Author Topic: MA, err sorry LW1 full again  (Read 4269 times)

Offline Hammy

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #105 on: October 19, 2006, 05:39:10 PM »
but the caps are being raised thats the main thing.

I believe if HT has 2000 people on his books, his servers should be able to cater for them 2000 even if they all want to be in the same arena at the same time.

Anything else is not getting what you are really paying for.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #106 on: October 19, 2006, 05:47:09 PM »
ROFL: Can just see everone in the US making a phone call all at exatly the same time.

Or everyone at a foot ball game trying to use the head at exatly the same time.

Or everyone in one town turning on sprinklers, continously flushing tolites while running taps all at the same time.

I.E I do not realy buy into your
"Anything else is not getting what you are really paying for"
argument. And realy do not belive you do either.


Offline Overlag

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #107 on: October 19, 2006, 05:50:36 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
ROFL: Can just see everone in the US making a phone call all at exatly the same time.

Or everyone at a foot ball game trying to use the head at exatly the same time.

Or everyone in one town turning on sprinklers, continously flushing tolites while running taps all at the same time.

I.E I do not realy buy into your
"Anything else is not getting what you are really paying for"
argument. And realy do not belive you do either.


exactly, so why do you want so many empty arenas? its not as if all 2000 (or whatever it maybe) will be joining the gaming servers at the same time. and thats something YOU've just said yourself... so why the need for so many MA's?

I mean what has happened to TOD, what has happened to plane updates? Why has changing around the servers been such a top priority all of a sudden?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Hammy

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #108 on: October 19, 2006, 05:54:48 PM »
I.E I do not realy buy into your "Anything else is not getting what you are really paying for"
argument. And realy do not belive you do either.

You dont know me sir and i mean everything i say.

Your arguments merely point out that by "chance" not everyone does do things at exactly the same time, this is what you rely on, but by "chance" if all your paying patrons happened to log on at the exact same time, You couldnt deliver the service they pay for.

I don't disagree with the concept of your change.
I did'nt like the way it was done, granted.
I dont agree with forcing people to play a certain way.
I may be wrong , and i probably am,  but, i'm of the opinion that you are now papering over the cracks that are appearing.

Again, we will have to agree to disagree

Offline Gary26

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #109 on: October 19, 2006, 05:59:44 PM »
So in a nutshell we are basiclly forced into going into LW2. Nice real nice. Wondering how there was a 120 cap on LW1 with 131 people in it. Itried to get in with the rest of my squad and ended up in LW2. Maybe i am just a dumb'ol fireman but i wonder if subscrition price is gonna go down soon.:cry
C.O. VMF-213 Hell Hawks

Offline Hammy

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #110 on: October 19, 2006, 06:05:47 PM »
Maybe i am just a dumb'ol fireman but i wonder if subscrition price is gonna go down soon.

lol, i doubt this very much

Offline hitech

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« Reply #111 on: October 19, 2006, 06:10:51 PM »
Hammy: You design to the worst case probable to how many people can be on at once.

Let say the current peek usage is around 700.

Currently our hardware can support around  3000 people on at the same time.

Design absolut max in one arena is 1000.

I.E. we are well above the proabable.


Offline Hammy

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« Reply #112 on: October 19, 2006, 06:14:43 PM »
Design absolut max in one arena is 1000.

I.E. we are well above the proabable.

Then why the need for low arena caps and forcing people into arenas they dont want to be in?

Make the LW cap 1000 and the other 200 will split between the rest.
As you say, 3000 on at one time won't happen so whats the problem?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2006, 06:18:47 PM by Hammy »

Offline hitech

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« Reply #113 on: October 19, 2006, 06:18:20 PM »
Hammy: I have answered that question, in may forms and many ways. Please just re read my longer post on the whys.

It is all about comunity dynamics when they pass a certain number of people in one place.


Offline Hammy

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« Reply #114 on: October 19, 2006, 06:20:08 PM »
It is all about comunity dynamics when they pass a certain number of people in one place.

basically you want to force people to play a different  way then?

Why don't you just come out and say it?

By the way, i'm NOT looking for a fight, just some honesty ;)

Offline WMLute

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #115 on: October 19, 2006, 06:26:56 PM »
Originally posted by Hammy
basically you want to force people to play a different  way then?

Why don't you just come out and say it?

By the way, i'm NOT looking for a fight, just some honesty ;)

Originally posted by hitech
What Im after is arenas with 200 - 300 players in them.

I have listed many resones why I am after this.

I do not realy care what type (i.e EW MW LW) of arena you wish to fly in.

2nd to accomplish this , the "Herd mentality" must be change to , this is the arena I fly in with my squad.

