Author Topic: Tired of it  (Read 2871 times)

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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« Reply #75 on: March 04, 2005, 02:10:36 AM »
Originally posted by Widewing
Ah, they didn't run for their base. They extended, climbed and returned. P-40s can't dogfight with Ki-27s or Ki-43s. So they used their superior speed. But they didn't run, they stayed in the fight until the guns were empty or the Japanese retired. I count several of the AVG as personal friends. See my website for details.

My regards,


It was never my intention to insinuate that the Flying Tigers were anything less than brave. They were voluteers from the American Armed forces, most were very experienced pilots.  They flew smart, and aggressive, but they sure didn't turn fight the superior turning Japanese planes.

In AH, extending, making an egress, getting alt and then returning to the fight, is considered "running like a girl" and if you use that tactic, you are a dweebish coward.  That is, you should just turn your 190 around and wipe the sky clean of all those nasty Spitties, NIKI's and LA7s in a down and dirty, low altitude, roll in the mud, knife fight.  If your were a good enough pilot, it shouldn't be a problem.  Remember, it is the pilot, not the plane.

The only pilots who have any credibility are those who fight wheels and flaps down.  Anything else is an L Gay 7 (like this is 2005 who cares if someone is gay?) or a Run09, a Run90, or a Runstang.

I'm just a dweeb who runs like a girl, (more like a scalded dog actually).  That is mainly because I really can't fight a LA7 and his 2 to 4 Spittie and NIKI friends in a 190A8 if I get low and slow.  I just suck at that sort of thing.

The only way I know how to fly a 190 is to stay high and fast.  But I am only an alt monkey dweeb in a Run90.  Not a real man, in a manly plane.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2005, 02:13:13 AM by AKFokerFoder+ »

Offline Stang

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« Reply #76 on: March 04, 2005, 02:22:10 AM »
Originally posted by AKFokerFoder+

In AH, extending, making an egress, getting alt and then returning to the fight, is considered "running like a girl" and if you use that tactic, you are a dweebish coward.  That is, you should just turn your 190 around and wipe the sky clean of all those nasty Spitties, NIKI's and LA7s in a down and dirty, low altitude, roll in the mud, knife fight.  If your were a good enough pilot, it shouldn't be a problem.  Remember, it is the pilot, not the plane.

The only pilots who have any credibility are those who fight wheels and flaps down.  Anything else is an L Gay 7 (like this is 2005 who cares if someone is gay?) or a Run09, a Run90, or a Runstang.

You are 100% dead frikkin wrong.  Totally.  

Running and extending are two totally different things.  Someone who "runs" will flee the scene of a 1 on 1 because he doesn't know jack about any acm except cherry pick hoing.  Someone who "extends" will extend a thousand yards or two, not running, but setting up his next run or his kill shot.  He can do this in a thousand different ways, and you'll know it because in a matter of seconds he'll back back on you like a fly on sh*t.  He'll keep doing this until he gets you, wears you out completely or has to rtb for fuel or ammo.  Runners don't do this.  Those that have a sack and actually fight do.  The problem is maybe less than 1% of people who fly a BnZ ride fly anything like this.  Try it Fodder, you'll pwn just about every slower plane you fight against, unless he's got a hell of a reverse move (beware low spit5's  :D )

Offline FBBone

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« Reply #77 on: March 04, 2005, 03:04:22 AM »
Allright, I admit it.   I fly 'em as much as anything else.  HOWEVER, they can be beaten, as those that have killed me many times in mine will attest.  Learn the LA's weakness and exploit it.  It has a vicious snap in low E turns, not as bad as the doras but you should be able to make the pilot induce it if you can keep em turnin.  They aren't a SUPER FIGHTER with the best characteristics of all other fighters, Spits can turn inside of them.  Learn to merge.   Also, if theyre runing, don't follow.  They will turn back, then just use your superior skills to splash them.  Don't have these skills?  Get 'em.  Most guys have @ 100:1 flight time ratio on me.  That is for every 1 hour I'm up, they're up 100, so I don't feel really bad when I hear them whine (alot).

I also like to defend fields against the Dora hordes and, I do like to get to the 15-20k Rook alt. monkeys in a reasonable time frame.  This is a good plane to do both.  (Or maybe thats why the cryin?)

The LAs can be out maneuvered, but probably not in the BnZ plane most guys like to vulch with.  So get a turn fighter.

Simply put, if you dont like gettin beat by them, grab an LA and beat them back (worked for me when Birdo was vulchin one of my bases in his LA last night).  If you're "too good to take a 'Dweeb' ride", then dont cry when you get whacked by one.  Who is the bigger dweeb, the dweeb himself, or the dweeb that just got splashed by him?

