Author Topic: Warbirds III Free for August, But ....  (Read 2224 times)

Offline AKSWulfe

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #60 on: August 09, 2001, 07:13:00 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ:
I see creamo is still upset I carbombed his retared vulching bellybutton once 6 month ago.

Creamo is such a tard he cant even vulch right.....

Where's that dolt "Ruskie" when you need him?

Offline lazs1

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #61 on: August 09, 2001, 08:09:00 AM »
I want to hear the "historic" "realism" crowds explanation for why we shouldn't have each and every one of creamos ideas in the HA or combat arena.   Please be specific about each item mentioned.
thank you

Offline hblair

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #62 on: August 09, 2001, 08:22:00 AM »

Creamo and lazs have joined forces in the bashing of the new arena.


Here's an idea, if you don't like it, don't fly there! You guys shouldn't feel inferior because you like more radar, etc. It doesn't make you less of a man, it just means you can't hang with the real men, that's all. No reason to be so self-conscious about it, no reason to go on the attack.

Lighten up fellas.


Offline Creamo

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2001, 08:30:00 AM »
I haven't commented on the new HA HB, certainly haven't bashed it. Relax. You will ahve plenty of time to spout off, and all your LW quitting buddies now have a perfect excuse to fianlly get back into AH without being totally humiliated, which is a good thing.

I made a goof on all the realism nuts yesterday as I was bored. HTC released a "Combat Arena" sometime last night. And it's not a HA arena that I envisioned, it's like a scenario I played with Skernsk one Sunday. It was fun. Skernsk spotted all the dots, which were LAncasters... we slaughtered them before Tempests slaughtered us.  :)

There's 0 people in there now, so i'll wait till you realism fanatics get in there and have fun too.

Offline hblair

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #64 on: August 09, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
Just playin creamo.


Offline Creamo

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #65 on: August 09, 2001, 09:53:00 AM »
Well of course, me too. You the rabbit!


(credits-the best thing WWIIOL BBS ever provided. This guy rocks)

Offline jedi

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #66 on: August 09, 2001, 11:51:00 AM »
I'd like to hear the "furballin fun" crowd's explanation for why we need stalls, or spins, or "realistic" gunnery and damage then    :rolleyes:  I mean, if you're gonna have fantasy, why limit yourself to "real" physics?  ;)

It just boils down to what level of "realism" is necessary to pass your individual threshold of "I'm having fun now."  If there are enough guys who don't reach that level until they are fighting "historical foes," and they want to have their own arena, I don't think the fact that that decreases the number of guys who are forced into a furball arena they don't enjoy is a particularly good reason to deny them that arena.

Of course, there is always that nagging possibility that so many folks will want to fly in that other arena that the "captive audience" of the furball fans will disappear, I suppose...  :eek:

Offline Creamo

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #67 on: August 09, 2001, 12:00:00 PM »
Not sure who the “Furballing Crowd” is?

But if it means keeping the MA to a point where you find hard core ACM driving fighting within 10 minutes of logging in, base capture, and defense fighting because you have a clue of what’s going on via radar, I’m one of those.

why we need stalls, or spins, or "realistic" gunnery and damage then  I mean, if you're gonna have fantasy, why limit yourself to "real" physics?  

Please- It’s that extreme of removing yourself from the reality of AH in a gameplay sense, you back up my goofing on the realist crowd tenfold.

Offline lazs1

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #68 on: August 09, 2001, 12:31:00 PM »
actually jedi that's no problem to explain.... certainly if you are interested in WWII ac and a good fite then ALL you will care about is that the FM's, damage and gunnery are accurate.  Maybe i would add "parity" to the list and "fites easy to get into with lot's of action".     To not care if you have "historic" flight times, distances, preflight checkouts and the silly limited same ol same ol of axis vs allied drivel seems perfectly reasonable to me.  I want to see how a Corsair would have done against a yak or a Tempest.  I want to have to figure out the FMs of the 4 or five different types of planes on each side of a fite (an allmost infinite number of possibilities)  I don't want to witness "the 109 move against the spit move" over and over.  my threshold of boredom is less than the "historic" guys.

 on the other hand... The hypocritical insistance on "realism", as it applies to history, but in EXTREMLY selective ways is laughable.   To be sensitive to people pointing it out is even more laughable... To fly short icons and axis vs allied and to have that make you feel as tho you are a real WWII pilot is more laughable yet.  feeling "elite" or somehow more skilled in such a silly invironment is the most laughable of all.

Offline Nifty

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #69 on: August 09, 2001, 02:31:00 PM »
The funny thing about this is I agree with Lazs to some extent (on using the words "historic" and "realistic" selectively, and definitely on those who act superior because they prefer one stance over the other).  However, lazs reinforces the point of having the axis vs allied arena when he says he wants to see how a corsair fares against a yak as his argument for having the MA.  Some people don't care one bit about fighting a Yak or Spit or Corsair in a Corsair.  They want to fight 109s and 190s in Spitfires, or Zekes in Hellcats.  Personally, I want exactly what is provided now.  A choice between the two!

