Author Topic: NOE Hall of Shame  (Read 9496 times)

Offline grizz441

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #75 on: December 11, 2009, 05:26:12 PM »
How about one slash of radar for each 5 NOE planes? 

Offline E25280

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Re: Enough with the stupid whining, you selfish @#$%$#s, take it or leave.
« Reply #76 on: December 11, 2009, 05:27:09 PM »
You misunderstand me, NOE raids are often free of combat yes.  But it usually pisses off the other side a lot, and a good fight will break out at the base that the NOE raid captured, with folks wanting that base back.
This hits it on the head.  "Often" is not "always", as NOE raids can be and many times are busted by alert defenders.  If there are only a couple defenders, and they lose the base anyway, they usually start coming back to retake the base, and start bringing friends with them.  Then it becomes a challenge to keep the real estate you just acquired.

But looking at the kinds of "NOE" raids being complained about, it doesn't really even seem to be NOE related, but rather horde related.  You don't need to be NOE to be a horde, and if that horde comes in above dar, it doesn't make it much easier to defend against.  6 sets of bombers followed by 20 attack planes are going to be a challenge from sheer mass regardless of altitude.

So for hordling activity, I nominate POTW.  They have it down to a science.

But final note - neither NOEs nor hordes are "ruining the game", because they have always been a part of the game, and always will be.  The whining about this or that ruining the game is quite amusing, though, so please feel free to continue.   :aok
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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #77 on: December 11, 2009, 05:29:38 PM »
do the soar dudes still fly?
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline bustr

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #78 on: December 11, 2009, 05:34:01 PM »
Knights will continue to be picked on until unfortunatly they start NOE and base taking hoarding back at the bish/rook. If they don't, and continue to play defence they are freeing up the resources the bish and rook would use defending against knight base taking hoards. I don't see many knight missions or knight base taking notifications anymore. I see lots of knights showing up for the defence fight and landing kills. Reminds me of AW and C-land. C-landers could furball and fight. B-landers took their feilds. A-landers did to.

So the knights Air furball and GV furball as Rome burns. Guess the knights never truely appreciated the service the Freebirds and Alliance did for them with their constant huge missions. It kept the game balanced by makeing the bish/rook go on some amount of defence. I would bet if a base taking squad from the bish and from the rook came over to the knights and started pushing back against the bish/rook, this imbalance would go away. But again by the way the bish and rook hoards act now. They have become addicted to acting like shoals of bait fish. Comeing over to the knights would rebalance the game but, it would mean loosing the comfort of the hoard cloud and having to fight for the bases they take.

Unless HiTech eliminates base taking, GV's, and limits us to furballing only. The game right now is in a state of imbalance because the knights are not taking bish and rook feilds like they did a year ago. Base taking is a factor related to squads and right now the squads who want to take bases are in bish and rook land. Abusing knight land makes for easy kills and easy base taking. So how does HiTech make whole squads change countries to balance game play? ENY was supposed to balance individual players. But now the problem is whole squads. And this game is about making the other guy whine because you can get away with abusing him. So no bish or rook squad has any incentive to come knights because of human nature at its worst.

We knights have become our own worst enemy.......flames and violins anyone?  :x
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline DMBEAR

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #79 on: December 11, 2009, 05:45:24 PM »

So the knights Air furball and GV furball as Rome burns. Guess the knights never truely appreciated the service the Freebirds and Alliance did for them with their constant huge missions. It kept the game balanced by makeing the bish/rook go on some amount of defence. We knights have become our own worst enemy.......flames and violins anyone?  :x


I can't follow and constantly stroke a guy that calls himsellf DaddyPops like you did.  Taking bases with #'s NOE late at night NOE got

It doesnt mean it shouldnt be done.  It's just not getting the #'s that it used to because people got tired of flyin in a herd and being 3rd in line for the offset hanger.

If that hurts knights, so be it.

Offline DrDea

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #80 on: December 11, 2009, 05:47:24 PM »
 Boo hoo hoo. Its just SO hard to bust up the hordlings. They take 1 base and your on to them.From there its pretty easy to spot them coming. Personally I hate the NOE types but to each his own.They pay 15 samolians just like the rest of them. If HT needs to fix ANYthing its the morons who come on these forums and cry about how so and so wont play the game how they want them to. Get over it. Give it a rest.Just play your game and let them play theirs.
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Offline bustr

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #81 on: December 11, 2009, 06:06:52 PM »

I can't follow and constantly stroke a guy that calls himsellf DaddyPops like you did.  Taking bases with #'s NOE late at night NOE got

It doesnt mean it shouldnt be done.  It's just not getting the #'s that it used to because people got tired of flyin in a herd and being 3rd in line for the offset hanger.

