Author Topic: Kill Stealing  (Read 3078 times)


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« Reply #45 on: April 18, 2005, 09:14:55 AM »
Originally posted by Edbert

I find the shoulder shooting to be more of an issue and every sinlge time I see friendly tracers coming over my canopy I pull into them, usually with catastrophic results to the lamer who is trying to steal the kill. It seems to me to happen most when you've worked a guy into the dirt that some hero comes diving in, I guess he figures that since you are saddled up on the con that you are in trouble or perhaps he just wants to save the con from the torture session you are metting out.

If you think I am taking too long to put the guy away, and can get closer to him that I am then by all means take him. I just ask that you give a warning that you are about to pass me, then cut in front and dispatch him. If you cannot get in between me and the con then hold your fire, I just might be torturing him by hanging D150 off his arse and watching him stir :D

LOL I've had friendlies shooting from behind me tell me to "watch the killshooter" Kinda makes me laugh.

If your behind me then its you that needs to watch the killshooter, not me. Im manuvering for a shot.

I'll dangle behind someone too for a bit when they are evading. Main reason is I like to try to pick my shots and fire in short bursts then just spray away. I very very rarely get a killshooter because of this.

On thinking about it though, in a sence I do intentionally steal kills. but the ones I intentionally steal are the ones where 6 friendlies all doing the exact same manuvers in unison like a school of fish and have been spending the last 5 min chasing around the same plane and are no closer to killing it then when they started.

I then like to take a different path. figure out where the bad guy is going to be rather then where he currently is and slip in and nail him.
But more times then not I'll do this not to steal a kill, but to put an end to the herd formation and free up those 6 guys who are chasing around 1 lone plane so they can help deal with the 15 enemies that are inound.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 09:17:41 AM by DREDIOCK »
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Offline Lye-El

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« Reply #46 on: April 18, 2005, 09:19:37 AM »
The check six call, and the lack thereof. Probably one of the biggest complaints in the MA. From my perspective as a AH rank  Wobbly 1.

Item 1: The check six key. If less than three friendlys are in front of me I will try to use it. If more than that usually not.

The not factor is because I will usually tab past my intended target and as I pause to see where the box went the check six is sent to the wrong person. If there is a lot of green and especially with a pale background I find the box hard to pick out quickly.

Item two: Vox, this is the method I usually use.  However it seems people think that nobody else is doing anything else but leisurely cruising around the battle space with plenty of time to watch everbody elses six. My SA  isn't that good. If I'm in a Hurricane trying to kill GVs I probably don't look over my own shoulder as much as I should while trying to keep the gv in sight and not hit the ground. Just because you see my icon in the air doesn't mean that I'm paying attention to enemy aircraft not in my immeadiate vicinity. Same deal if I am manuvering against an enemy aircraft. If I am trying to watch my target and keep tabs on other bad guys around me my SA is all used up. If you are in front of me and I see the bandit moving against you I will by all means call out a check six, but I am not watching what other guys around me are doing or what the bandit are doing who are not a threat to me at the moment.

I guess it just bugs me that a person complains about not getting a check six rather be thankful when he does. Especially when that one call saves your butt because you never saw the bandit coming.

I have NEVER  complained about not getting a check six least not on the radio. :D

As an aside, when I was starting out and trying to figure out the Osti I gave ALOT of check six calls by mistake. It seem every time I intended to zoom in my view I hit the check six key instead. Just so those of you that didn't have that problem might know where some of those bogus check six calls might be coming from.  :)

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #47 on: April 18, 2005, 10:39:45 AM »
Lute it is rather interesting. Unless your fairly well known people will treat you differently. I saw that from day one when I started flying under my new name.  

Kegger. Is that really all you've got? Waaaaa? What no more "advice"? I really want to learn how to get your SA. Then I could fly 93 sorties and get 32 kills like you. Please tell me your secrets. I want to be as good as you so I can start giving "advice" to other vets.  :rofl

Dredlock it's more about respect than anything. I won't go out of my way for someone here who doesn't show the same respect to myself and others. If these people are doing this to me then it's  guaranteed they are doing it to the new players too. If I see someone doing this it's no big deal for me because I can typical counter it but for the new folks they typically need every bit of help they can get until they get some experience.

Your example is something I don't mind. I'm very aware that everything can't be caught. I have found myself in that situation more than once. I'll be looking around and at the very last second I'll see an attack in progress and try to get a 6 call off. Sometimes I'm quick enough and sometimes I'm not. If I'm not I make it a point to apologize to that person that I couldn't help them. I'm not saying everyone should apologize either if they are late or miss a call, that's just how I'am personally.

