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Aces High General Discussion / Re: Rye Games
« Last post by ZE on Today at 10:52:01 AM »
A demonstration that this community is doing better and can attract more young players. Just being friendly and enjoying the game without drama can make the difference.
The O' Club / Re: Reviews on Meta Store are ridiculous!
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 10:48:52 AM »
This ^^^

It's not against AH to agree with the obvious animal

Its all he wants to talk about eagler, 2000 times, feed the stray pets.  For god sakes know a lepoure when you see one
The O' Club / Re: Reviews on Meta Store are ridiculous!
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 10:46:36 AM »
And if I don't?

Start your crap again and find out?
The O' Club / Re: Reviews on Meta Store are ridiculous!
« Last post by Eagler on Today at 10:46:15 AM »
Some people think that being a "friend" consists of slathering on empty flowery praise.

Others think that being a friend is to take an real interest in what is stopping you from reaching your potential and making honest concrete suggestions on what you might can do actually improve the situation rather than just circle the wagons and sing Kumbaya.

One wants to truly help.  The other simply wants to be popular with the herd.

IMHO the 3 main factors causing the market to reject Aces High (in order of importance):

1.  Graphics that have fallen too far behind current competitors to win the "curb appeal" battle.

2.  Subscription only model that is out of step with current market expectations.  Especially when there is no longer any new development occurring or planned.

3.  To a much less degree, lack of any real viable SP content.  SP is a great onboarding tool for MP and provides a safe space to ramp up in and provide younger players a way to get hooked on the game when their parents won't go for any subscription burden.


This ^^^

It's not against AH to agree with the obvious animal

The O' Club / Re: Reviews on Meta Store are ridiculous!
« Last post by CptTrips on Today at 10:44:47 AM »
Shut it lil nam

And if I don't?

The O' Club / Re: Reviews on Meta Store are ridiculous!
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 10:44:01 AM »
Some people think that being a "friend" consists of slathering on empty flowery praise.

Others think that being a friend is to take an real interest in what is stopping you from reaching your potential and making honest concrete suggestions on what you might can do actually improve the situation rather than just circle the wagons and sing Kumbaya.

One wants to truly help.  The other simply wants to be popular with the herd.

IMHO the 3 main factors causing the market to reject Aces High (in order of importance):

1.  Graphics that have fallen too far behind current competitors to win the "curb appeal" battle.

2.  Subscription only model that is out of step with current market expectations.  Especially when there is no longer any new development occurring or planned.

3.  To a much less degree, lack of any real viable SP content.  SP is a great onboarding tool for MP and provides a safe space to ramp up in and provide younger players a way to get hooked on the game when their parents won't go for any subscription burden.


Shut it lil man
Why are you even here, former player from 11 yrs ago.. get on your bicycle and pedal off
The O' Club / Re: Reviews on Meta Store are ridiculous!
« Last post by CptTrips on Today at 10:41:51 AM »
Ya, you are a real big help. <eye roll> did ya jo to that? You’re no friend of AH, so…

Some people think that being a "friend" consists of slathering on empty flowery praise.

Others think that being a friend is to take an real interest in what is stopping you from reaching your potential and making honest concrete suggestions on what you might can do actually improve the situation rather than just circle the wagons and sing Kumbaya.

One wants to truly help.  The other simply wants to be popular with the herd.

IMHO the 3 main factors causing the market to reject Aces High (in order of importance):

1.  Graphics that have fallen too far behind current competitors to win the "curb appeal" battle.

2.  Subscription only model that is out of step with current market expectations.  Especially when there is no longer any new development occurring or planned.

3.  To a much less degree, lack of any real viable SP content.  SP is a great onboarding tool for MP and provides a safe space to ramp up in and provide younger players a way to get hooked on the game when their parents won't go for any subscription burden.


The O' Club / Re: DeepSeek
« Last post by Eagler on Today at 10:41:16 AM »

Lately I've just been wishing for the Sweet Meteor of Death.  I think the planet needs a reboot back to just microbial life and start over again from a clean slate.

We'd only end up back in the same messed up state..

Ppl need to change..lose their egos & greed/follow the ten commandments to the letter..but I don't see that path opening up anytime enjoy the downfall while we can as at some point it won't be for most of us

The O' Club / Re: Reviews on Meta Store are ridiculous!
« Last post by Eagler on Today at 10:35:50 AM »
It's a much more difficult game than either il2 or dcs as you can't do a career or campaign nor fly against canned AI missions...

AH is only live opponents who have already gone through the tough learning curve..

Younger players don't have the patience these days..maybe a form of adhd?

Aces High General Discussion / Re: Dwnundr map
« Last post by The Fugitive on Today at 10:09:44 AM »
Here is a 128 x 128 version, I think its to small.

(Image removed from quote.)

Yup, that is too small, half of the map is water. The placement of bases is what makes or breaks a map. Too far apart, or big mountains in the way or large water areas to cover all add to that "10 minute flight" some people complain about. This map looks like 20 bases per side, figuring about one for each sector, but if you bump it up to 25 or 30 per side your going to have to tuck them in closer and it will give you that small map feel. Im not sure how close a base can be to another base to fit into HTC rules for an MA map, but pushing that limit can make those flights shorter.
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