Author Topic: Question to Finns  (Read 25153 times)

Offline Slurpee

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1020 on: April 05, 2005, 02:47:51 AM »
i think this is the most replies for a thread ive ever seen...this has got to be some kind of record.

Offline Fishu

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1021 on: April 05, 2005, 07:48:56 AM »
Thats what you get when theres an american and even more stubborn russian arguing about things

Offline Estel

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1022 on: April 05, 2005, 02:02:33 PM »
Originally posted by Suave
It's not CZ.

Here's a hint, OSNAZ alpha teams liquidated a television station probably same day this photo was taken.

Oh and are you actually suggesting that when the USSR stole CZ it wasn't brutal ?

OSNAZ is a part of Radio-Countermeasures Battalion. They are for listen and pelengate radiostations. Alpha team is a part of KGB special operations center.

Offline Estel

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1023 on: April 05, 2005, 02:25:35 PM »
Originally posted by Boroda
I spent 5 days in a village on lake Seliger (400km North from Moscow) last week. Between Volokolamsk and Rzhev the road is simply amazing. 20cm holes every 1.5 meters. It's frightening to drive there in the daylight. At night it's almost OK at 120-140 km/h ;)

You spent? No! We spent! You sleeped all of the time like a bear.
 From Moscow to Volokolamsk I drived at 150-160 km/h. The only limitation was tears limit. Not more 150. Then, before Rzhev - yes. Holes about 30-40 cm deep and 30-50 cm large. Very good to learn making "snake" on 110-120 km/h ;-)

Now I would like to return to topic.

Last year, our TV cooperating with Finnish TV showed a film about our veterans. The showed recon group worked on finnish territory after the war. There was one moment, the penetrated a village, where was a nazi's base. So. One of the veterans asked: How can we go there? (Into that village) We penetrated it at all and maybe they (finnish) thinks that we are crimes or something like that.... (This was about our veterans in ex-pribaltic countryes). After that, finnish goverment gived them special visas. For free moving in the country. Per life. For enemy.

Veterans were in that village. And they meeted kids they didn't kill that night. And that kids of that time don't think that we were enemy. They think that it was a very big mistake.

Finland is the only country wich wasn't accused in Nurnberg. But it's not a reason to say that Finns are good and Russians are bad. And not to tell that Russians are good and Finnish are bad.
But. There are some facts, wich were ignored by Soviet Union after the war. For example: finnish concenration camps in Karelia, finnish plants on wich the first part of german U-boats were built before the war and many other. Finnish goverment already agreed, that participation in WWII on axis side was an error. And as I understand, all of these questions wasn't asked from 1945 till novadays.
The questions about some Karelian territory became shortly after ex-baltic republics went out from Union. The questions about territory, homes and etc. The usual answer is: If you want to revise these questions, we need to revise our post-war agreements. After that these questions disappears.

Offline Staga

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1024 on: April 05, 2005, 02:47:01 PM »
Are you talking about russian groups who were attacking distant villages in eastern Finland and killing childrens, their mothers and old men when the adults were in front?
You are ****** twisted folks...

Offline Estel

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1025 on: April 05, 2005, 04:30:57 PM »
Originally posted by Staga
Are you talking about russian groups who were attacking distant villages in eastern Finland and killing childrens, their mothers and old men when the adults were in front?
You are ****** twisted folks...

Adults on the front? That adults were concentration camp guards in Petrozavodsk. They fought with kids and women in camps? Don't make me laugh.

Offline Fishu

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1026 on: April 05, 2005, 04:55:24 PM »
How many times it needs to be said that the finnish "concentration camps" were not extermination camps in any manner nor were they equal to german concentration camps in the manner they used it.

soviets did it, brits did it, americans did it, japanese did it... blaablaablaa.
For some reason nobody deems it a good idea to leave possible desants right behind the frontline.
For some reason its bloody hard for you russians to understand it, even though your country did it more than the finns ever could.
Seems to be also the only point you guys are hanging into and are bloody well over rating it.

Just like some people are finger pointing at finns for deporting less than dozen jews to germany, like the whole jewish population would been deported.
I'm sure some other people were deported to germany too, but nobody gives a crap for them...
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 04:59:55 PM by Fishu »

Offline genozaur

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1027 on: April 05, 2005, 05:55:38 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
I've already explained this to you, but of course it doesn't fit your agenda you refuse to remember it, just like everytime someone kicks the hell out of your "arguements".

What you fail to mention (running theme with you, what with your selective editing), is how well the rest of the western world is doing economically.  The CCCP had a crap standard of living during communism (as has been shown at least in regards to your abismal longevity and infant mortality rates).  Although the CCCP was technologically advance compared to many countries, compared to the west it was far behind.  I find it Ironic that you are using US/western European technology to even communicate with us.