What I'm talking about is when someones actions or lack there of are blatantly carried out. I don't expect a new person to know their is a check 6 function in the game. I do expect the veterans to know and I expect them to use it to help their fellow countrymen. I won't name anyone but their are some vets here that will consistantly do as I described earlier. It's very obvious when I'm not maneuvering and I'm watching them coming towards me from 4 to 5k out. Not once does that "countrymen" try to warn me. Instead they are using me for bait because it makes it easier for them to get a shooting solution since it's almost guaranteed the con will take a shot at the non-maneuvering target.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 10:41:56 AM by Cobra412 »

Offline LTARokit

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« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2005, 11:20:16 AM »
During the heat of a battle, either defending or taking, the squad & I aways try to watch out for the other guy offering up 6 calls. NP.  But when the sky has turned crimson red and every 37 mm shell needs to take down 3 nme planes just to stay alive yourself, it's time to use the hat button and watch your own six, cause on the most that's what everyone else is doing.

What adds to the confusion of when to, and when not to, give 6 calls are the pilots (you know who u r) who, after given a 6 call, reply back (with heavy sarcasim & distaste) "I KNOW" making clear 6 call was neither wanted or appreciated.  Well EXCUUUUUSE MEEE.  This is the same pilot, later, who after becoming a wingless flaming coffin whins about not getting a 6 call.  Dam, wonder why he didn't get a 6 call :lol

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2005, 11:21:08 AM »
A while back, HiTech said he was working on implementing a coad that would cease tracking of damage once fatal damage had been done. Don't know what the status is, but I saw no one who was not in favor of it and several asked he do it ASAP.

I will often fire a short burst at an enemy plane that I am not sure is going in. I'll also sometimes put a short burst into a plane that pulled some sort of crappy move but someone else shot down, just to get an ID on the pilot. For example, if I happen to see some clown flying around doing nothing but trying to cherry pick and running, if someone else knocks him down, I may, if the opportunity presents itself, put a short burst into him to see who it was.

Due to the odd damage tracking and graphic detail, I've been shot down by planes that appear completely unairworthy, missing massive sections of wing or tail surfaces, with one or more dead engines, and burning furiously. So if it appears that it is still able to fly at all, I will try to kill it if it gets anywhere near me or a friendly. If it is not any sort of threat, I'll let it burn up if I think it will.

I try to have a really good memory. If a guy chases an enemy onto my tail and then breaks off, I will likely never forget, he will get left to die at every opportunity. A guy who makes an attempt to clear me will always get a check 6 call if I think he might be in trouble, and I'll dive into ANYTHING if it MIGHT be possible to clear him so he can survive. I'll try to let a friendly get a kill if he's engaged and in no danger. If he might be in danger, I'll try to clear him. I remember who I can trust and who I cannot. Those I can trust can always count on me to do anything I can to help them get a kill or to survive. Those who I cannot trust can count on me to leave them like they left me. Call me to help you and then leave me hanging and run after I come to help and get in trouble clearing you, and I'll laugh quietly while you die from then on. I give everyone the opportunity to make me a loyal friend, and the benefit of the doubt when things go wrong. But I won't keep getting killed saving you while you leave me hanging to run up your score.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Kegger26

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« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2005, 11:37:19 AM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
Kegger. Is that really all you've got? Waaaaa? What no more "advice"? I really want to learn how to get your SA. Then I could fly 93 sorties and get 32 kills like you. Please tell me your secrets. I want to be as good as you so I can start giving "advice" to other vets.

Score means what? I auger all the time to run and grab a goon. Or up to defend our HQ. I dont play all the time. But I know for a fact I could fly circles around you. Without a doubt. The DA is right there if you ever care to find out. Put up or shut up.

 I said waaa becuz you are acting like a little *****. As if a check six is somthing owed to you. I was simply stating my feeling on the whole check six bit and you started in on me. Now with the name calling. You sound like a frickin child.
 Not once did I say I dont give check six's when they are needed. I never said I wouldnt drop down to clear someones tail. You sir have never flown with me. If you have then you would know I do this alot. But to get whiny becuase you didnt get a checksix. Then spin around and say well fine then, I wont give you one neather is just childish.
 If you go into a fight expecting someone to give you a check six or clear your six then you are most likely going to be upset alot. Since these days those actions are few and far between. Change your flying style. Stop putting yourself into a tight spot. Fly a diffrent plane. Find a better wingman. Just STFU about no check sixes. Your sounding like a broken record.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #51 on: April 18, 2005, 11:38:57 AM »
A while back, HiTech said he was working on implementing a coad that would cease tracking of damage once fatal damage had been done. Don't know what the status is, but I saw no one who was not in favor of it and several asked he do it ASAP.

I never said we were working on it. I only said it could be done.


