Author Topic: New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates  (Read 37336 times)

Offline BaldEagl

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #795 on: September 21, 2006, 12:49:55 PM »
A few more observations:

It's probably due to the small maps but it's hard to find anything other than furballs going on now.  It used to be that I could find some nice one on one or one on two fights somewhere on the map.  Not anymore.

It's also difficult to do any type of high altitude bombing on these maps.  There's rarely enough room to get to altitude with a loaded bomber.  And speaking of high altitude bombers, doesn't the lack of 163's and 262's leave HQ vulnerable in the EW and MW arenas?

Speaking of the EW and MW arenas, it looks as though there really isn't much of a ground game.  The only tank available is the T-34?  Really?  Everyone used T-34's early in the war?  I thought Hitler blitzed Europe and Poland with Panzers?  Evidently not.  Evidently he used U.S. built T-34's.

One last thing.  If you click on an arena to go in and it's full or becomes full as you click to enter do you have to CTD?  Can't some kind of arena full message pop up so you don't have to re-launch the whole game?

No anger, no threats, just observations.
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #796 on: September 21, 2006, 12:51:47 PM »
when i say people..i am obviously referring to my squaddies and not everyone in the game..i undersatnd that everyone flies for different reasons

Offline Simaril

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #797 on: September 21, 2006, 01:02:53 PM »
Falc --

What is your take on the "Never anything but Bish" rule?

Doc gave his thoughts, and implied that it might be worth reconsidering with all the changes.

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #798 on: September 21, 2006, 01:03:19 PM »
Originally posted by Simaril
In the current environment, what purpose does this rule serve?

How does this have ANYTHING to do with community, friendship, etc? Can you honestly say that the guys who chose to fly for a different chess piece cannot be worth knowing -- that "If you're HIS friend, you can't be MY friend?"

I'd argue that attitudes like these fracture the community FAR FAR more than the arena changes ever could.

It seems to me that its nothing more than a control, a power issue.

Simaril i respectfully disagree...flying with friends is what it is..i have plenty of friends on other "chess pieces" and they often come across and wing with me or they me and i do the same.

Noone was ever forced to join BoPs...we dont even recruit...when people ask the rules are explained and they are also told that you dont have to join to use our ch.  some choose to..some dont...many bish visit our ch all the time and so do friends from other countries.

I exert no "power"...but i also dont like treating this game in a manner that i consider to be arcadelike...if someone chooses to be on my team...then those are my boys...thats who we get to know...

If two football team showed up to play and one was stronger then the other...would you insist they swap players untiil there is statistical parity???  when one trained and worked hard to be a good team and the other just demanded that the "injustice" be corrected?

please dont feel the need to belittle our structure because there are inherent flaws in the design of these arenas...there are plaenty o f games like tribes/quake where you can play "pick up".  its the consistency in here that made it special.

you are right that i cannot begin to get to know 5000 i choose to limit the ones i do get close to and hence my enjoyment.   i feel like i am getting hammered from both it "no way you can feel close to 90 guys" or is it "you must get to know 5000"?

Offline Mugzeee

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #799 on: September 21, 2006, 01:03:48 PM »
My apologies to Hubsonfire.

In an earlier post i replied to Grits

Originally posted by Grits
I'm glad to hear that (seriously). With respect though, that should have been your attitude from the begining. If you guys are a tight as you say, and I have no reason to doubt you, you will find ways to get the squad together.

With a long list of all of falcs post on this thread and a few fronm thread #1

folowed by........................... .........................

Originally posted by Mugzeee sure of it.

Hubs. Maybe if you spent less time trying to be provoking, insulting, flame baiting, flame trolling and ridiculing. You might actually be an asset to the issues at hand.

I for one wish you would just shut your keyboard/mouth if all you can do is  provoke people to anger.

It is very obvious that you have nothing more to offer on the subject than an attempt to get a rise out of anyone that you can.

 A "Glad to hear it Falcn" woulda done nicely.


Was supposed to be directed at grits
Sorry Hubs.

Offline Mugzeee

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #800 on: September 21, 2006, 01:13:07 PM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
Change is scary. It's a lot easier to sit here, threaten to quit, and then insult everybody who doesn't agree with you
 than it is to embrace something new and different.But, what do I know? I'm a BK. I'm no asset to the community. I'm just a customer who has a singular interest in having fun in a game.

Ya think?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 01:16:17 PM by Mugzeee »

Offline hitech

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #801 on: September 21, 2006, 01:21:11 PM »
they often come across and wing

So if BOB's have a no change country rule, do you not see the major issue here, some one else has to change country to wing with you? But god forbid the bob's do the same?

