Author Topic: Gun Free Campus Protest  (Read 2667 times)

Offline Trell

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« Reply #120 on: October 27, 2007, 07:15:00 PM »
That is what I am getting at,  they dont seem to get the whole carry one with them at all time.  They think of them for military use only. and keep one at the house for that reason.

Not to carry around while in public.

But maybe the people i know over there are different.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #121 on: October 28, 2007, 10:26:08 AM »
trell and beetle/ocean...  I have never been to switzerland.. I have seen pictures of their shooting events... would you deny that over 60,000 people participate?   Would you deny that they do have full auto weapons at home?

crock-it...  I don't know what your reasoning is on the whole firearm seem to feel that any gun you like is ok for us to have but feel free to restrict anything else.   "no full autos"   why not?  what is the problem with em?

Why no full autos?  there are lots of em around.. no one seems to be going nuts with em...  except for a few gangsters in the 30's.. no one ever did.   Even in the SC miller case of the the 30's one of the judges had a full auto in his closet at home.. the swiss have em in theirs.

Handguns?   If you want to defend yourself from the bad guys.. a rifle is a little cumbersome wouldn't you say?    The only people who cause problems with handguns are criminals and nuts...  why punish everyone else?

And.. in warsaw.. the first guns the jews had were simple handguns.  give me a handgun and I can get any other gun I need.   No major army does away with handguns.

The point is.. that if schools allowed ccw holders.. even if it were just the teachers... the cowardly whack jobs would not even try to kill there..  and if they did.. everyone would have a better chance.

As for most of the people... the vast majority of the people being killed with handguns?  they have long records and we are pretty much better off without em..  I certainly don't want to confront em without a handgun.

Some in england are starting to get it... some are starting to grow a pair and opening their eyes and looking around em.

No socialist wants the sheeple to be armed.   gun control ALWAYS goes along with more socialism and less individual rights... you can tell when a country is about to crack down on it's citizens individual freedoms when it starts to make more and more gun laws "for your own good"


Offline Trell

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« Reply #122 on: October 28, 2007, 11:34:30 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
trell and beetle/ocean...  I have never been to switzerland.. I have seen pictures of their shooting events... would you deny that over 60,000 people participate?   Would you deny that they do have full auto weapons at home?

The point is.. that if schools allowed ccw holders.. even if it were just the teachers... the cowardly whack jobs would not even try to kill there..  and if they did.. everyone would have a better chance.

No socialist wants the sheeple to be armed.   gun control ALWAYS goes along with more socialism and less individual rights... you can tell when a country is about to crack down on it's citizens individual freedoms when it starts to make more and more gun laws "for your own good"


Dont know enough about the shooting events to comment on that.
But i do know enough to know that on average people dont carry around the guns in public it is different then here where we have people with ccw.
And yes a large % of the population are Trained  and armed at home.

I completely completely disagree that these so called  wack jobs would not go to schools or workplaces to go on a rampage if they knew it was not a gun free zone.  .  Look at All of the rampages and you will find that in most cases the nuts kill them selves in the end either by shooting them selves or death by cop.   They are not afraid of Death....

I also believe that if Teachers or other people at the school if wanted.
Were trained and had ccws,  the shootings would be over quicker.

On the same note I would want penalty  harsher for anyone brandishing a gun in school even if they had a ccw. (automatic firing of any teacher brandishing)
No student should know if a teacher is carrying a gun or not,  only that there is a chance.

Offline BiGBMAW

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« Reply #123 on: October 28, 2007, 01:23:31 PM »

What is an assault rifle?...What you think it is

What is a handgun?..what size is it not considered .."Concealable?"

YTour only rational is to ban things you can hide?..How is that going to stop a CRIMINAL?

How about you penalize criminals and not law abiding citizens..people like you are why we have crime...You blame everyone else..You are a true Oprah "man"

You are truly the Oprah generation..along with the wife beater here

Offline john9001

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« Reply #124 on: October 28, 2007, 01:55:18 PM »
Originally posted by BiGBMAW

What is a handgun?..what size is it not considered .."Concealable?"


Florida's CCW law says the gun should not noticed by the average citizen.

Offline AKIron

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« Reply #125 on: October 28, 2007, 05:27:17 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
Florida's CCW law says the gun should not noticed by the average citizen.

I think Texas has the same prudish law. So much for intimidating other rude drivers.  ;)
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline Chilli

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« Reply #126 on: October 28, 2007, 06:58:37 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
explain "responsible gun ownership" for me please.

chili... I find your attitude even more disgusting than even crok-its or beetles...  your idea is that guns are fine in your hands but you reserve the right to restrict your fellows...  that only you can be trusted with the second amendment rights given all men.

And.. the fact is.. you don't have the right to disarm me.  You may have the might someday.. but you don't have the right.



I don't feel the need to take anything from you.  I don't find your post either informing or intimidating.  Maybe you shold chill and listen to someone else's opinion.  Better yet why don't you take 2 minutes and research the other side of your arguement.  