I can understand your frustration though, what with you being 21 and young Russian women fleeing you country, not only for the west, but heck they even think the middle and far east better than than old CCCP countries.  ;)

We are so proud of our amazing girls who are so easily invading the West (and the East).
You really need genetic revolution, and fast.
An average American girl is so ugly that if she moves to Russia she will be a spinster for the rest of her life. And this is not a bad joke, it's the truth.


Offline ASTAC

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1028 on: April 05, 2005, 06:01:21 PM »
Originally posted by genozaur
We are so proud of our amazing girls who are so easily invading the West (and the East).
You really need genetic revolution, and fast.
An average American girl is so ugly that if she moves to Russia she will be a spinster for the rest of her life. And this is not a bad joke, it's the truth.


Did you see my reply to that..The truth of what the Russian girls do in the Middle east...In fact after more research they are the MAJORITY in that profession...better to be a potato than stay home..

What average American girls are you looking at? If it's true your location says Brooklyn many average American girls can you have with Mostly Italian, Greek, and Irish  peoples living there? Not a big enough cross section of the American Culture to make a call like that I think. Just a major European part.
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Offline genozaur

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1029 on: April 05, 2005, 06:02:59 PM »
Originally posted by Fishu
How many times it needs to be said that the finnish "concentration camps" were not extermination camps in any manner nor were they equal to german concentration camps in the manner they used it.

soviets did it, brits did it, americans did it, japanese did it... blaablaablaa.
For some reason nobody deems it a good idea to leave possible desants right behind the frontline.
For some reason its bloody hard for you russians to understand it, even though your country did it more than the finns ever could.
Seems to be also the only point you guys are hanging into and are bloody well over rating it.

Just like some people are finger pointing at finns for deporting less than dozen jews to germany, like the whole jewish population would been deported.
I'm sure some other people were deported to germany too, but nobody gives a crap for them...

One nuance :
As far as I remember, Boroda said that the death rate among Soviet civilians held at the Finnish "Winter Camps" was higher than the death rate at the "regular" Nazi concentration camps (he mentioned Dachau, if I'm not mistaken).

Offline genozaur

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1030 on: April 05, 2005, 06:21:23 PM »
Originally posted by ASTAC
Did you see my reply to that..The truth of what the Russian girls do in the Middle east...In fact after more research they are the MAJORITY in that profession...better to be a potato than stay home..

What average American girls are you looking at? If it's true your location says Brooklyn many average American girls can you have with Mostly Italian, Greek, and Irish  peoples living there? Not a big enough cross section of the American Culture to make a call like that I think. Just a major European part.

Hey, on the contrary, in this respect Brooklyn is the bright spot on the US map.
And I was visiting quite a lot of places on the East coast, from Boston down to Washington DC.
An average nice girl from Russia is a beauty here in the USA. And a beauty from Russia can only be compared to the top models from the US.
And don't worry about the Russian Amazons in the East. They are just collecting some coins for their dowry. :rofl

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1031 on: April 05, 2005, 06:35:04 PM »
I will maintain we have some beautiful girls here..however I'll also give in to agreeing that you have some great ones there..Here's one I dated a few years ago..she was from petrovodsk(think speeled way off), bad I don't have the girl or the Mustang anymore.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 06:55:27 PM by ASTAC »
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Offline genozaur

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1032 on: April 05, 2005, 06:40:57 PM »
Originally posted by Siaf__csf
Where ever you go in europe, you can be sure that the hookers are mostly russians.

This is pretty amazing that they travel thousands of kilometers to sell themselves, but they do.

Someone said once that beautiful women are the main merchandise of russia and he was pretty right on the money.

Poverty stricken young women get sold by busloads on slave markets. They're promised mid-waged jobs in the west but in reality they're sold as slaves.

OK, exactly !
That was the purpose of the West's Drang to topple the USSR. In order to enslave the Soviet people. Because for the mother-loving bastards in the West it is not enough that milliones of Slavic people were sold in the Western and Eastern countries since the ancient times (even the English word 'slave' is the derivative from the term 'Slavian/Slovian' denoting the Slavic people).

Offline ASTAC

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1033 on: April 05, 2005, 06:43:08 PM »
Dang..where did my pics go on my last post...can you guys see em?

Edit: well one of em is back anyway...???
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 06:55:11 PM by ASTAC »
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety

Offline genozaur

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Question to Finns
« Reply #1034 on: April 05, 2005, 06:51:45 PM »
Originally posted by ASTAC
I will maintain we have some beautiful girls here..however I'll also give in to agreeing that you have some great ones there..Here's one I dated a few years ago..she was from petrovodsk(think speeled way off), bad I don't have the girl or the Mustang anymore.

Sorry, I couldn't check out your former girlfriend from Petrozavodsk (some video drawbacks in my computer).
I can agree that you have some pretty-looking girls in the US. But even those are mostly .......