Author Topic: wtf is wrong with the French?  (Read 2986 times)

Offline straffo

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2003, 03:34:06 PM »
But I was talking about French soldiers.

You'd better speak about politics than soldier.

Offline straffo

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2003, 03:36:08 PM »
Originally posted by Ping
Fear Not Straffo, we got your back :)

Thanks Ping GScholz Gixer MT and all the other

I'm of to bed now I've to work tomorrow and if I stay I'll start be pissed and very offensive.

Offline Hortlund

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2003, 03:37:47 PM »
straffo, from my first post:

Disclaimer: This post is more directed at french policy makers than individual frenchmen. I'm sorry Straffo, and all other french people I know. And I'm not accusing any of you personally to be spineless whimps.

Offline Pongo

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2003, 03:38:15 PM »
Lots of people here seem to think that the History of French arms post 1815 is limited to the first and second world war..But gets worse as you look at the rest of the 19th and 20th centuries.
I dont think that has anything to do with blind support for american aggression in Iraq though..

Offline midnight Target

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2003, 03:38:40 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Not many fish in that pond Steve.

Guess with stinky enough bait anything is possible. :confused:

Offline Ping

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2003, 03:40:03 PM »
What do you know Pongo , Yur from BC :p
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Offline Hortlund

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2003, 03:40:57 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Guess with stinky enough bait anything is possible. :confused:

MT, this is no damn bait. I have told you that TWICE in this thread already. wtf happened to your reading comprehension? And why did you say "I was joking" after the first time you accused me of trolling, if you come back and do it again?

Offline Ping

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2003, 03:43:44 PM »
Hands Hortlund a sedative.
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Offline BUG_EAF322

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #38 on: January 21, 2003, 03:47:07 PM »
Disclaimer: This post is more directed at french policy makers than individual frenchmen. I'm sorry Straffo, and all other french people I know. And I'm not accusing any of you personally to be spineless whimps.


Offline straffo

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #39 on: January 21, 2003, 03:47:23 PM »
Originally posted by Hortlund
straffo, from my first post:

Disclaimer: This post is more directed at french policy makers than individual frenchmen. I'm sorry Straffo, and all other french people I know. And I'm not accusing any of you personally to be spineless whimps.

For your first post I agree.
But when you write "french soldier" it's cover the "soldat de seconde classe" to the "général 5 étoiles" so I read it as a general comment.

As a french citizen I support my elected goverment even if I disagree with it's policy (that's why I'm supposed to do no ?).

By chance concerning Iraq we agree ... and if it happen that the US Army fail to properly calibrate their weapon and bomb Ryad or Pyongyan to oblivion I'll be the first to support them.

But it's not likely to happen.

Offline Hortlund

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2003, 04:03:39 PM »

I see that my short version of the French history has confused some people. Allow me to walk you through it.

This is what I wrote
Surrender, surrender, mutiny and troops refusing to attack, win anyway due to massive help from allies that are forced to fight for france while the french troops are refusing to attack, surrender, surrender, create myth of brave resistance fighters, send in foreign legion but surrender anyway, surrender again, send in UN troops, avoid conflict, avoid conflict, send in foregin legion and surrender anyway, avoid conflict, sell arms to mad dictators to avoid conflict, appease mad dictators, blame UN, blame US, veto any war against mad dictators.


Surrender -1815 End of the Napoleon war

surrender -1872 End of the German-French war

mutiny and troops refusing to attack -1916 French attacks at Verdun halted because troops refuse to attack.

win anyway due to massive help from allies that are forced to fight for france while french troops are refusing to attack. After the mutiny, the entire French army was put on defensive duty only. Meanwhile, the Brittish took over the offensive duties, which resulted in massive loss of British life while the French troops were recovering from the horrors of being in a war. Then of cource the US too had to come and bail France out.

Surrender-1940, not much to say about that

Surrender -Vichy troops surrender to allies in 1942.

Create myth of brave resistance fighters -As I said earlier. If you compare what the french resistance actually did during the war, and the number of people who claimed to be part of the resistance after the war, you have to seriously question what all those hundreds of thousands of partisans were doing. You might also want to compare those actions to the activities of the Polish, Yugoslavian and Russian partisans.

NOTE here I forgot to insert a Surrender when Germany attacked Vichy in 1942.

send in foreign legion but surrender anyway -1954, Dien bien Phu. After the war lots of Germans joined the legion. This became a problem for the French that was solved at Dien bien Phu where 80-90% of the German legionnares died. (the last "reinforcements" were paradropped into the surrounded and doomed garrisson, of these "reinforcements" 95% were Germans.

surrender again -Algeirs 1960 if I remember correctly. (Although it should  have been "send in foreign legion but surrender anyway. Here a unit from the Foreign Legion actually had a mutiny when they were ordered to surrender by the French government. The legionnares refused, and the situation became an embarrassement for the French government (as if they could BE more embarrassing) At the end the situation was solved, but the Legion was forbidden from entering French soil again. The unit was then stationed on Corsica (sp). The unit was the REP.