If that hurts knights, so be it.

Because we don't have to care about anything but our own $14.95 most of us never have a need to look at the larger picture.

Most of the posters here simply want to vulch anyone they can anonymously by insulting them in these threads. Internet culture. Myopic and narcacistic.

You would think players unhappy with the knights being abused nightly would jump to the abusing countires and join in. Those with that tendancy have. Unfortunatly human nature can catch up with another block of players with them quietly canceling their accounts and moving on to other games. The limited number of regulars on this Forum by no means represents the larger average Aces High community who just act as drones to pad your scores. You are a minority of die hards. Your lowsey atttiudes in this Forum will be one of the factors in reaching the Tipping Point that will help the other group of players deciding to cancel their accounts. Good riddence right?

All human activity has tipping points and most of the time no one sees those tipping points until after the fact. Tipping Points also tend to act in domino effect patterns. But then this is HiTech's problem isn't it? Yeah.....Your not responsible for any effect you have on anything because this is the Internet. Wow and to read all of yalls posts....... here I thought we were a community.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Babalonian

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #82 on: December 11, 2009, 06:07:30 PM »
Babalonian, you just cant let it get you down, Ive flown knights for 7 years, The Squad only flys knights and thats fine with me, and ive seen every country in the "barrell', but i do have to admit seems the knights are in it more than not, and recently way to much, but i still have fun trying lol and also ive been flying in the Mid War (meet some great guys there) The LW has become stale for me, i just fly on squad nights there, mostly Snapshots. FSO's and MW

I'm trying not to let it get me down, not much does these days personaly, and overall it's only a game and all that, but it is getting to a lot of my fellow Knits, and who wants to put up with this?  Nevermind having to hear about it from somebody different every 5 minutes while in-game, but it's tireing... "stale" is a great word for it.  It's been like this on/off for everyone and each country, I agree, so it has that stale taste.  Recently though it's become so stale for us Knits though that it's becoming inedible to many, and we have resorted to throwing the rock-hard stale chunks at anybody we can find, including our fellow countrymen and especialy the enemy as the stale chunks are proving to have more lethality and impact on our enemies than the disapointing ENY system.

Naw, Ack Ack is right...there has been soooo much Pork on the Wing spam floating around the BBS in the last month, I look at them now as a squeaker squad. Use to have a some "e-respect" for their squad, not so much any more.

Which POTW are you reffering to?  :D  Are you just talking to talk or do you actually know what you're talking about there (sorry to be mean, but you did just come off as insulting the same group as ya complimented), lol. 

Well all the knight  conspiracy could be explained if you took aminute and stopped crying. I check the roster hmm. One knight hoard base take squad, well I know what 20 knights are up to.  Another larger squad says they love furballing. Well theres 15 more. Im sure theres 15 knights that are devoted to GVing and 15 more porking I mean bombing. :D  Leaves about 15 or so in the tower or unaccounted for. Doesnt leave many to counter attack that 40 plus mission coming in.  I don't condone these mission myself, hell killshooting yourself over a building is just  :rolleyes:. But to answer you question maybe the Bish just think knights are easier targets! 

Almost forgot  my vote. To the  squad  claiming to be #1  at sneaking on late at night to take realestate for his/her  chess piece. This  buds for you! :cheers:

Great, I go from one player too ignorant to decipher the information right infront of them to one so ingorant that they're just pulling numbers they want to hear straight out from their arse.

Look at the real numbers and think before you reply next time.  Lets just take your random numbers as fact for one second.  Congrats, you once again proved that we knits have just what it takes to defend ourselves (given it's the same environment as it's been for the past week or so)... on one of the two fronts in the LW arena that hte Knits are fighting...  Guess how many fronts the Rooks and Bish are fighting each?  Just one each, and it's against the Knits.  Here some real numbers to pound through that thick skull too, take the knits roster, divide it in half, pair one half each with the entire Rook and Bish roster.  Simplified to grade school level math, take the Rook and Bish roster added together and put it up against the entire Knit roster as is.  Are things starting to add up for you here, or do I need to start breaking out the pie charts and line graphs?
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #83 on: December 11, 2009, 06:11:58 PM »
Back to the conspiracy theory?

