Author Topic: Testing Capture system in LW orange today  (Read 36494 times)

Offline Masherbrum

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #300 on: November 30, 2006, 02:53:48 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
some ppl mock the horde mentality, that also is human instinct and nature

As they should.   It is pathetic to abide by in Real life, and in here.   EVERY person should have some semblance of "individualism".   If you want to discuss the Homo Sapiens abilities, please start an Anthropology thread in the O' Club.
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Offline pluck

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #301 on: November 30, 2006, 02:55:06 PM »
nothing is worth having unless you fight for it.  the idea that this change is directed to benefit furballers is just rubsish.  if you think this idea is to allow for more fighting, which is what actually happened in war, then you are probably right.  at any rate don't lose sight of the fact that this is HT's game, and he will do with it what he pleases....that said what pleases him most is probably making the general community happy, not the few that like to milk run undefended bases and congratulate everyone on a well none battle fought.  sugar coat it all you want, but the majority of people play online games to be involved with the community, not to steam roll undefended bases because the other country has so few a numbers they can do nothing about it.  the biggest flaw with self proclaimed "realistic" simmers is that at least here they think this war should be won, land should be taken with no battle at all, and then somehow claim that this is how all war is fought.  ya, just like Normandy.:rolleyes: if you guys want to try to elevate an online game to something more, why not try to do so in a way that at least respects the efforts made by true war hero's.  you guys want these wars to be won in a day or 2, then talk about being realistic, please spare us.

that said, it's a game.  it should be a challenge and it should be fun for everyone.  taking undefended fields because the enemy does not have enought numbers is certainly not a challenge, and generally not fun for most people.  people give furballers a hard time, we just want to fight, that is all.  it seems many strat guys want to take territory, but do not want to fight at all; okay, tell me where the gameplay is there.  some of the more respected strat squads out there are always up for a fight.  i never thought i would see the day where people are defending such a pathetic practice in "online gaming."  but here you have it, the object to fight and interact as little as possible.  go get em, you guys are truely and inspiration.
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline Laurie

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« Reply #302 on: November 30, 2006, 02:55:59 PM »
you miss the piont. im not saying we dont have indivdualism, but it is human isntinct to join the crowd.

they say nothing attracts a crowd, lika crowd:)

Offline Ball

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« Reply #303 on: November 30, 2006, 02:56:40 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
All those years as a kid when I'd look at the models of 17s, Spits, 109s hanging from my ceiling.  I'd imagine myself inside one, wishing there was a way I could 'fly' them.  I never once thought about that and imagined myself flying them around a fight to avoid it.  I imagined myself in flak filled skies with bad guys all around me.

I think they made a mistake when developing the 'Ace' system back in WWI.

5 air to air victories is clearly wrong, it should have been 5 buildings, or "five bombs dropped and seen to hit the ground".

Then it would have been the bomber pilots idolised by the public as celebrities.

Offline Laurie

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« Reply #304 on: November 30, 2006, 02:57:21 PM »
Originally posted by pluck
nothing is worth having unless you fight for it.  the idea that this change is directed to benefit furballers is just rubsish.  if you think this idea is to allow for more fighting, which is what actually happened in war, then you are probably right.  at any rate don't lose sight of the fact that this is HT's game, and he will do with it what he pleases....that said what pleases him most is probably making the general community happy, not the few that like to milk run undefended bases and congratulate everyone on a well none battle fought.  sugar coat it all you want, but the majority of people play online games to be involved with the community, not to steam roll undefended bases because the other country has so few a numbers they can do nothing about it.  the biggest flaw with self proclaimed "realistic" simmers is that at least here they think this war should be won, land should be taken with no battle at all, and then somehow claim that this is how all war is fought.  ya, just like Normandy.:rolleyes: if you guys want to try to elevate an online game to something more, why not try to do so in a way that at least respects the efforts made by true war hero's.  you guys want these wars to be won in a day or 2, then talk about being realistic, please spare us.