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
— George Patton

Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit

Offline Overlag

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #116 on: October 19, 2006, 06:29:46 PM »
Originally posted by Gary26
So in a nutshell we are basiclly forced into going into LW2. Nice real nice. Wondering how there was a 120 cap on LW1 with 131 people in it. Itried to get in with the rest of my squad and ended up in LW2. Maybe i am just a dumb'ol fireman but i wonder if subscrition price is gonna go down soon.:cry


there are SOOOOO many free games out there, that you cant really complain about when they change things because..... so what, you are not paying for it... However WE are.... we are paying ALOT of money to fly in a game we enjoy, and in the last month HT have thrown two very very strange Oddballs into the mix, with virtually no explanation on why they are doing it, other than "MA was broken" or "we are planning ahead for more customers".

why is it, that all of a sudden, the game they created and has been flying with a 600, then 700 cap for SOOOOO long all of a sudden is broken if the population is over 200? What all of a sudden changed? Why haven't we noticed the changes? a gradual change in direction would have caused a lot less "issues" and a lot less loss of customer satisfaction, however we have gone down 1/2, then down 1/2 again, in just over a month. This kind of change is almost unheard of in gaming history.

Why did the "vision" or the goals of this game completely swap ends of the scale? When it first started (or rather when i first started) the idea of the game was a world war II combat Sim. The arena grew, and soon, large maps created to take up these numbers, and the "front lines" went from 2 or 3 bases to over 10 in some cases. This meant there was many battles to be found, with many different people, and many different styles.

If you didn't like what was happening at A1, you could move to A120 or something, and join in there. Large maps, with large populations meant that "missions" took off and didn't reduce numbers too much on the front to cause issues with defence... IE we used to get 20 bombers (formations) into the air, to bomb strat, and make ANOTHER part of the game, the anti buff missions then started to happen, and more fun could be had by all.

I remember one mission i encountered is where country 1 (i cant remember what side i was on, so I'm country 2 in this recall on memories) launched a huge bomber raid at 2 strat targets deep within country 2's lands on trinity... For those newbies that have never seen it, trinity is a huge map, with big seas between the countries, and they all meet in the middle. on spotting the dar bar, i upped a 190a8 to see what it was.

On finding it, i reported back, and my squad (VMF323 at the time.... all quit the game now....hmm) plus many others (i think whels and 68 guys came up) started a mission of fighters and we all attacked at the buffs at the same time. This mission, and counter mission lasted almost 2hours and its exactly what i thought Aces High was about, WWII combat sim.

However now, with only 60 players per side, these sort of events are history, the only place to find proper team work would be in the special events arenas for events like BOB, or Berlin campaigns etc. or maybe TOD. and that's another thing, TOD has been talked about for YEARS and YEARS, and still nothing has come of it, and that is probably why MA got stale.....Maybe instead of removing parts of the game, adding parts would be more productive?

The game seems to be getting closer and closer to a "WWII *FIGHTER* combat sim", with fuel porking, HQ hitting etc etc a thing of the past, and now there's talk from some players that want bombers to run around on cruise all day, and only gun with 1 gun at a time...

right now missions and team work are shunned upon as being suicidal hordes taking undefended bases, but really the problem lies with the defender... Counter defence missions used to happen, now people come to the BBS, or ch200 and moan about the horde taking undefended bases... Why is that?

There's loads of other points Ive surely missed, but i think that little essay is enough for this post....:lol
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Hammy

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #117 on: October 19, 2006, 06:33:29 PM »
What Im after is arenas with 200 - 300 players in them.

but this ISN'T  what the majority of the paying customers want.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, dont you change a product to what the paying "patronage" want to make a product successful?

Here's a hypothetical question for you based on your reasoning...............
Say you went to dodge to buy a dodge viper but they were restricted to only being able to drive at 55mph because they wanted it that way, then went to Chevrolet and saw a dodge viper that was unrestricted in any way, Which one would you buy?

I already know the answer;)  :aok

All I see happening is the product being changed, tweaked, re-tweaked to try and keep the "paying" customer "paying" but its all heading in the same direction that the game was at before they implemented the change but with 2 new arenas and a split that the majority don't want.

I'm not a whizz kid businessman but i recognise bad business practice when I see it.;)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2006, 06:41:33 PM by Hammy »

Offline Overlag

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #118 on: October 19, 2006, 06:36:29 PM »
and hitech.... u may hate me for this, but i dont think im being too insulting in saying......

Aces High II is a MASSIVE multi-player online combat simulation centered around the World War II air-war. Here are some of the highlights.

that the word MASSIVE doesnt really belong on the feature page anymore. maybe just large? :(

dont take this post the wrong way :o
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Guppy35

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #119 on: October 19, 2006, 06:40:00 PM »
Jeez you guys sound like drug addicts.  If your that miserable, quit playing.  It's just a GAME after all.  Heaven forbid your 14.95 goes somewhere else then.

Is it just possible that HTC is trying to expand the fun for everyone not just the 'mob'.

Is it possible they have longer range goals then just trying to please what sound to be a bunch of 9 year olds who've been told to go to bed before they want to?

Last I checked HTC owns the company and they'll no doubt work towards an improved product in the long run.
8th FS "Headhunters