Author Topic: What about a bit more of diversity  (Read 2274 times)

Offline Apache

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2003, 10:26:11 AM »
Originally posted by Martlet
Maybe it's because I'm new.

I just play the freaking game.  I fly what's fun, or what's useful for the job I'm doing.   Generally, I'm in the P51, LA5, LA7, P38, Spit9, F4U, or a GV.  I don't know how the score works, except for perks, and I don't care.  It's nice when my ranking is ok, but it's strictly accident, not do to conniving.

Perhaps other people would enjoy the game more if they concentrated more on having fun, less on having the top score.

Why do you assume these debates are about score? You think that those of us who advocate more variety or who whine about fast planes or the monotony of the same few have problems killing them? Go take a look at stats if you like. Score isn't the argument at all.

Offline Magoo

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2003, 12:43:55 PM »

I find that if I cruise around at 20K or so the plane set diversifies just a little. Of course very often if you engage a high bandit they dive for their friends instead of fighting, I suppose because his intention was to cherry pick or B&Z. While this too can be frustrating, the kills you do get are satisfying since you know the poor bastard had to invest a good bit of time to get to alt and you ruined his(or her)day. Grabbing a C-hog and HOing the SOBs is great fun too:D

After watching my 15 year old son in the game (on my account), I think that he's alot like the majority of the people in AH. He wants instant gratification so he grabs a Nik or spitV goes to the base nearest the fight and engages no matter the odds. When he  gets shot down, it only takes a few minutes to get back into the fray. With his mindset, only a few planes are worth him using, the rest just aren't as competitive for how he is using them.

I don't see anything changng anytime soon in the MA. I just try to adapt as best I can. I do "feel your pain" though...

A bandit on your six is better than no bandit at all!

Offline SunKing

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2003, 12:55:03 PM »

lazs, you should know well that 90% of Spit/N1K2/La7 pilots never think on RTB, and those few that do, have a more than respectable range with a spit 100% fuel + DT and a tremendous range in N1K2 100% fuel loaded. New patch modifications are not going to change the actual situation.


Mandoble... I disagree... on these huge maps, pizza and especially infinity with it's endless flights between fields.... I see hardly any enemy spits at all at friendly bases... if I do see one or two it is instantly latched onto by at leat half a dozen frienlies who are starved for a kill... any kill... and... who know that not only will the spit fight but.... even if he runs he has zero chance of getting away..

Not being able to land at an enemy base will make it even worse. Somebody gave some bad (and selfish) council on that "fix".

I agree with Mandoble. He's right about the suiciders.. The new patch is only gonna hurt the score potatos who hold out vulching till their tanks are dry.

Offline Sixpence

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2003, 01:35:45 PM »
Who cares what people fly? It's their $15, they can fly what they want. Want a challenge?, hit the CT. Planes are limited there. I hate to put it bluntly, but if I'm paying $15 dollars a month and someone calls me a dweeb for flying an La7, he can kiss my arse.
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline Innominate

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2003, 01:51:54 PM »
Originally posted by Sixpence
Who cares what people fly? It's their $15, they can fly what they want.

I don't think ANYONE cares what other people fly.  They care about what planes they're stuck dealing with over, and over, and over.  
Anyways, I agree with you, since we pay our $15 a month, the 262 should be unperked.

Offline Sixpence

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2003, 02:17:06 PM »
Originally posted by Innominate
 Anyways, I agree with you, since we pay our $15 a month, the 262 should be unperked.

Comparing an La7 to a 262? Apples to oranges inno.
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline bockko

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2003, 06:50:56 PM »
Somebody please interpret this for me.

I will interpret, sorta: picking a plane in ah is like picking a car in real life. There are alot of choices, but most people pick the car that they like and can afford (the rest squeak about their cars...or have rich daddies). What he is saying is you should pick a car that isn't too popular and lacks the options you desire. Hmm, come to think of it, perhaps diversity in this case means we need to establish the Department of Homeland Aircraft Selection...errr, Assignment. HT err dale can rev the game so that we can't take up a plane until we have taken all other up at least once. I hope I have clarified things.

see you up (i'll be in a spit or 51)


Offline wetrat

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2003, 07:00:16 PM »
MANDOBLE, stop flying one of the easiest planes in the game, and maybe, just MAYBE, your whine about "diversity" would carry some weight. When I see you up in a P-40, P-38, or A8 instead of a dora... then maybe I'll side with you.
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Offline bockko

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2003, 07:43:35 PM »
ok, i must admit: i did some score checking also. Here are some stats for a major player in this thread: 162 fighter kills in 28 sorties --- a very nice stat, hats off :) . 162 kills in a d9 --- flunks the diversity test. Oh well, so much for diversity.

Offline Kweassa

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2003, 08:01:40 PM »
Comparing an La7 to a 262? Apples to oranges inno.

 They're oranges to anyone who's in a plane that produces sufficient speed to catch them. Otherwise they taste like apples.

 Anyhow.. my perk-induced plan for MA diversity, which I've posted before:

In my opinion...