As for that super "realistic" stuff...  It should only be added as optional fluff.  No one should be asked to learn how to properly prep a plane for start up, taxi, take-off.  No one should be asked to learn how to managed every minute detail of the engine during flight.  If you want to learn how to do that (and it's added as an option) then go right ahead and use it.  If this makes me not a die-hard flight "simmer", guess what?  I don't care!!  I'm here to have fun, and micro-managing every nuance of flight isn't what I had in mind.   ;)  

I've got what I want right now, and I'm happy!  (would be even happier if I could switch sides in the new arena more than once every 24 hrs!)  Lazs has his fantasy plane match-ups, and he seems happy in the MA.  hb has the new arena with axis vs allies and he seems happy.  so guys...  why do we STILL have to squeak and whine at each other???  We've all got options for fun!  Oh yeah, some people do have fun squeaking and whining!!!   :D
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline CJ

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #70 on: August 09, 2001, 10:23:00 PM »
About roll inertia in aerobatic planes.  I'm not a world class competitor or anything, but i have about 10 hours of aerobatic time, 3 of it training, 2 in competition, and a few after that dual for unusual attitude training at the Western Michgian University school of aviation Extra 300's.  The acro competition i did was in a super decathalon with spades, and it rolled at about 120 deg/sec.  Roll inertia at high speed was pretty hard to notice.   Maybe a lead roll out angle of 10 or 15 degrees was all that was necessary.  I don't know for sure since my maneuvers weren't perfect, but i could consistantly roll out within 5 deg of level.  In the extra 300 I noticed zero lag.  The roll rate built in no time, and a whole 360 degree roll was completed in about a second.  I instinctively tried to counter the momentum, like I do in most flight sims, and I ended up rolling back through level.  This was a level "slow" roll at abotu 150 knots.  I didn't have time to add in rudder correction, and just pulsated down elevator for the inverted portion in order to keep the roll fairly axial.  

When I did notice roll inertia in the Super Decathalon was during snap rolls.  I had trouble getting those to come out right, and usually lead out by about 60 degrees from level.  This includes breaking the stall by releasing the backpressure, applying some opposite rudder, and when the stall is broken, ailerons can be used to smoothly finish the roll.  In the decathalon this was a tricky maneuver, and I didn't try them in the extra.  

Who was it who kept talking about flying one of the Crazy Horse P-51 two seaters?  I remember him saying that there was little roll inertia noticable.  Granted, this was a lightly fueled fighter with no bombs, so that would make a big difference compared to the P-47 with 2 1000 lbers mentioned earlier..

Offline Karnak

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #71 on: August 09, 2001, 11:18:00 PM »
Yes, but what Jekyll was implying is that because WB has massive roll inertia it (may) better model an unusual situation it is therefore more realistc than AH which does not have massive roll inertia and therefore better models common situations.

Gack, run-on-sentence from hell.
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline jedi

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #72 on: August 10, 2001, 11:03:00 AM »
Lazs, the "furball guys" and the "realism guys" are the SAME guys IMO.  Your "realism slider" is set to "real airplanes, real flight model, real gunnery and damage."  Mine is pushed farther towards "Anal" because I also want "actual enemy planes" too.  Some other guys push theirs over to "no icons."

I don't interpret the preference for Axis-Allied as "hypocrisy" simply because there aren't enough Axis planes to round out the planeset or that the "war" isn't sophisticated enough to accurately simulate ALL the factors that impacted the "historical" air war.

Guys who use the "Well, you don't REALLY die when you get shot down, and your plane never has a mechanical failure, so why should you expect to face historical enemy aircraft?" argument are guilty of using hyperbolic logic IMO.  It's not a serious argument, but just a throwaway line for others who feel the same way to say "Yeah! What he said!"

FWIW, I understand what you're getting at, and I don't have any problem with that style of play--I just don't want to be "forced" to fly in that kind of arena any more than you want to have your Spit v Corsair fights taken away from you.  There's nothing inherently "superior" in an Axis-Allied setup, it's just preferable to some folks, and my personal preferences stop well short of the no-icon, no-clue, shoot-em-in-the-back-and-fly-home-alone "hairshirt" arenas that some folks claim are "ultra-realistic" when they're really just "SA-over-challenged."

And for Creamo, do you ever actually make a reasoned argument yourself, or does your debating skill consist entirely of attacking the people who disagree with your infallible position instead of their arguments?  :rolleyes:

Offline JimBear

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #73 on: August 10, 2001, 11:25:00 AM »
Ummm  WB3  tried it, really nice selection of A/C, get about 1/2 the frame rate I do in AH (1600x1200 32bit standard) and the planes "jump" about considerably.
It looks interesting but offers nothing that would entice me to stay there.

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Offline Fatty

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Warbirds III Free for August, But ....
« Reply #74 on: August 10, 2001, 12:18:00 PM »
Your foolish mind tricks will not work on me boy!