Author Topic: Guns don't kill people, nah.  (Read 2054 times)

Offline Martlet

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2004, 08:44:59 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Like I said, pretty low


Yep.  Cars kill more people.  We need a ban on those.

Offline lazs2

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #61 on: September 06, 2004, 09:32:42 PM »
not sure what you gun nuts (people that go nuts when they think about firearms want here...

Are you saying that there would be no homicides in America if we got rid of all the handguns or... all the firearms?  are you saying that there would be less homicides?   are you saying that shotguns are ok?  huinting rifles?  no guns at all except for the elite or... like the euros... the ruling class?

If so... what is your reasoning?  what is your data?   seems that irf states with right to carry laws have lowered their crime and that if firearms prevent from 2-3 million crimes a year (according to the FBI) then.... if even a fraction of a percent of those prevented crimes were potential homicides... we would have an increase in both crime and homicides.... just as the concealled carry states prove that the oppossite is true..  the more guns the less crime..  make it severe penalties for crime with firearms and easy for citizens to have em... best of both worlds

so... other than the aura of the thing or your "feelings"  where is your data?

The U.S. is a dangerous place... it is less dangerous when citizens are allowed to be armed...  it is also less dangerous when criminals have added time to crimes using firearms... less and less criminals use firearms in crime every year and more and more citizens use firearms to prevent crime every year..

sorry if it doesn't agree with your "feelings"   but... them is the facts.

and yep... drunks are gonna abuse firearms... just like they abuse drugs and cars and alcohol and knives and anything else.  we just have to live with that... nothing is free and risk free that is of such a huge benifiet.  Just as driving is.

I think a lot of you are emotional children "all of us have wanted to kill someone at one time or another"  and project that on to others.  If we have no self control then we are lost and no "law" or "ban" or loss of freedom can save us.


Offline Curval

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #62 on: September 06, 2004, 10:17:36 PM »
This whole car thing is so stupid.  Just because cars kill people in accidents that makes it okay for a simialr number to be killed with guns?  Is that what you are saying?

THAT is an absurd argument.  

What I find interesting though are the number of pro-gun posters who don't actually own guns.

What is the point of standing so firmly for something that you don't chose to be a part of yourself?  I don't get it.

One of the primary reasons, it is argued here consistantly, is that crimminals are armed therefore it is basically irresponsible not to arm yourself.  This is certainly the jist of Benjamin Franklin's quoted post.

I'd feel rather foolish not owning a gun and aruging that particular case.

Aparently a genocide is possible.  Zombies could arise at any time.

For heavans sake guys, get with the program.
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Offline capt. apathy

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2004, 11:22:15 PM »
Originally posted by Fishu
Casualties by automobiles are mostly due to accidents.
Casualties by firearms are mostly due to intentional shooting.


so if you want to ban guns because 'guns kill people', then you shouldn't even be wondering about guns until you deal with the car problem.

you yourself said that in most cases involving a gun death, a person made a deliberate decision to end another person.

while, as you say, car deaths mostly happen complete against the will or intention of the owner/operator of the machine.

I don't seriously think we should ban cars, and I doubt any others meant that either.

the point is (hey Curval, this is why the car analogy is legitimate)- that if you want to go on some crusade to ban 'evil machines', then cars should be much higher on your list than guns.  they kill way more people and in the vast majority of cases the deaths where completely unintentional.

if you can see how stupid it is to ban cars, than why can't you see how asinine it is to make an even more extreme reach to ban guns?

