As you are probably aware all too clearly there have been countless posts concerning 190's and ta152 etc over recent weeks/months and in many of them there are constant calls for a word or two from the HTC crew concerning whether you are looking into their questions etc.many times there are answers from you guys that are missed or lost in silly arguements that spring up in the threads.
Well rather than continueing to post more and more about the planes and trying over and over to get answers from you guys and also pretty much drive you all crazy demanding more and more of your time I thought it might be easier if I just came right out and ask if you will be looking into the modeling of the 190a5 or ta152 in the near future.
If you simply answer 'yes its being looked into' I can quite happily wait and im sure wotan , naudet, mandoble and others would be very pleased to know it.
As i see it the whole tone of some of the threads is detrimental to AH as they often hint at HTC ignoring or avoiding the issues brought forward.Im pretty sure you guys are trying constantly to give us the best you can but I dont know if its a lack of time or that you guys get annoyed at the tone of these threads that causes them not to be answered.
Well I for one would like to appologise if I have annoyed you guys and I will endevour to not do it again if i can help it but Id like you to understand the frustration I , and im sure others feel, when there is no word as to whether anything we type gets even read.Im sure you do but we can never really be sure.
So the idea here is to get a straight forward reply without demanding a huge explanation or data from you guys etc.
We can appreciate your time is hard pushed and it must be frustrating for you guys to see the same subject brought up over and over.
If we get the answer 'no the FM for 190 and ta152 is fine as far as HTC is concerned' maybe we can simply stop trying so hard to get you to change things and give you some peace?
As I said i feel its only hurting AH to have so many threads which are not always good for the image of your company especially when we make assumptions about what we think you guys think!
All the name calling and political arguements only make people ignore the threads in the end and then a short time later its all churned up again.
I think it would be a good time to settle the issue a bit and give us a clue to how you feel about the issue we keep pushing if only to give you some peace
well there you have it.Are we wasting your time and ours by repeatedly questioning? could we
please have a word from you?
Will you look into the 190a5's modeling or the ta152s modeling? (are the plans for changes to any 190s?)
either way you answer I for one will no longer push it.I'll accept either answer and either drop the subject or wait patiently for further word from you guys concerning future changes.