And falconwing: I realy wish you would answere Simaril question.

What you answered was not your thoughts on the rule, nore how it did anything good for the game or your squad. All you said was I have lots of friends who will wing with me even thow they are not in the squad, and nothing about the change country rule. You also implied (even thow it might not be the case) The friends must wing with me, I won't ever change countries to wing with them.


Offline Kev367th

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #802 on: September 21, 2006, 01:33:30 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I don't know falc...  I know him by his avatar and his posts.

He  calls himself and his illegal squad the "fun police"... he is anti fun.. he gives his location as "under your mom"

he brags about ruining others fun with the ability to cheat the squad numbers which....

He claims are 80-100 of his closest friends in life of which... he can't even name and has probly never met but a dozen of.

He goes apopleptic if he thinks he is being insulted or if some game element ruins his fun...  maybe HT could call himself the "fun police" and then it would be all good?

He speaks of loyalty and, with catch in  voice and tear in eye, talks of the "community" of taking undefended bases with 90 of his blood brothers and life partners yet... can't name half of em and at the same time.... is pretty much shutting himself..... and them... from the other 5000 players who are every bit as good a guys.

His style of play is no play at all...  to ruin gamepay... he might as well be playing a boxed game or... a football game where he and his 10 buddies are against 1 bad guy who lives on the next block that they will never get to know.

I don't want to be part of his boring whorde and I don't want to be steamrolled by it.

The mega squads are bad for the community.   period.   Why have a 32 limit if a few squads can cheat it so easy?

in all this time I have never seen two base taking whordes run into each other and fite.   I have fought some of the whorde members... they are amung the worst players in the game.  They aren't any good and they will never get better in the whorde.

he threatens to quit and then in the next post takes it back.... Like I said.. don't know the guy but.... from the posts and, mostly, the way he plays the game ...  don't want to.   I used to say that I never met a flight sim guy that I din't like when we met... this new breed of mega squad guys....  not so sure if that is true now.

Those who will not play honorably and who are cheating the rules need to have their behavior modified.   If they quit cause they can't cheat anymore....  I for one won't miss em.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Lol, that has to be the biggest pile of horse manure you've ever spouted.
No, you obviously don't know Falconwing.

You think adding terms like "honorably" give your drivel any more credence or weight?
I don't, it's just a poor attempt at trying to justify it.

[edit] As I have said many time to you, just because players don't play the game the same way or with the same objectives as you, doesn't make you right and them wrong. Shame your honor OR courtesy doesn't extend that far.

HT/Skuzzy - I apologise in advance if you feel this post is too 'raw', but enough of the BK "holier than thou" attitude already.
[edit off]

Hey Laz, maybe if we all quit you can go play with yourself ;) .
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 01:53:51 PM by Kev367th »
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Offline Simaril

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #803 on: September 21, 2006, 01:40:46 PM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
Simaril i respectfully disagree...flying with friends is what it is..i have plenty of friends on other "chess pieces" and they often come across and wing with me or they me and i do the same.

Noone was ever forced to join BoPs...we dont even recruit...when people ask the rules are explained and they are also told that you dont have to join to use our ch.  some choose to..some dont...many bish visit our ch all the time and so do friends from other countries.

I exert no "power"...but i also dont like treating this game in a manner that i consider to be arcadelike...if someone chooses to be on my team...then those are my boys...thats who we get to know...

If two football team showed up to play and one was stronger then the other...would you insist they swap players untiil there is statistical parity???  when one trained and worked hard to be a good team and the other just demanded that the "injustice" be corrected?

please dont feel the need to belittle our structure because there are inherent flaws in the design of these arenas...there are plaenty o f games like tribes/quake where you can play "pick up".  its the consistency in here that made it special.

you are right that i cannot begin to get to know 5000 i choose to limit the ones i do get close to and hence my enjoyment.   i feel like i am getting hammered from both it "no way you can feel close to 90 guys" or is it "you must get to know 5000"?

First, I see where you're coming from, Falc. But I think you're being unnecessarily antagonistic. I never belittled you or yours....

Even so, I think your response may be revealing. My question was about squad rules, not about how you prefer to play; but you transitioned from what YOUR SQUAD has to do to what YOU want out of the game. Also with all due respect, those are not the same thing at all.

I'm really asking if its necessary for you to exert your CO power to ask your squaddies to limit themselves that way. Sure, they knew what they were getting into when they joined, but what that rule really does is to force applicants to choose between their desire to join, and any desire they might have to fly with other friends. The guys who join decided for BOP, but....would it be so harmful to the squad if they got to do both? Even though you obviously chose to always be bish?