Offline rshubert

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« Reply #52 on: April 18, 2005, 11:46:00 AM »
Originally posted by ghi

  Daily life is a  competition, i don't need another one, i play for fun, STEAL my KILLS, i don't care

I'm with you, ghi.


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #53 on: April 18, 2005, 11:49:56 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
I never said we were working on it. I only said it could be done.


Pardon me, it's been a while. You are correct.

The exact quote was recently posted by Murdr, I just came across it.


Originally posted by hitech on 2/7/05
You can not award the kill at the time of damage. The outcome of the flight has still not been determined. The odds are he will crash and die,but that is not always the case.

But I have lost wings at times near ground and ended up with a ditch by luck.

What would be possible is that no more lethality points are tracked once certian componets fail. The plane could still be shot and more damage done, but no kill award tracking would be done, you still must stay living until the hit plane exits flight.

Been thinking about implementing this for a while, it just hasn't moved to the top of the list yet.


So, can you move this real close to the top of the list? I seem to remember a lot of people (the vast majority probably) were in favor of it.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Speznaz

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« Reply #54 on: April 18, 2005, 12:15:28 PM »
If you get a 6 call consider it a gift and say "rgr thank you". If you dont..oh well.

I agree :aok

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #55 on: April 18, 2005, 12:55:55 PM »
Awe I think I hit his button. :lol

So your claiming your low kill to sortie rate is because you selflessly auger yet in this particular tour (Tour 63 in case your wondering) you landed 49 of your total 93 sorties and still barely managed to get 32 kills. You made a very clear statement also by ensuring you don't die by ditching, bailing or being captured a total of 11 times out of these 93 sorties. So lets get this straight out of 93 sorties you landed 49 times and ditched/bailed/captured 11 times. So in reality 49 of your sorties you were soaring with the gods and no one could touch you, 11 were actual engagements where you miraculously saved your aircraft and the other 33 sorties you selflessly bailed to save the world and grab a goon?

I'm just curious but what part of Antartica are you flying in anyway that you can't manage to find more than 32 aircraft during 49 missions let alone a total of 93 total missions? Especially since your in there mixing it up on the frontlines capturing bases.

Lets check another tour because that last one must not clearly show your uber skills.

Tour 62: 247 sorties, 65 kills, and 98 sorties landed. Again you made a point to ensure you didn't die every sortie by ditching, bailing or being captured a total 41 times out of your 247 sorties. This one can't be right either because it's just like the first one.

Tour 61: 33 sorties, 5 kills, and 9 sorties landed. Again it must not be the selfless acts you claim to be your true issues for low kill to sortie rates. You made it a point again to ditch, bail or be captured a total of 5 times out of your 33 sorties. I just can't seem to understand this. They all keep showing the same trend.

Kegger why are you not also jumping on Virgil.? He said the exact same thing. Why not Jaxxo, he did something similiar? I'd have to say someone's feeling a little guilty. :eek:

You know I really don't wanna bring up the little things but I figured I will anyway. With all your selfless augering to grab a goon you've only captured a field once in the last three tours. So what happenend during all those other selfless acts? I mean did they just not pan out or was it due to some act of god that you just couldn't manage to make ends meet? I mean I'd really like to understand why your so good yet your scores are so horrid. I mean you could fly circles around me for god sakes.

For some reason your stories seem to have a few holes in them though. Superman saving the day yet there's no record of it. Or were you just so fast and stealthy nothing could detect all these selfless acts? I mean hell if you actually captured more than one base in 3 months and then claimed that was the reason for your poor score then I guess we could understand. Currently though it doesn't seem your very good at capturing bases. Good on ya for selflessly bailing to save the world but you might wanna work on it. :rofl
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 01:34:44 PM by Cobra412 »

Offline Edbert1

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« Reply #56 on: April 18, 2005, 02:00:36 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
Kegger why are you not also jumping on Virgil.? He said the exact same thing. Why not Jaxxo, he did something similiar? I'd have to say someone's feeling a little guilty. :eek:

I don't think he's feeling guilty, I think he's stretched his intellect and nerves a little thin by trying to attack a certain fruit in that other thread about insects.

Offline Pirate BK

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« Reply #57 on: April 18, 2005, 03:18:31 PM »
Bah! Amateurs  … ewe users. Killing a chute, or popping the plane that is just touching down frantically trying to .ef before he explodes, now that is gratification. Even more when you get the whine on ch 200.  


Offline 1Klink

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« Reply #58 on: April 18, 2005, 04:00:17 PM »
anyone ever notice besides me that cobra writes a frickin book every time he posts

I mean damn dude must have a lot of time on his hands,you run out of porn too watch cobra.


Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #59 on: April 18, 2005, 04:05:30 PM »
You mean porn to watch? Sorry I actually get some from my