send in UN troops -First attempt from UN to secure Israel Egypt borders ended miserably in 1967. French initiative who have always worked against Israel (Syria is old French colony with close ties)

avoid conflict -This one should have been before "surrender again" above. It is regarding the 1956 "suez crisis"

avoid conflict -US asking French for help with the Lebanon situation in 1982, turned down naturally.

send in foregin legion and surrender anyway -Rwanda (cant remember the year)

avoid conflict -Kongo civil war where the Belgians had to get involved because the French didnt want to.

sell arms to mad dictators to avoid conflict -Iran to avoid getting caught in the same situation as the US after the revolution 1979

appease mad dictators, -Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan

blame UN, blame US -When weapons sold to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan were starting to pop up in various wars against Israel and/or terror attacks. Also applies to 1991 war.

veto any war against mad dictators -latest achievement

NOTE Upon going through this I realize I have forgot several highlights of French feat of arms. Such as:

Vietnam (avoid conflict)
Kongo (avoid conflict)
Korea (avoid conflict)
Bosnia (blame US/UN, despite being HUGE part of what caused the war by recognizing Bosnia first of all nations)
Kosovo (blame US/UN despite being huge reason behind war... same reason as above)
Liberia (avoid conflict)
Somalia (avoid conflict)

etc etc etc
The list can be made very long...
« Last Edit: January 21, 2003, 04:09:43 PM by Hortlund »

Offline Thrawn

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2003, 04:15:19 PM »
Hortland, why do you use such a inaccurate and dishonorable troll? :confused:

Offline Hortlund

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2003, 04:17:57 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
Hortland, why do you use such a inaccurate and dishonorable troll? :confused:

What is inaccurate?

And dishonourable? Give me a break.

Offline Thud

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #43 on: January 21, 2003, 04:19:04 PM »
Someone from Sweden ridiculing the French for not being capable of putting up a serious fight in war is like a housewife who went to a self-defence workshop and starts making jokes of a cagefighter who went KO in his last match.


Offline straffo

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wtf is wrong with the French?
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2003, 04:24:40 PM »
Surrender -1815 End of the Napoleon war
how many surrended before ?

surrender -1872 End of the German-French war
yep we lost
mutiny and troops refusing to attack -1916 French attacks at Verdun halted because troops refuse to attack.
it was 1917

win anyway due to massive help from allies that are forced to fight for france while french troops are refusing to attack. After the mutiny, the entire French army was put on defensive duty only. Meanwhile, the Brittish took over the offensive duties, which resulted in massive loss of British life while the French troops were recovering from the horrors of being in a war. Then of cource the US too had to come and bail France out.
completly false and roadkill

Surrender-1940, not much to say about that
yes nothing to add
SurrenderVichy troops surrender to allies in 1942.
smart move IMO
Create myth of brave resistance fighters Asd I said earlier. If you compare what the frenc resistance actually did during the war, and the number of people who claimed to be part of the resistannce after the war, you have to seriously question what all those hundreds of thousands of partisans were doing. You might also want to compare those actions to the activities of the Polish, Yugoslavian and Russian partisans.
NOTE here I forgot to insert a Surrender when Germany attacked Vichy in 1942.
BS I'm learning something I was ignoring ...
send in foreign legion but surrender anyway -1954, Dien bie Phu. After the war lots of Germans joined the legion. This became a problem for the French that was solved at dien bien phu where 80-90% of the German legionnares died. (the last "reinforcements" were paradropped into the surrounded and doomed garrisson, of these "reinforcements" 95% were Germans.
BS again
surrender again Algeirs 1960 if I remember correctly
BS again ever heard of the word referendum ?
send in UN troops First attempt from UN to secure Israel Egypt borders ended miserably in 1967. French initiative who have always worked against Israel (Syria is old
French colony with close ties)
BS again were did they get their planes and even pilot agains t Egypt ?
avoid conflict This one should have been before "surrender again" above. It is regarding the 1956 "suez crisis"
Ask USA and USSR about Suez and don't forget that brit and Israel were involved too

avoid conflict US asking French for help with the Lebanon situation in 1982, turned down naturally.
we just have some soldier killed about 200 nothing to speak about

send in foregin legion and surrender anyway Rwanda (cant remember the year)

avoid conflict Kongo civil war where the Belgians had to get involved because the French didnt want to.
sell arms to mad dictators to avoid conflict Iran to avoid getting caught in the same situation as the US after the revolution 1979
appease mad dictators, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan
blame UN, blame US When weapons sold to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan were starting to pop up in various wars against Israel and/or terror attacks. Also applies to 1991 war.
veto any war against mad dictators latest achievement

NOTE Upon going through this I realize I have forgot several highlights of French feat of arms. Such as:

Vietnam (avoid conflict)
Kongo (avoid conflict)
BS btw you can be proud of the swedish attitude in congo
Korea (avoid conflict)
BS french troop were in
Bosnia (blame US/UN, despite being HUGE part of what caused the war by recognizing Bosnia first of all nations)
Kosovo (blame US/UN despite being huge reason behind war... same reason as above)
Liberia (avoid conflict)
BS not involved
Somalia (avoid conflict)
BS it was better than being ridiculised like others

You'd better have to buy some book tomorrow.