Author Topic: PYRO, Kick up the Perks please  (Read 716 times)

Offline Yeager

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #30 on: July 10, 2002, 10:48:14 PM »
It would probably work verm.  I think it is going to happen or else Pyro would not have gone through the trouble to invent the perk system.   Why do you suppose he invented the RPS in WBs?  For fun? Why do you suppose that he went to the trouble to conceive the Perk system?  Easy answer: inequity, imbalance....

Yes, early period has its superior plane just as mid and late periods do.  Thats why the RPS was such a classy idea in WBs.  

I recognize that no matter what anyone does to "solve the problem of inequity, imbalance in the planeset" there will always be those who dislike whatever method used to aleviate it and quit with uproarious banter.  What seems more important, and in the long run, more profitable for the game (in my opinion) is a system of fair and balanced regulation.  Perks used to their full potentiol will likely serve this function.  Still, I would be pleased with an RPS and in desperation, the idea of distance being used to seperate the planeset but my gut feel on that is that idea  would serve as a last resort.  Still......others have chimed in with good ideas.  Been a good read.

If in the end we end up simply with what we now have then AH will have shortchanged itself.  Im just hopefull that something is worked out because the current setup is largely inadaquate for the full spectrum of machines now avaliable (262, F4U4, Spit14 notwithstanding).

Fork has it right BTW.  I remember that CT setup with all planes enabled and later rides reasonably perked.  Was pure heaven for about a week, then it changed.

Oboe, I go through phases.  I would like to have all my phases occur in the same arena but I do understand where you late war guys are coming from.  You see, Im a late war dweeb as well as a mid war and early war dweeb.  Im probably a freek as well.

If things stay the way they are I will probably morph into a two arena creature provided the CT concentrates on becoming an early war arena.  Otherwise, what a waste of good machines :)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2002, 10:56:48 PM by Yeager »
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Offline 4343

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perk debait
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2002, 12:06:18 AM »
here's my 2 cents:
what's wrong with the way things are now? sure, the early war planes are getting killed ez by the late war ones, but isn't that the risk you take when flying an early war plane?  i mean, come on,'s like flying from a capped field, there is a good chance u'll get shot down and that's YOUR CHOICE.  and it's not like all early war rides suck, because they don't.  they're new planes, and if you work on it and gain enough experience, you'll be fine.  many of the early war planes are meaneuverable enough you hadn't ought to have trouble in a dogfight, and if you're getting b&z'ed: move to a different field.  it's all choice and IMO adding a new arena won't help.  the same thing will happen.  ppl who haven't mastered the art of the dogfight will b&z just like before.  i hate to embarass myself, but i get shot down by early war planes a lot, and i fly a g-10! it's not a question of technical superiority if you have the know-how and talent to fly an inferior plane and win!  be cautious and whatch ur six...if you turn tight enough at the right moment b&z is not a problem to avoid.  
if we HAVE TO, we could use low numbers to perk hotter airplanes, but of course, this cuts the variety down and can almost elimate the thrill of getting a niki in an F4F! or a spit14 in a 109e-4!  flying early model planes should be a way to challenge yourself, not an excuse to whine!

Offline J_A_B

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2002, 01:55:44 AM »
Nothing's wrong with the current system 4343....there's just a small but vocal crowd of malcontents who seek remove any fun from AH by forcing an unwanted system down everybody's throat like it or not.

Then there's a few others who recognize the fact that the guys who like certain particular airplanes will never really agree with the RPS guys, and try to come up with solutions inclusive to both sides of the issue.


Offline lazs2

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2002, 10:52:20 AM »
yeager and others are stilll missing the point...   early war guys don't want to fly em just to get more "perks"...  They want to fly em because they are fun to fly.  early war guys don't want to be harrased by late war planes no matter what the reason..

The perk system was cobbled up when there were no early war planes to speak of and it was a bandaid to allow for a few ultra late uber pl;anes to be flown in the arena.   We have out grown it.

In the CT... the perk idea was used to get everyone into lthe latest war rides as quicklyu as possible.   That is not thje goal of the MA fan who also likes early war planes.

I like early war planes but realiize that I am in the minority.   sooo.... I came up with a sytem that alowed guys of my ilk to fly early war planes against other early war planes and still not have any effect... not force... anyone to fly them or restrict anyone in any way.   The area arena would have no effect on people who don't care about early war planes.   It would be an enormous help for those who do.

Offline Yeager

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2002, 07:34:36 PM »
Im starting to warm to the idea lazs.  Its just about worthless to grab a P40B or F4F and have any consistent fun in them.

Ive always thought charging more for late era planes would simply reduce their numbers but I realize that the way HTC has set things from the get go (ie starting with 1945 and going backwards, kinda dumb really) would cause almost unbearble pain and suffering to the high end dweebs.
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Offline brendo

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2002, 08:42:21 PM »

I disagree with your comment regarding the choice to start with the end of the war and go backwards.

I expect that most people would like to fly the most famous aircraft.

Therefore, the P-51D Mustang must be in the sim from the start.

Therefore, you have to start at the end and work backwards.

Other aircraft developement choices come naturally once the P-51D is set as a base point.... ie You need a good 109, a tough Zero (5c), a late mark Spitfire.

When HTC started from scratch, how else were they to market a brand new online sim?

"Hi guys... come fly AH... you can fly a Spitfire Mark I and a P40B"

"P40B. What? Where is my Mustang?"

The thing that impresses me most about AH is that after multiple years of developement, it is 'filling out' and the 'gaps' are being closed at the same time as new features are added.

