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The O' Club / Re: I think the loud mouth lady saved Trump….
« Last post by Eagler on Yesterday at 08:30:42 AM »
We have never looked weaker and more confused to our enemies than we do now...

I won't be surprised by anything at this point ... false flag or not

All things VR / Re: Oculus question
« Last post by Goat1 on Yesterday at 08:25:16 AM »
Ran into another issue, if I leave the game for a couple of minutes to
grab another drink or go to the bathroom the Oculus screen turns black.
I have to shut down AH and restart Oculus to get back into the game.
I thought it might be some kind of screen saver mode but can’t find any
information on it.

The O' Club / Re: those dirty Canadians
« Last post by RotBaron on Yesterday at 08:18:10 AM »
The circus act regarding the torch was enough.

Done. Don’t care about any of it at all.

Professional athletes competing started the downfall, now they’ve got drag story hour competition…

The O' Club / Re: I think the loud mouth lady saved Trump….
« Last post by RotBaron on Yesterday at 08:13:40 AM »
To the original OP..

As the he was speaking about the outrageous numbers of illegal immigrants and turned to the jumbo-tron for the graph, it was actually screeching giggling brain dead harris that saved his ironic


Cacklin’ Kmala seems to be more apropos, of course Willy and Montel preferred Heels Up.

Communist parents, who’d have ever guessed?
The O' Club / Re: I think the loud mouth lady saved Trump….
« Last post by DmonSlyr on Yesterday at 07:54:39 AM »
That awkward movement when I was right the entire time. What is the "global order". And who voted on it? I'll see myself out now.  :bolt:
The O' Club / Re: I think the loud mouth lady saved Trump….
« Last post by DmonSlyr on Yesterday at 07:38:43 AM »
How they gonna get her out of the way?

Well her mother and father were both here on Visas and her mothers Visa was expired. So she is unqualified to run for president because she is not subject to the full jurisdiction of American citizenship upon birth. This would imply that person could come here on a Visa, have a child, and that child be allowed to run for president. But let's hear the "spin" from the left who never cared about the constitution to begin with.
The O' Club / Re: those dirty Canadians
« Last post by Tumor on Yesterday at 07:28:08 AM »
What a nice Man-do though.
The O' Club / Re: I think the loud mouth lady saved Trump….
« Last post by Tumor on Yesterday at 07:17:45 AM »

it was actually screeching giggling brain dead harris that saved his ironic


How they gonna get her out of the way?
The O' Club / Re: Youngest Skydiver
« Last post by Tumor on Yesterday at 07:13:47 AM »

Kind of irresponsible in hindsight


Why?  I mean... assuming you knew what you were doing.
The O' Club / Re: I think the loud mouth lady saved Trump….
« Last post by Eagler on Yesterday at 06:28:30 AM »
To the original OP..

As the he was speaking about the outrageous numbers of illegal immigrants and turned to the jumbo-tron for the graph, it was actually screeching giggling brain dead harris that saved his ironic

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