If runnin is the problem, then its the pilots, not the plane.  Like I said, I get killed in them PLENTY, because I turn and fight instead of runnin, I also kill my share of 'em because when I see 'em I dont run flat out, I just out fly most of 'em' till they auger.  :aok
« Last Edit: March 04, 2005, 12:03:07 PM by FBBone »

Offline 101ABN

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« Reply #78 on: March 04, 2005, 04:03:44 AM »
heck, here is a solution... perk all the planes and let no new person in unless they know the secret knock.. so the plane ran from you... ill run when im almost out of fuel.. or ammo.. but then again i guess that i should continue to bob and weave until im shot down.. or im considered a running dweeb.. ok, i can do that.. heck ive been a spit dweeb, spitV dweeb,  La5 dweeb, and a mmmmmmm...oh yea a dweeb.

:aok :rofl

Offline BUG_EAF322

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« Reply #79 on: March 04, 2005, 04:50:10 AM »
than the La-7 ... stick-stirrin' all the way.

yep thats what these experten do.

yesterday 2 in a PJ it aint that easier.

I had a fight with a G10 the guy sees he loses and is able to run . in the mean while his buddy in a A5 comes to me.

I fight him and come on his 6 at d200 yes
FW's are stickstrirrers pur sang i never got to hit it. well i hit him a few. But the PJ rubber does nothing.

In the mean while the loser G10 comes back 1 ping and boem. :rolleyes:

I myself got to fly a F8 once and had a la5 at my tail for 2 sectors he never hit me just by jerkin the stick. eventualy he gave up.

Lame planes these FW's

Offline DamnedRen

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« Reply #80 on: March 04, 2005, 11:16:00 AM »
Let's start over...

1) I don't run from a fight while in an LA7.
2) I don't run from a fight against an LA7 while in another plane.
2) Other people don't run from a fight while in an LA7
3) Mustang's run from LA7's (til they die) so do FW's
4) Pucker factor goes way up when an LA7 arrives on the scene
5) Learn to deal with it.
6) Be positive when going up against one.
7) I'm positive if you're not in that frame of mind you will end up back here whining about LA7's again.

Have a nice day.

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #81 on: March 04, 2005, 01:28:17 PM »
Okay, new numbers, with each fighter having 75% fuel at takeoff, fuel burn set at 2.0 per the MA.

Acceleration: Altitude, 25 feet. Adjust power to steady at 200 mph. Go to max power (with WEP where available). Time needed to attain 300 mph.

Results in seconds, no rounding.

Tempest: 26.16
F4U-4: 28.57
SpitXIV: 28.72
La-7: 28.78
109G-10: 28.97
190D-9: 30.83
Ki-84: 35.96
P-38J\L: 36.57
Yak-9U: 37.40
109G-2: 37.62
109G-2: 43.94 w/gondolos

Climb from sea level. Start altitude, 25 feet. Adjust power to steady 300 mph. Go to max power, engage auto-climb. Time needed to reach 10,000 feet.

Results in minutes and seconds, no rounding.

109G-10: 1:46.18
SpitXIV: 1:47.13
109G-2: 1:54.06
F4U-4: 1:55.67
P-38J/L: 2:03.55
109G-2: 2:04.00 w/gondolas
Ki-84: 2:04.09
190D-9: 2:04.35
Tempest: 2:05.38
La-7: 2:06.91
Yak-9U: 2:13.94

We find what we expected from the Tempest. It wins the acceleration contest. However, the La-7 falls behind the F4U-4 and the Spitfire XIV, and barely nipping the 109G-10. This group of four can be looked at as a virtual dead heat. We see the Dora largely alone in 6th place. We see that the Ki-84 does edge out the P-38J/L, but not by much. The Yak and the 109G-2 bring up the rear. Note that gondolas penalizes the G-2 by adding more than 5 seconds to the acceleration time.

In terms of climb rate, the 109G-10 is still the winner, but only just barely over the Spitfire XIV. In terms of acceleration, speed and climb, these are about as equally matched as any two fighters in the game. Next we find the 109G-2, closely followed by the F4U-4. Add gondolas to the G-2 and it falls down the list just behind the next fighter, the P-38J/L. We then see the Ki-84 and 190D-9 right behind. These numbers establish another group, P-38J/L, Ki-84 and 190D-9 posting numbers close enough to be considered a dead heat. Almost a second behind this bunch is the Tempest, a full 19 seconds in arrears of the G-10. Lagging behind the Tempest is the La-7. While this fighter climbs tremendously up to 5,000 feet, climb rate tanks-out as it continues up. Bringing up the back is the Yak-9U, well behind the rest of the test fighters.

So there you have it. Yes, the La-7 is a monster, but it is not as terrific as some would have us believe. Should it be perked? I feel the 3 cannon version should be given a perk price similar to the F4U-1C, with 2 cannon version being free.

My regards,

« Last Edit: March 04, 2005, 01:30:31 PM by Widewing »
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline jdpete75

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« Reply #82 on: March 04, 2005, 01:48:05 PM »
I noticed in widewings analysis (see above thread) that the spit14 and the 109g10 are well matched aircraft.  Im not looking to start anything , but why does the spit14 have a perk tag so high?  I flew it once and didnt think it was worth near the perks I spent on it.  Sure it climbed faster, but it doesnt turn as well as I would expect.   I myself have spanked them in a turnfight with a seafire.  To tell you the truth Im more worried about other seafires or spit5s than the perked model.

