Author Topic: "Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip  (Read 4445 times)

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #60 on: April 07, 2005, 08:16:43 PM »

There she is on "60 Minutes," simpering about her failed relationship with her stoic father.

There she is in the Washington Post, detailing her past bouts with bulimia and lingering body image problems. (Which haven't damaged her enough to prevent her from posing for publicity photos: "Oh, God! Side lighting is not so good for me," the suffering Fonda orders the photographer.)

There she is in The New York Times. And Time magazine. And on "Good Morning America," blabbing about her bizarre trio of ex-husbands and their various pathologies. Adultery. Alcoholism. Prostitutes. Group sex. Blecchh. Aging hippies never learn. As college students, they had no appreciation of the value of self-restraint. Decades later as senior citizens (Jane Fonda is a 67-year-old woman prattling on, Howard Stern-style, about threesomes, for heaven's sake), they still have no appreciation of the value of discretion.

Unless there are big bucks involved, that is.

And now, Hanoi Jane is everywhere, everywhere, issuing what many in the mainstream media have characterized as a so-called apology for her betrayal of American troops in Vietnam.

The New York Times reports: As she has before, Ms. Fonda apologizes for being photographed laughing and clapping while sitting on an antiaircraft gun in Hanoi. (She writes that she absent-mindedly sat down in a moment of euphoria with her North Vietnamese hosts, and adds, ''That two-minute lapse of sanity will haunt me until the day I die.'')

On "60 Minutes," she moans: I will go to my grave regretting that. The image of Jane Fonda, 'Barbarella,' Henry Fonda's daughter, just a woman sitting on an enemy aircraft gun was a betrayal. It was like I was thumbing my nose at the military and at the country that gave me privilege.

"Like" she was thumbing her nose? The woman delivered numerous broadcasts on Radio Hanoi claiming tortured POWs were in "good health," calling her own president a "new-type Hitler" on enemy airwaves, and accusing American pilots of being "war criminals."

Vietnam veterans see clearly through Fonda's ploy -- yet another insult to the memory of fallen American troops. Walter Inge wrote in a letter to the editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Despite repeated claims, Hanoi Jane Fonda has never apologized for her treasonous collaboration with the Vietnamese Communists. Writing that it was 'a betrayal' and 'a lapse of judgment' is a confession, not an apology.

Henry Mark Holzer, co-author of "Aid and Comfort: Jane Fonda and North Vietnam," was more blunt on MSNBC's "Scarborough Country" this week: "She committed treason. She exploited and misused American POWs. She gave the North Vietnamese communists, with whom we were then at war, propaganda that American POWs endured unimaginable torture not to give them, she gave it to them for free. And, indeed, she caused the deaths of American fighting men and the deaths of our allies as well."

Meanwhile, Fonda's fellow Hollywood hippie leftover, Peter Yarrow, traveled to Vietnam last week "ready to get down on my knees as one American and say, 'Please forgive us'" -- a sentiment with which the unrepentant Fonda -- who has yet to apologize for those treasonous radio broadcasts -- no doubt concurs.

No mind. Fonda's cynical non-apology "apology" keeps making headlines, just as she and her book publicists had hoped. This isn't about making amends. This is about making money.

Me! Me! Me! Hanoi Jane rides again.

Michelle Malkin is a syndicated columnist and maintains her weblog at ©2005 Creators
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Offline Meatwad

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #61 on: April 07, 2005, 10:04:21 PM »
Originally posted by stantond
I detest the actions she took in Vietnam and believe she should have been deported.  However, she was pretty hot in Barbarella.  Not that that's any excuse of course.

What was that other movie she was in... about the nuclear plant meltdown reaching the water table, oh yea the China Syndrome.   That film helped destroy the US nuclear industry after 3 mile island.  She really has a consistent record of being a bad citizen.  I   vote she needs a good spanking... in public.  Of course I haven't seen her in a while... is she still hot?



