you know what I mean. It's not easy being the US. As "children of the world" you have responsibility too. You must brush your teeth, start to work hard, and pay you respects to us.
LOL "rule over the earth" you cant even rule over yourselves.
As for the rest of your ramblings, I guess we can chalk this one up to "General american inferiority complex". I mean...in my home town we have bridges that are older than your country. We have churches from 1300-something. We have a history, a culture, a heritage, common ground, something to be proud of. What do you have? History? Sure... all the way back to 1776...impressive.
But you know the story, bunch a group of strangers together for long enough, and they will try to find common ground, something to rally around. And since you americans dont have any common culture or common heritage (after all how could you, since you are all immigrants or decendants of immigrants from dozens of countries) you rally around artificial stuff...like a piece of paper (aka "the constitution") or a piece of cloth (aka "the stars and stripes") You then pledge allegience to either the piece of paper, or the piece of cloth...since you really dont have anything else around.
Now I dare you 28sweep to say something clever here, so I can get the opportunity to get into all sorts of messy details, such as average IQ in the US, or average level of education, or crime statistics, or some other humiliating statistic. Now squelch yourself and go play with your piece of cloth and that paper...