On a diferent note I love lots of La7s around.  In a seafire you can get 4 or 5 perk points apiece for them. woohoo  And with as many 262s as I lose I need all the perkies I can get.

Offline Goth

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« Reply #83 on: March 04, 2005, 02:42:24 PM »
You guys are right...Unperk the Chog, Ta152, and the Spit XIV.....reduce Tempest cost, 163's free for HQ defense only give us the B29 and perk the nookes, but leave the regular payload free from perkage.

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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« Reply #84 on: March 04, 2005, 03:30:31 PM »
Originally posted by Stang
You are 100% dead frikkin wrong.  Totally.  

Running and extending are two totally different things.  Someone who "runs" will flee the scene of a 1 on 1 because he doesn't know jack about any acm except cherry pick hoing.  Someone who "extends" will extend a thousand yards or two, not running, but setting up his next run or his kill shot.  He can do this in a thousand different ways, and you'll know it because in a matter of seconds he'll back back on you like a fly on sh*t.  He'll keep doing this until he gets you, wears you out completely or has to rtb for fuel or ammo.  Runners don't do this.  Those that have a sack and actually fight do.  The problem is maybe less than 1% of people who fly a BnZ ride fly anything like this.  Try it Fodder, you'll pwn just about every slower plane you fight against, unless he's got a hell of a reverse move (beware low spit5's  :D )

Well maybe I am a 100% wrong, but in the Main Arena that I fly in, I could count on both hands, leaving out the thumbs and a couple of fingers the number of 1 on 1's H have had that were fought to completion without interference from either my side or theirs.  I had a great 1 on 1 the other day with a LA7, I missed vulching him in F4U-D,  I stayed on him like hair on a dog.  I have flown the F4U only a little so I kept missing.  The other pilot was a guy named something like Sundwnr or something like that. We kept it up for at least 10 minutes. Eventually he got on my six, and I kept forcing overshoots. He then overshot with speed looped over hit me from my high 12. He did that a couple of times until I went down.  Really a fun fight, he was quite good.  But that is the last time I have had a 1 on 1 in a long long time.  People fly in hordes.

If you think I am going to BNZ a pack of bogeys, then blow my e with a quick reversal, shoot one bogey to bits, then have the pack of LA's and Spitties tear me apart, well I'm not gonna do that.  I am a dweebish coward who doesn't like to play target drone.  I boom with speed, climb out, get enought alt to make another pass safely, then dive again.  I usually don't dive down make a pass and run for base.  Sometimes I even dive down with a belly tank on as I helps control dive speed.  I am not afraid of a LA7 one on one, drag him out and kill him if I can.  But LA7's almost always have a pack of Spitties following them.  So you dive down at about 450mph, make a pass, then zoom up.  Most LA7s won't bother to follow you.  But if I get to agressive, low and slow like you suggest.  Then the LA7 starts to fly you down, with several buddies in tow.

Like I said, I am a alt monkey, cherry picking, vulching, gang banging, score potato.  But the MA environment I fly in is not a gentlemans duel at dawn.  It is a snake pit, full of gang bangers, vulchers, HO dweebs, LA7's cherry pickers, score potatos, river pirates and worse.  

The only way to survive in the MA I fly in is to be a heartless, merciless, razor toting snake. And you better stay fast.

I certainly would like to try flying in this other MA you have found.  Can I have the url?

But then they would throw me out.  I have not fought in a gentlemen's arena in years.  All I know is kill or be killed.

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #85 on: March 04, 2005, 03:52:09 PM »
Originally posted by AKFokerFoder+
Well maybe I am a 100% wrong, but in the Main Arena that I fly in, I could count on both hands, leaving out the thumbs and a couple of fingers the number of 1 on 1's H have had that were fought to completion without interference from either my side or theirs.  I had a great 1 on 1 the other day with a LA7, I missed vulching him in F4U-D,  

Maybe if you let people up you will have more 1 on 1 fights.  LMAO, he is talking about vulching while crying about the lala.  As I have always said.  The lala took off and killed the vulcher.  A 190 or 51 would not have been able to do that and therefore, we cry about the lalas :lol.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #86 on: March 04, 2005, 06:25:32 PM »
It keeps...

Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going

Going and Going.
If you don't receive Jesus Christ, you don't receive the gift of righteousness.

Offline Stang

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« Reply #87 on: March 04, 2005, 06:29:04 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
It keeps...

Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going Going and Going

Going and Going.

You aint helping it either Jeffa hehe

Offline DamnedRen

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« Reply #88 on: March 04, 2005, 07:22:28 PM »
The only thing I can figure out is everyone's AH2 computer is tanked. Otherwise, why would anyone wanna be here iso the MA?

I gotta admit I spend time on here when I'm at work. I finish getting my releases done and all I gotta do is flight follow and make sure all is well. With 3 screens I can devote a small corner to read the fun stuff, like why is there air? Opps, why do Laffies run?

If you think laffies run from a fight come observe ride with me. Anyones welcome.


Offline Shane

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« Reply #89 on: March 04, 2005, 07:35:38 PM »
tell 'em to make sure they bring their chutes.  :D
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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