IMO the reason many can see the stupidity of banning cars but can't carry that logic over to guns is simply that they have grown up around cars all of their life,  they know that they are, for the most part, safe if well maintained and operated with care.  we have also come to except that while, by being careful, responsible, aware, doing regular maintenance, and not taking stupid risks we can greatly reduce our risk of injury or death in an automobile,  there is always going to be some risk because we can't control whether or not the other guy is exercising the same care and responsibility.  we recognize that unless the other guy has abused his rights there is no reason anyone should be taking them away.  if however he drives recklessly, or puts other in danger then we take his right to drive away, not everyone in the country, just his.

to those of us who grew up owning guns it's the exact same thing.  I received my first .22 at 5yrs old (they didn't allow my to keep the bolt with the rifle, in the rack in my room, until I was 13.)  I've been safely operating firearms for about 10 years longer than I have been driving.

when I hear the ban guns talk, I'm struck with the same amount of total shock a the shear level of stupidity of the suggestion as I would if you tried to make a case for banning cars.

the simple fact is cars are much more dangerous. they don't require a decision to make them kill.  they are truly the more 'evil machine' of the 2.  they just freak some of you out because most of your exposure is from Hollywood or the news (that reports every shooting, even if nobody is hit.  yet only reports traffic accidents if they are extreme or block traffic).


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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #64 on: September 07, 2004, 01:10:15 AM »
Originally posted by Curval
This whole car thing is so stupid.  Just because cars kill people in accidents that makes it okay for a simialr number to be killed with guns?  Is that what you are saying?

THAT is an absurd argument.  

What I find interesting though are the number of pro-gun posters who don't actually own guns.

What is the point of standing so firmly for something that you don't chose to be a part of yourself?  I don't get it.

One of the primary reasons, it is argued here consistantly, is that crimminals are armed therefore it is basically irresponsible not to arm yourself.  This is certainly the jist of Benjamin Franklin's quoted post.

I'd feel rather foolish not owning a gun and aruging that particular case.

Aparently a genocide is possible.  Zombies could arise at any time.

For heavans sake guys, get with the program.

Its not stupid. The point is More people die from car accidents then they do by guns intentionally.
Not that its ok. It just the number is so small.
If people were running around wholesale just blowing each other away left and right I'd agree that there should be something more done. But its still very much the exeption.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of gun owners in this country. And thousands upon thousands of news guns beeing bought every single day.
And a whole 80 people get shot?
Hardly what I would call an epidemic. Or genoside or even anything remotely resembling either.

And I do not feel foolish at all by argueing for a gun when I do not personally own one. Not even a little bit
Just because I may not choose to have one doesnt mean that I do not fully beleve in the right for others to own one.

As for those that choose to own guns  because criminals do.
that is their right.
When the government cannot protect the people the people must protect themselves.
 And though not through lack of trying the government proves time and time again it is for the most part incapable of protecting the people.

Plus I do not beleive in giving up rights. Not single one for security(usually a false sence of). Or any other reason for that matter
And that ranges from gun control to the patriot act.

Zombies have already arisen. They come in the form of clowns that think just because a few people get a hangnail there needs to be a law passed to protect everyone from hangnails.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2004, 01:16:50 AM by DREDIOCK »
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Offline capt. apathy

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #65 on: September 07, 2004, 03:29:08 AM »
Originally posted by Curval
One of the primary reasons, it is argued here consistantly, is that crimminals are armed therefore it is basically irresponsible not to arm yourself.  This is certainly the jist of Benjamin Franklin's quoted post.

I'd feel rather foolish not owning a gun and aruging that particular case.

whats so foolish in supporting another's rights or freedoms that you don't need or choose to exercise?

There are plenty of whites who support anti-discrimination laws, and men who support abortion,  there are even people who live their whole lives without ever leaving the town they were born in and I don't think their supporting the right to travel freely is foolish.

if you don't stand up for the other guy when his rights are being taken away, there'll likely be nobody left to give support when somebody gets around to taking yours.

Offline Thrawn

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #66 on: September 07, 2004, 04:59:40 AM »
"The Kremlin official, Aslanbek Aslakhanov, said in an interview that more than 20 elite Russian commandos were killed in the day-long battle that began Friday, many of them accidentally shot in the back by armed civilian vigilantes who rushed to the school to fight for their children. The previously undisclosed death toll, he said, surpasses any in the history of the famed Alpha and Vympel special forces units."