I dont think you're being fair or even realistic when you use your sports analogy. Your description fits pretty well for an AH scenario, adn in that situation you're right.

But in the regular arenas, what's the joy in dsiciplined teamwork when no one else responds with the same? When 20 BOPS decide to attack, and there's no organized resistance (just random uppers), how can that be a measure of skill? Wouldnt it be more satisfying to measure yourselves against a real opponent of near equal strength? And if the BOPS are the best team squad (as ou seem to imply), whats so wicked about wings hitting wings?

To use your sports analogy: I have been in situations where my soccer team either outmatched, or was outmatched by opponents. And yes, I have forfeited games, and asked the other guys to divvy up so the kids can have some fun playing instead of jsut getting their faces rubbed into their inferiority. That's not arcadish, its sportsmanship.

I hear you say BOTH that the BOPS are all about having fun, AND that you're so seriously into winning the war that playing for another side efven once means you can never come back. So which is it -- fun or intense competition?

I've never cared what other squads do, figuring "to each their own." But times are different now. Squads that remain rigid about stuff like this hugely warp the arena balance for all of us, and thats a problem. We all need to adjust, in little ways and maybe in big ways, or decisions will be made FOR US. Just look at some of the other threads to see what I mean.

The old days WILL NOT come back. Arena limits WILL NOT go high enough to let 60 member big wings join a country without problems for everyone. It seems to me that a little flexibility may go a long way.
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Offline thndregg

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #804 on: September 21, 2006, 01:41:20 PM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING

I think that is what people like..comraderie and a sense of purpose to their hour on...

THAT is EXACTLY why I subscribed. :aok
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Offline Simaril

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #805 on: September 21, 2006, 01:55:26 PM »
Originally posted by thndregg
THAT is EXACTLY why I subscribed. :aok

Those are great things.

But why must they only be on one country, even if staying on that country robs everyone else in the game of the chance for fun?
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Offline Waffle

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #806 on: September 21, 2006, 01:58:17 PM »
Walks in to the LSA meeting (Large Squads anonymous)

"Hello - my name is waffle - I used to be a B.O.P."  :)

Anyway - when I was in the Bops, the Sqaud was getting to big for the 32 player limit. So we were trying to figure out how to deal with that.

I proposed we follow the tried and true route of a 32 player squadron, broken down into 2 flights of 16, with that getting broken down into 4 elements of 4 players with those going down to 2 flights of 2 wingman each.

I was figuring that would allow the older guys to become leaders on one level or another, and then let the new guys fill in under them.  Anyway, the whole idea was that you'd get to know your wingman and the flight of 8 the best, because you'd try to fly with them on most nights. Then on Squad nights, the entire Wing would get together and run large missions.

I don't see anything wrong if a squad devlops like that over time. I dont see anything thing wrong with a group of people in a "wing" that has 3 squadrons of 32.

I don't see anything wrong with a country organizing a Mission using the mission editor and launching a large attack against an enemy. If more countrys used the mission editor instead of flying around in circles, there'd be more fierce battles.

You can't blame / label a large squad flying together any different than a 70 player mission being run by one country out of the Mission planner. Even if that squad switched countrys They'd still fly the same way..together.

Offline Grits

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #807 on: September 21, 2006, 01:59:48 PM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
Was supposed to be directed at grits
Sorry Hubs.

Yeah, I figured that, but I still dont understand where you were going with all of Falcons posts. Did you think what I said was disrespectful or untrue? All I meant to say was that I was happy to see Falcon wasnt leaving, and that I thought he should have focused on how to adapt his squad to the new environment from day one[/b] instead of continuing this dead-end discussion. I dont see how that was disrespectful.

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #808 on: September 21, 2006, 02:04:25 PM »
My unsolicited thoughts on a squad remaining bish / rook / nit whatever and making it a rule:

A simplified way of putting it, without dictating a particular country, is that we are a squad.  A squad is a team.  

In a team, you work together, not against each other.  Therefore, there is no place in a team for someone who will actively work against the team, for any reason.  Thus, no one on my team should ever switch sides.

Either the whole squad moves, or none of us does.  That would be my take.

Besides, in my squad's particular case, the second anyone saw an LTAR somewhere besides Bish, the screams of "Spy" would be deafening.  My ears couldn't take it.;)
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Offline Edbert

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #809 on: September 21, 2006, 02:07:33 PM »
Originally posted by thndregg
THAT is EXACTLY why I subscribed. :aok

You did so by choice...of your own free will...and if the ENY hits you guys just is by your choice and of your own free will.