LA-7: 4 points
TYPHOON: 3 points
YAK9-U: 3 points
P-51D: 3 points
190D-9: 3 points
F4U-1D: 3 points
109G-10: 3 points
P-38L: 3 points
N1K2-J: 3 points
P-47D-30: 3 points

Perking these 10 planes would shift the MA into a mid/late 1943 environment.

The F4U-1, P-51B, La-5FN, and the P-47D11 will be the four fastest fighters at low alts at military power, and F4U-1, P-51B, LA-5, Fw190A-8 would be the four fastest on WEP.

There's a much bigger chance to see people using various fighters, which before, have been ignored by a lot of average pilots for the reason that they weren't fast or maneuverable enough against 1944~'45 planes.

The survivability of the P-47s will be vastly enhanced, and since some of the 'super ground attackers' with 2k payload + rockets, have been perked, it would truly live up to its name as a great and fast ground attacking fighter-bomber.

The ol' N1K2 fans will probably just move on to Spit9s anyway. We'll be seeing a bit less N1K2s, but more Spits.. but no special harm done here.

The P-51D fans would shift to the P-51B.. which has a little less ammo load, and weaker jabo capabilities. We'll definately see less whinings about 'cowardly runstangs' who come in at 20k to do a single bomb drop and run straight home after.

The F4U-1 corsair will also start to shine out, but it will of course, be limited in jabo capabilities, compared to the C-hog and the D-hog.

La-7 fans can comfortably ride the La-5FN, since it shares simular characteristics with the La-7, and is still among the fastest non-perked planes .. but the speed difference between other fighters will be a bit less than the La-7: meaning, it'd require some more careful flying, and also, people won't be whining about La-5FNs much.

Also, some planes which only a few people rode just for kicks, might come into real recognition: such as the Bf109G-2, Bf109G-6, Fw190A-5, Fw190A-8, C.205.. which will be vastly enhanced in survivability and versatility. More variety IMO, can be expected.

Also, some jabo planes which people neglected before, could become very appealing, since the planes that were very fast, and also carried huge bomb loads will be perked. Planes like the Mosquito and the Bf110G-2, Fw190F-8 might be able to get more usage as preferred jabo ride of choice. When the 10 planes are perked, the Mossie and the 110, F-8 can all be considered fast planes...

The 3~4 point perk price would also be adequate. It'd be a super cheap price for the 'experten' who amassed massive perks, and won't bother them from riding their favored rides... and also, it is not a very heavy burden for average/low-skilled pilots, too. Work a bit with other fighters, and they'll achieve 3~10 points easily in a single day. They'll get a chance to ride better planes soon.. and if they are shot down, it's not like losing 200 perks. Just barely enough price to control the numbers in the MA, IMO.

If those 10 fighters are perked, the planes people will use, will be at 310~336mph range at deck speeds, where many many previously neglected planes can be used. The one single problem is the P-38L, which doesn't have an earlier variant..

With my suggested perk setup, I think we can see more variety, less whining, and satisfy the people who want to fly fast monster planes(perks very low for the experts), people who want to fly planes they want without too much of a burden(low perks - not really too much of a burden), and also the people who want some plane numbers regulated(3 perks is not too high, but still needs some work for the vast majority of average/low-skilled players who take up 80% of AH). Also, my suggestion will give some great expert jabo planes(Mossie, 110G-2, Fw190F-8) their role in the MA.. where currently they have no place at all, since almost every USAAF/USN plane can carry loads of rockets+2k load.

ps) also, the survivability of bombers will go up a lot more!

Offline Innominate

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2003, 08:11:54 PM »
Originally posted by Sixpence
Comparing an La7 to a 262? Apples to oranges inno.

It's not apples to oranges.   They're both planes.  One obviously should be perked, the other can be argued for either way.  But your argument can be applied equally to both.  If i pay my $15 a month, why shouldn't I be able to fly the 262?

Simple, because it DOES matter what you fly.  Free 262's would unbalance the game, and turn it into the monotony of 262 vs 262 fights.  Much the same as it is now with only a couple of types of planes seeing any real use.

IMO, The potential of the perk system is grossly underused,  and properly implemented could go a long way towards improving the diversity of the planes used int he MA.

Offline wetrat

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2003, 10:43:22 PM »
G10's don't need to be perked... without a good pilot behind the stick, the 109F is probably a better fighter. Hell, I've been flying P-38's all tour and I'm 17-1 against them, and the G10 is twice the plane..
« Last Edit: March 13, 2003, 10:47:48 PM by wetrat »
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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2003, 10:47:28 PM »
Why do you care Mandoble? All you do is dive straight down on those who don't see you. I can understand how that would get old. It takes more patience than talent but why would you care what 'type' of plane you bounce?

Offline Urchin

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2003, 10:49:33 PM »
Some of you all are being a little harsh on Mandoble I think.

Offline Ack-Ack

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What about a bit more of diversity
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2003, 11:43:23 PM »
Originally posted by Urchin
Some of you all are being a little harsh on Mandoble I think.

If he didn't whine about the same thing over and over again,  I think he'd take less crap from a lot of people.  

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