I'm getting ready for my first 262 flight. I earnt the perks by flying early war aircraft and winning. It is my skill level that allows this... not the aircraft. The Maccie 202 and F4U birdcage are deadly in my hands.

Variety is the spice of AH.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2002, 08:47:40 PM by brendo »

Offline lazs2

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2002, 11:11:27 AM »
brendo... i think HTC did the smart thing by making a mid/late war set first.   I think they have outgrown the need for that now with such a large player base and the addidtion of so many new planes since then...  and I think that it is time that some sim co. came up with a really new way to integrate the "famous" early war planes with the "famous" late war planes in the same community/arena.

many of us have 5,000 or more "perk" points and couldn't care less about using em.  I am a mediocre pilot but could fly a perk plane forever I believe.   I don't like em... I don't like flying against em and I don't care to fly em.   The "perk" system was a bandaid to keep em rare.... It worked foir the times but the times have changed.

Spit ones and F4f's and mig 1 and p40's and all the other great early war planes are waiting for a chance to be flown..  A lot of guyus want to fly em but not aginst pee 51's and 262's or even.... F4u-1's.

I don't want to kill anyones choice or force anyone to do anything.   My idea is all about choice.  You can fly anything you want in the arena anytime you want.   With such a large map, no ones resources are even lessened to any extent..    Everyone agrees the map is too big... an early war area would take up very little of the map and the remaining portion would still be bigger than previous maps were.   Seperate resets would make it so that gameplay or (cough) "strat" was unaffected.

Offline aac

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« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2002, 11:39:34 AM »
First of all let me state that I have never flown in any other game heck I didn't even know these games existed until late august of last year.  

That being said let me say this, I have read, every post on the bulletin board and every thing I can find anywhere else on the net since I found out about this game and from what I have read, which are comments about the other games I have concluded that this is the best of all of them.  Everybody thinks the graphics are supperior, the fm is superior, the price is superior, and on and on and on.

Now why would HTC even consider changing what is working just to satisfy a very small contingent who want RPS so that the early war planes wont have to see the late war planes.

I personally am getting a little tired of some people constantly wanting to change ACES HIGH to some other game.

IF YOU DONT LIKE ACES HIGH then write your on game with the features you want otherwise play ACES HIGH the way HTC writes it.

OK now as per usual LET THE FLAMING BEGIN.

Offline lazs2

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2002, 12:21:15 PM »
aac... a small early war area in the map would not change the FM or the graphics or the price.  It would in fact, do nothing except add choice and make early war planes viable without penalizing anyone.    win win.

Offline J_A_B

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2002, 12:28:46 PM »
I see....I'ma "dweeb" because I like the Mustang and don't want to be forced into a 109E or some other pile of crap.   Everyone's entitled to their opinions/delusions I guess.

Personally, I think people who call anyone with a different opinion a "dweeb" are the TRUE dweebs.  


Offline lazs2

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2002, 12:39:00 PM »
jab??  fly anything you like.   the area arena would not force you to fly any particular plane.   You could ignore the early war area and no one would care.   It would not affect you in any way.   The only restriction you would have is that if you wanted to fly a late war plane like the mustang... you would not be able to fly it in the small early war area.   You would however, have the choice of taking of from the hundreds of remaining fields.   "your" portion of the map would still be bigger than any previous map and probly too big for most peoples taste in any case.

Offline hblair

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2002, 02:21:49 PM »
Originally posted by Yeager
Its just about worthless to grab a P40B or F4F and have any consistent fun in them.

And therein lies the problem.
People just don't see it as a problem because it's been growing slowly and they haven't known the game any other way. The P40 and F4F were major players for the US in the beginning months of the war. To some people in this thread the idea of flying their Pony-D, 109G10, and LA-7 unrestricted is a God-given right. "Now just shut up and let them boom and zoom the snot out of your 1941 zeke" (a very feared plane right after Pearl Harbor, but only good for base defense in Aces High). "Just don't restrict my plane!" ;)
That's a pretty single-minded attitude to have.
If the late war rides were lightly perked, like say 3 points for a P51D, LA-7, 109G10, and N1K. These planes would still be easily obtainable in 1-4 sorties. Once you are riding in these planes and earn 3-6 more perks, you can afford to die a few times or save for something better like a Ta152 or F4U4 (which should have their perk lowered IMHO). There's not that much to it. With the late war rides very lightly perked the arena is more friendly to the early war rides.

What's the big deal?

Offline Innominate

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2002, 02:34:24 PM »
Originally posted by hblair

What's the big deal?

How is someone who cant get a kill in anything but a p-51d supposed to earn the three perks?!?!  :P

I do completely agree that all of the late war planes should be 1-5perks.  Thats low enough that it's not hard to earn the perks you spent on the plane in one sortie, but high enough that you wont suicide in it.

IMO, the big problem with the perk system, is that everyone has hundreds or thousands of perks, without anything worth using them for, besides the odd 262 sortie.  The gangbang tags make dogfighting in them pointless, jabo in a plane like the f4u4 is even more so.  Lets make ALL of the perk planes worth using on a regular basis.

Offline Wlfgng

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2002, 03:05:24 PM »
laz.. your idea would probably get wings if you'd back off a bit.. :)
good idea.. too much delivery IMO

Offline J_A_B

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PYRO, Kick up the Perks please
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2002, 03:53:53 PM » comment wasn't directed at you; you're one of the guys who I respect as trying to be inclusive of different types of play.