that said, it's a game.  it should be a challenge and it should be fun for everyone.  taking undefended fields because the enemy does not have enought numbers is certainly not a challenge, and generally not fun for most people.  people give furballers a hard time, we just want to fight, that is all.  it seems many strat guys want to take territory, but do not want to fight at all; okay, tell me where the gameplay is there.  some of the more respected strat squads out there are always up for a fight.  i never thought i would see the day where people are defending such a pathetic practice in "online gaming."  but here you have it, the object to fight and interact as little as possible.  go get em, you guys are truely and inspiration.

taking 25% fule, not thinking of returning, flying liek bees round a hive all day long isnt realistic :)

quote, all we want to do is fight.

then go playon your own in a dark corner. some of us like complexities.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2006, 03:02:38 PM by Laurie »

Offline Laurie

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« Reply #305 on: November 30, 2006, 03:01:03 PM »
Originally posted by Quah!
Are you serious??  Do you really think this logic suffices?  This is game where hopefully people log in to fight each other.  If you don't want to fight other people then you are right, this change is not for you and I can see why you are upset.  Now you have to fight and you don't like it.  I am sorry for you.

flipping hell you miss the piont.
your obssesed with trying to take pitty on people,, wich Is sad.

you missed piont.
sadly for you, you cant change human nature by posting in BB quah.
hence were not still in caves eating our own crap.

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #306 on: November 30, 2006, 03:01:17 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
you miss the piont. im not saying we dont have indivdualism, but it is human isntinct to join the crowd.

they say nothing attracts a crowd, lika crowd:)

Sorry, it isn't a human instinct.  It is an Individual CHOICE.   Again start an Anthropology thread in the O' Club.  You're just stalling the inevitable, but hey, keep dodging the truth.

Also, I don't need to quote a lyric from "Soul Asylum's - Black Gold" to try and help me.   :aok

This is my first post that has been proven to be true:

Originally posted by Masherbrum
Went in there to see.   The Knights and Bish are already whining about it on 200.

It not only was prevalent on 200, it's being proven in here too.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2006, 03:05:48 PM by Masherbrum »
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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #307 on: November 30, 2006, 03:02:50 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
taking 25% fule, not thinking of returning, flying liek bees round a hive all day long isnt realistic :)

Combat planes were built for combat.  If they aren't used for it, they have no point.

In terms of 'realisim' within a game, fighting with them is far more realistic then not fighting with them.

Should it ever reach the point where I really die if I get killed in AH, I'll change my style.  Until then I want to fight.

There is nothing complex about attacking an undefended base in AH.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline jaxxo

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« Reply #308 on: November 30, 2006, 03:02:52 PM »
"Dude, if your base is undefended, then that's your bad, not mine. If nobody defends a base under attack, then it gets taken. There's some real basic concepts of warfare/gaming here you're not grasping."

I defend till i absolutely cant get any alt off the runway. Im one of the few who does..I do it simply because the status quo is I CANT FIND A FIGHT! Id rather die 20 times and actually get to fight a HUMAN then mindlessly roll fields with 50 plus players. Ive been with a few of those raids for lack of better things to do. I think the mentality is they want defense..just not enuff to get killed or stop them, only enuff to get some vulchin in while the goon is on the way.

I didnt see one organized attack at a base in Orange yesterday..I saw 1 set of buffs taking out hangars every half hour or so while 30 other cons vulched. Furballers have no problem with you taking bases as long as we get a fair chance to defend it. If you take it my hat's off to you!

Offline Ball

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« Reply #309 on: November 30, 2006, 03:03:16 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
you missed piont.
sadly for you, you cant change human nature by posting in BB quah.
hence were not still in caves eating our own crap.

If the human race turned round and fled adversity, we would still be living in said caves.