Sorry, I thought my explaination was clear:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Chilli
I agree that every man has the right to protect his home against violent criminal action.  I believe those who are able to obtain permits, bear the responsibilty to act accordingly.  The  fact is, that weapons are left unsecured, owners brandish firearms in instances to intimidate or protect property, not life or limb, and too often, used to settle domestic troubles.

Sorry, but I don't believe in arming the masses and let them police themselves.  Strict gun laws should put guns in the hands of those ready to accept that responsibilty and taken away from those who cannot.  

Where do you live anyway?  No shortage of guns here.  Richmond, Virginia was once known as the murder capitol.  We both know the guns are already owned by the majority of folks who want them.   So, either way the law goes, I don't see gun sales sky rocketing anytime soon.  Laws will make it a prosecutible offense when someone has not acted responsibly (see above for further explanation if needed)

Offline Chilli

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« Reply #127 on: October 28, 2007, 07:15:33 PM »
Here, I will help you out.  A 2 minute google search on "Richmond Gun Control" came up with this event.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #128 on: October 29, 2007, 09:04:43 AM »
While it is true that the school shooters most often die... and know they are going to.. they all want it to "count" they want to run up the highest score they can to get the most publicity...  if their "madskilz" as killers ended before they got more than one or two... by a milktoast teacher no less... imagine the humiliation!!  no sense taking that chance.

chili.. handguns are the only thing sensible for self defense in public... and.. I agree with most experts that it is both more effective and safer if the guns are concealed on the bearer.   brandishing causes problems at this point.. in a society that is frieghtened of itself.   that was not always the case... but it is now.

Also.. it works best when the criminal does not know who is armed... just like they won't burglarize a home with people in it here unless they are nuts.. because... THEY DON'T KNOW

That is the would destroy that safeguard.

I would like it if every person who carried would take safety courses   I would like it if every driver took a real course in high speed and evasive driving..  if every person who swam learned how to swim first..   not my call tho.

not sure what your point was with the article.. can't get what you are driving at.


Offline crockett

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« Reply #129 on: October 29, 2007, 12:19:19 PM »
Originally posted by BiGBMAW

What is an assault rifle?...What you think it is

What is a handgun?..what size is it not considered .."Concealable?"

YTour only rational is to ban things you can hide?..How is that going to stop a CRIMINAL?

How about you penalize criminals and not law abiding citizens..people like you are why we have crime...You blame everyone else..You are a true Oprah "man"

You are truly the Oprah generation..along with the wife beater here

Do you really need me to answer that question, or are you just trying to dodge the point I made? You know what a Assault Rifle is and you know what a HG is.

Don't pretend to be stupid.

Offline john9001

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« Reply #130 on: October 29, 2007, 12:53:56 PM »
............................. ............................. ....................

Originally posted by BiGBMAW

What is an assault rifle?...What you think it is

What is a handgun?..what size is it not considered .."Concealable?"



Do you really need me to answer that question, or are you just trying to dodge the point I made? You know what a Assault Rifle is and you know what a HG is.

Don't pretend to be stupid.


he was asking YOU  what you thought they were.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #131 on: October 29, 2007, 02:36:05 PM »
we already have laws that prohibit machine guns (full auto) assault rifles..  the semi auto versions we have are only "assault rifles" in some democrats head.

they were never a big deal anyway..they simply were never used in that many crimes.


Offline Modas

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« Reply #132 on: October 29, 2007, 04:28:39 PM »
My concern with just giving people concealed firearms is many don't know how to shoot them safely around others, or become victims of their own firearm because they weren't prepared or practiced enough with it to defend themselves when the time came.  

When it comes to the CCW issue, one thing I don't understand is for the areas that allow it, there is no 'test' or qualification for the people who apply and carry a CW.

If Wisonsin allowed CCW, I would be first to line up to get one.  But what make me uneasy, is a lot of people (not all) get one, but rarely if ever actually go to the range and practice, practice, practice.  I think many people carry just to say they are.

I would really like to see in people have to qualify with their handgun of choice (like a drivers license) and have to requalify every 12 months (or something) in order to keep said CCW license.

Offline john9001

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« Reply #133 on: October 29, 2007, 04:50:20 PM »
Originally posted by Modas

When it comes to the CCW issue, one thing I don't understand is for the areas that allow it, there is no 'test' or qualification for the people who apply and carry a CW.

i don't know about other states, but there is in florida.

Offline Chilli

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« Reply #134 on: October 29, 2007, 06:51:42 PM »
I wish to make my last post here.  If you have anymore reasons why relaxing gun control should help make me feel safer or more manly.  Please, forward them to the fathers of the VT victims.  

In case you really missed the point of that link, the point was there are two sides to your arguement.  Nobody, including a father of one of Cho's victims, wants to take anything away from you.  What they want is for you to act responsibly and if you really want to make them safe keep your gun out of the hands of those who wish them harm.

Just don't pretend that a bunch of do good, armed college boys would have popped around the corner and put and end to the assault.  If everybody is carrying how do they know who the mass murderer is?   Oh, that's right, they were given a portable police radio with their CCW permits and Safety Patrol badge.

If you didn't read that far in the article, the gun control protesters were bringing attention to a "loophole" in Virginia gun control law that allowed for Cho to purchase a weapon used in that violent crime.