Both movies I seen and they were pretty good movies, especially Barbarella. Kind of wacked out and appears to be made especially for stoned tripped out hippies, but still good.
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Offline Sandman

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #62 on: April 20, 2005, 11:09:16 PM »

Offline somespam

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #63 on: April 20, 2005, 11:17:42 PM »
I heard a Vet spit a big 'ol wad of chew directly in her face from just a couple of feet away.....great shot!  He waited for over 90 minutes in line at a book signing just to be able to "make his statement".  Served her right

Offline somespam

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #64 on: April 20, 2005, 11:18:22 PM »
Sorry, didn't read sandman's post

Offline Sandman

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #65 on: April 20, 2005, 11:18:41 PM »
No kidding? :D

Offline JB73

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #66 on: April 20, 2005, 11:20:00 PM »
that traitor ***** is worthless

has anyone even brought up in this thread the possible military information she supposedly gave to the VC during her "visit" ?

let's see snopes prove that wrong.

as for mccain... i dont trust him saying that. he was running for president for chrissakes. a candiate will say anything in that arena, AND you really think he'd say something that possibly might PO "hollywood"???

gimme a break.  

<--- waits in line to piss / puke / drop fecal matter on her grave
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Sandman

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #67 on: April 20, 2005, 11:27:21 PM »
What kind of "military information" could a thirty-five year old actress have?

Offline Saintaw

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #68 on: April 21, 2005, 07:54:15 AM »
Someone said "threesome" ???

Jackal, you're obviously Zulu's new pet... "here boy, sniff this bone...fetch!" :D
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline slimm50

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #69 on: April 21, 2005, 08:32:28 AM »
Originally posted by wombatt
LOL the difference is that MCcain served his country with honor and was a POW for many years .
Come on MT you are smarter than that.

So...if HE can forgive, why can't someone, like myself for example, who never served, at least entertain the idea of forgiving her?

Offline Mighty1

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #70 on: April 21, 2005, 09:26:13 AM »
He "forgives" her because it will further his political position of being a moderate.

In my opinion anyone who gives aid to the enemy should NEVER be forgiven.

But if you choose to forgive then that is your opinion and I for one would not hold it against you.

Not at first anyway.:p
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Offline slimm50

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #71 on: April 21, 2005, 09:29:27 AM »
Originally posted by Mighty1
He "forgives" her because it will further his political position of being a moderate.

Yeah, there is that. Didn't think of it. Now I'll have to reconsider my decision.

Offline Airhead

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #72 on: April 21, 2005, 10:13:59 AM »
They just had the spitter, Michael A. Smith, on TV- he said he spit on her "for all Vietnam veterans."

Well, thank you but no thank you Mr. Smith- what you have done is help to continue to pertripate the myth of Viet Vets being anti-social  dirtbags with this-grosest of  protest actions.

It's unfortunate Jane Fonda didn't press charges against you for this assault- you need a time out of, oh, say- eighteen months in County.

Disgusting behavior, not condoned by any Viet Vets here, I'll bet- only the angry little wannabees seem to be OK with this.

Offline Mighty1

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #73 on: April 21, 2005, 10:21:28 AM »
They just had the spitter, Michael A. Smith, on TV- he said he spit on her "for all Vietnam veterans." Well, thank you but no thank you Mr. Smith- what you have done is help to continue to pertripate the myth of Viet Vets being anti-social dirtbags with this-grosest of protest actions.

It's unfortunate Jane Fonda didn't press charges against you for this assault- you need a time out of, oh, say- eighteen months in County.

Disgusting behavior, not condoned by any Viet Vets here, I'll bet- only the angry little wannabees seem to be OK with this.

Yes I'm sure all the Vets near you right now are cheering for Jane to have a speedy recovery from her tragic experience while promoting her book on how she wasn't sorry for anything she said or did to those same Vets.:rolleyes:
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Offline Maverick

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"Hanoi Jane" apologizing for vietnam trip
« Reply #74 on: April 21, 2005, 10:31:00 AM »
Ya know, there were quite a few vets who got spit on themselves, some were just returning from their tour or released from the service. Seems only fair that fonda should experiance it as well. Hell I experianced it and hadn't even served in Nam, didn't phase the spitter, I just had a uniform on.

Other than that I agree that it was a bit over the top. A pie in the face would have been better but that is treserved for other political statements I suppose.
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