Offline Curval

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #67 on: September 07, 2004, 05:57:10 AM »
Without a gun you are a defenseless girly man.

Without a gun in a country that allows guns you are a very stupid defensless girly man.

Not really my opinion, but merely an extension of lazs' logic.
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Offline Gixer

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #68 on: September 07, 2004, 07:39:43 AM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Lets stick to one country, one culture at a time, shall we?  Why don't we just compare it to something rediculous like New Zealand or Japan? ;)

Apples to apples, gun crime is down here because more  prudent citizens have them, thats a fact you can't argue, so might as well compare an apple to an orange since you can't win this argument. ;)

It just isn't worth the argument or time as your so single minded and closed off towards any other arguments.  I'd have more luck trying to convence you and other pro gun guys that the world is flat. Then I would of other countries social models towards guns and gun ownership.

Plus the cut n paste threads are very boring.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #69 on: September 07, 2004, 08:06:24 AM »
thanks curval but I am quite capable of speaking for myself.

Lots of hand wringing here and people saying basicly that if you don't climb rocks that you have no right to defend the right of others to do so... even tho you, or someone you know may someday wish to.

lots of touchy feely "well, guns are just bad and point out that we aren't quite civilized yet" rhetoric... Lot's of "bad aura" stuff..

No data to suggest that there would be any less crime or even less accidents or even less homicides.   All the data points to the reverse..

basiocly... because they are afraid of themselves or of firearms... or... their country nuetered em... these people would make life worse for ev everyone including themselves.

not a decent logical antio gun arguement in the bunch so far..

But... what about it anti gun nuts?   do we ban all guns or just handguns?  or... what?  


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #70 on: September 07, 2004, 08:08:55 AM »
oh and... I don't think I want to trade our overall crime rate for yours in  nz gixer... if we had your citizens our crime rate would probly double.  or....

you guys would learn to behave better when you got here and confronted armed citizens.


Offline Curval

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« Reply #71 on: September 07, 2004, 10:43:33 AM »
Well speak you agree with what I said?

This is it:

Without a gun you are a defenseless girly man.

Without a gun in a country that allows guns you are a very stupid defensless girly man.

I doubt you will agree with it now and as per your usual posting method you will now turn to shooting trash and collecting guns as your basis for why everyone has the right to bear arms.
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Offline Morpheus

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #72 on: September 07, 2004, 11:39:08 AM »
TH3 MACHINES AR3 T6kin9 0v3r!!!!!
If you don't receive Jesus Christ, you don't receive the gift of righteousness.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #73 on: September 07, 2004, 12:13:57 PM »
curval... without a gun in a lot of instances you will be helpless.    With a gun you will have a better chance of survival in a confrontation.


curly is pointing out it seems that data and scientific method are meaningless (at least when it comes to guns) and that the real proof of balance lies in sensationalism.   if you can find an incident where a gun was misused and created or made a situation worse...   then... logicaly, guns should be banned since this proves that human nature is such that we have to be protected from it and... that guns are evil.

in that spirit.... would you all agree that if I can sensationalize, show two instances, where guns were used to save life then.... that would prove that I am twice as right as curly?


Offline J_A_B

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Guns don't kill people, nah.
« Reply #74 on: September 07, 2004, 12:19:29 PM »
"Casualties by automobiles are mostly due to accidents. "

"Accidents" are very very rare.

That is, unless you define "accident" as "unintentional", which is not really accurate.   Most traffic crashes result from negligence or recklessness, which can hardly be called "accidental". you consider it an "accident" that John Doe just had to be gabbing on his cell phone (to use a current popular example) instead of paying attention to the road?  Or is it somehow not his fault when he decided that he's above the law and drives 15 over the speed limit then promptly loses control on a curve and crashes?

True "accidents" are very very rare.  Some would argue that they don't exist at all.