Author Topic: Do weapons of mass destruction have to be found in Iraq to justify the war?  (Read 3268 times)

Offline hawk220

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Do weapons of mass destruction have to be found in Iraq to justify the war?


Offline Naso

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No, Iraq will be forgotten soon, with the Anti-Syria campaign started in theese days ;)

Offline OIO

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Iraq has WMD's and has used them in the past. That fact alone means they have the capability.

The USA could destroy all its nuke arsenal. And rebuild it in less than 4 months if they wanted to.

The danger comes from the Iraqi WMD program, not the actual, physical possession of those weapons.

And its why Coalition troops are swarming the country digging up the production facilities and personnel involved in the WMD production/development.

Think about it, Saddam's best strategy would have been to DESTROY his WMD's before he got overrun (and he knew he was going to lose), so that the US would look like assess in the international public opinion (PUBLIC, as in the people of other nations. All governments know that it doesnt matter if Iraq has these weapons or not, its their populace that has to be riled up).

Then, the US led invasion would be seen as an unwarranted aggression which was not UN sanctioned. In short, US credibility goes to the crapper.

And this is happening now.

I hate to say this, but the US may have pulled another vietnam-like defeat here. Thankfully the coalition casualties were very light and they soundly defeated the enemy in military terms...but the political war, it seems, has been won by Saddam :(

Offline Boroda

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What OIO said.

The problem is that media will manipulate public opinion in the nessesary direction. Saddam will be "a bloody dictator with WMD" regardless to what they'll find.

And as soon as the first oil tanker will leave Um-Quassr - noone will care about public opinion.

Offline Wlfgng

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have to agree with OIO.. well said

Offline Arfann

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Originally posted by hawk220
Do weapons of mass destruction have to be found in Iraq to justify the war?


Sorry, but yes/no won't do. The discovery of weapons of mass destruction would still not validate our invasion of Iraq.

Offline rc51

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Originally posted by Arfann
Sorry, but yes/no won't do. The discovery of weapons of mass destruction would still not validate our invasion of Iraq.

Do us a favor and cross you're leg's pinch you're nose and fart.
Maybe you will clear you're mind.'

Offline Arfann

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Originally posted by rc51
Do us a favor and cross you're leg's pinch you're nose and fart.
Maybe you will clear you're mind.'

Geez, what a brilliant come back. So clear and well stated. If I were you, I'd run and show my prized work to my father, mother, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, and cousins. That's a total of two people, right?

Offline Wlfgng

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he shoots...    he scoooooooooooores

talk about leaving a mark!

Offline rc51

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No but i do want to tell my girlfriend.
tell you're mother to call me later.

Offline Arfann

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Do weapons of mass destruction have to be found in Iraq to justify the war?
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2003, 10:40:54 AM »
Originally posted by rc51
No but i do want to tell my girlfriend.
tell you're mother to call me later.

Wow! And a necrophile to boot. I buried Mom back in '74. But thanks for asking.

Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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Originally posted by Arfann
The discovery of weapons of mass destruction would still not validate our invasion of Iraq.

As I said in the other thread where you called the invasion of Iraq illegal, you really should research this.

You'll find this statement and the previous one quite false.

Offline rc51

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Do weapons of mass destruction have to be found in Iraq to justify the war?
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2003, 11:05:17 AM »
sorry bout you're mother dude.

Offline Arfann

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Do weapons of mass destruction have to be found in Iraq to justify the war?
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2003, 11:09:03 AM »
Originally posted by rc51
sorry bout you're mother dude.

NP. You certainly had no way of knowing.

Offline rc51

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Do weapons of mass destruction have to be found in Iraq to justify the war?
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2003, 11:10:28 AM »
well it was a silly comment for me to make.
I just could not think of a better come back at the time LOL.