Offline pluck

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« Reply #310 on: November 30, 2006, 03:09:07 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
taking 25% fule, not thinking of returning, flying liek bees round a hive all day long isnt realistic :)

quote, all we want to do is fight.

then go playon your own in a dark corner. some of us like complexities.

lol, are you kidding me. like i said spare us.  complexities, lol.  ya like grabbing ord with 25% fuel, pork and auger is like mastering the rubik's cube.  i fail to see the challenge of dropping ord on a building.  let's see. climb to 15k, dive, drop, weeeeee.  reup, climb, dive, drop weeeeee.  oh wait, defenders are upping.  move to another field. up, climb, dive drop, weeeee.  you think way to much in black and white, so i guess i will in return so as maybe you might get the point.

yes, i've done quite a bit of "strat" work in my day, as have many of these "furballers" you hate so much.
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline Laurie

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« Reply #311 on: November 30, 2006, 03:09:56 PM »
mammals hunt in packs because their intelligent, so do most animals.
We are animals, like it or not.

When something is programed into human nature no amount of posting on an interenet BB can stop it, whatever you believe. WW2 is an exmaple, men didnt run out on thier own with picthforks and torches chanting hitler,  i want hitler.(picture angry mob lol)
Countries and people united, even if they wernt best of friends (russia+US is example) to stand up for a race of people and thier freedom.
 obviously AH is nowhere near as serious BUT it proves people like and work best as groups,

soldiers fought in companys, as a team who looked out for each other.
 planes flew in squadrons.
bombers flew in mass.
strangers untied to help one another.

and that deadly ally combination(yes thats right, they were a team) saved the world from being ruled from a obsesive freak with a come-over and gay moustache.

Offline Laurie

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« Reply #312 on: November 30, 2006, 03:12:25 PM »
Originally posted by pluck
lol, are you kidding me. like i said spare us.  complexities, lol.  ya like grabbing ord with 25% fuel, pork and auger is like mastering the rubik's cube.  i fail to see the challenge of dropping ord on a building.  let's see. climb to 15k, dive, drop, weeeeee.  reup, climb, dive, drop weeeeee.  oh wait, defenders are upping.  move to another field. up, climb, dive drop, weeeee.  you think way to much in black and white, so i guess i will in return so as maybe you might get the point.

what about co-ordinating goon, picking the right target, sorting out a group of players into a sctructured attack. without these things AH would just be an air combat sim, a jacked up multiplayer flight sim.

Offline pluck

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« Reply #313 on: November 30, 2006, 03:15:07 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
what about co-ordinating goon, picking the right target, sorting out a group of players into a sctructured attack. without these things AH would just be an air combat sim, a jacked up multiplayer flight sim.

hey you grab a goon. come in from the W, i'll drag to the E.  apparently the right target is the base with no one defending.  kill all fh's first, leave vh up for some unknown reason, also best to leave ack up as well just in case.  i've seen plenty of somewhat structured attacks, generally there are very few in AH.  if there were, many more bases would be taken much more quickly, go ahead ask slapshot or any of the maw or ak's, they had some of the best.
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline Masherbrum

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #314 on: November 30, 2006, 03:16:12 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
mammals hunt in packs because their intelligent, so do most animals.
We are animals, like it or not.

When something is programed into human nature no amount of posting on an interenet BB can stop it, whatever you believe. WW2 is an exmaple, men didnt run out on thier own with picthforks and torches chanting hitler,  i want hitler.(picture angry mob lol)
Countries and people united, even if they wernt best of friends (russia+US is example) to stand up for a race of people and thier freedom.
 obviously AH is nowhere near as serious BUT it proves people like and work best as groups,

soldiers fought in companys, as a team who looked out for each other.
 planes flew in squadrons.
bombers flew in mass.
strangers untied to help one another.

and that deadly ally combination(yes thats right, they were a team) saved the world from being ruled from a obsesive freak with a come-over and gay moustache.

Name a WWII battle where "an undefended" Island or Area was attacked.   Sorry, there was always "opposition".    Also, La7's if engaged probably had the sack to fight for their national pride in WWII and run like a Greyhound chasing the mechanical rabbit.
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