Governor says he will sign 'meet force with force' bill
Associated Press
Posted April 5 2005, 1:18 PM EDT
TALLAHASSEE -- Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Tuesday he intends to sign a bill that would allow people who feel threatened on the street, in a bar, at a ball game -- or just about anywhere -- to ``meet force with force'' to defend themselves without fear of being prosecuted.
LOL best to read the fine print on this one.
allow people who feel threatened on the street, in a bar, at a ball game -- or just about anywhere -- to ``meet force with force''
The key word being force on force.
In other words If a guy punches you you may punch him back.
You cant just shoot him LOL.
Also if anyone is packing heat in a bar LOL well you in deep watermelon anyways.
This law although it might sound good does look to be covered in Grey areas.
It leaves to much up to the individual to make up his mind.
Picture this two dudes get in a fight and one is unarmed but he is kicking the other dudes butt.
Now the other dude gets tired of having his butt kicked so he shoots the dude.
is he justified?
Now same scenario the first dude pulls out a knife !
Well now i believe dude two has the right to shoot him.
It looks good on paper but lets see how it works in real life.
Before we all start trying to be Wyatt Earp.