Offline DMBEAR

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #84 on: December 11, 2009, 06:23:46 PM »
Tipping Points also tend to act in domino effect patterns. But then this is HiTech's problem isn't it? Yeah.....Your not responsible for any effect you have on anything because this is the Internet. Wow and to read all of yalls posts....... here I thought we were a community.

Are we talking about the same chess piece on a game,or are you going off on a real life tangent that will be missed by most of us that are?

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #85 on: December 11, 2009, 06:43:03 PM »
To those that whine that the Knights keep getting ganged up on by both the Bish and the Rooks there's one thing I've learned in over 13 years of playing these games; it's cyclical and will inevitably shift to one of the other countries.  It seems like once your on the side being ganged it takes a few months to rotate out to one of the other countries but it eventually does.  That's why I never changed countries in AW (always AZ) and have never changed here (always Bish).  Sometimes you're the fly, sometimes you're the fly swatter.  Enjoy the target rich environment while you have it.  It could be worse.  You could be chasing all over the map to find a fight or have no option but to fly with the horde.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline DMBEAR

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #86 on: December 11, 2009, 06:59:08 PM »
To those that whine that the Knights keep getting ganged up on by both the Bish and the Rooks there's one thing I've learned in over 13 years of playing these games; it's cyclical and will inevitably shift to one of the other countries.  It seems like once your on the side being ganged it takes a few months to rotate out to one of the other countries but it eventually does.  That's why I never changed countries in AW (always AZ) and have never changed here (always Bish).  Sometimes you're the fly, sometimes you're the fly swatter.  Enjoy the target rich environment while you have it.  It could be worse.  You could be chasing all over the map to find a fight or have no option but to fly with the horde.

Yup.  That's why we are having to swat the Napoleons down.  Their blood pressures are going up due to the cyclical trends that most know are just that.  That has led to accute Napoleonic complex.  The cure is out there.  All we have now are "masks" to cover it.  Funny thing is that permasquelch would help those of us that know this, but permasquelch is considered a "mask".

Offline WMLute

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #87 on: December 11, 2009, 07:01:16 PM »
To those that whine that the Knights keep getting ganged up on by both the Bish and the Rooks there's one thing I've learned in over 13 years of playing these games; it's cyclical and will inevitably shift to one of the other countries.  It seems like once your on the side being ganged it takes a few months to rotate out to one of the other countries but it eventually does.  That's why I never changed countries in AW (always AZ) and have never changed here (always Bish).  Sometimes you're the fly, sometimes you're the fly swatter.  Enjoy the target rich environment while you have it.  It could be worse.  You could be chasing all over the map to find a fight or have no option but to fly with the horde.

IIRC the knits were the chess piece with huuuuge #'s when ENY was first created.  (so blame the knits for ENY *heh*)

It is cyclical, as far as the numbers go, that I totally agree with.  I have seen it cycle many a time over the (almost) 9 yrs i've flown AcesHigh.

BUT I will add that the Knits don't really have 'mega' squads like say the Bish. (not anymore anyway)  Pull up a roster on most nights prime time and click SQUAD at the top to sort the roster by squad.  Compare how many large squads you will find on the Bish/Rooks vs. the Knits.

Most of the time you will see the Knits tend to be made up of smaller 2-6 player squads.  It is rare to see 10-15 knits in one squad all flying at the same time.

It is not that rare to see 8-12 Rooks on the roster in the same squad, and fairly common to see 10-15 Bish all in the same squad.

Is this always true?  No, not always.  But many is the time I have sorted the roster by Squad looking for a squad to fly/fight with and noticed this.  Go back a few years (or more) and I would tend to find 10 FB's or a bunch of 68th or a bunch o' MAWs.  For some reason a few years back that changed.  Not sure why, but there it is.

All sides are basically the same but there are some subtle diff's.  Players tend to gravitate towards those subtle diff's.  Players that like to hoard up tend to find the Bish to their liking.  If you want the best all around side to dogfight in, you should fly for the Rooks.  Knits tend to be lost somewhere in the middle.

(which, btw is why tour in, tour out, the Bish die the most, the Rooks the least, and the Knits are in the middle.  Has been that way for years and years)
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Offline bustr

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #88 on: December 11, 2009, 07:08:00 PM »

Games like this are the perfect environment to study Tipping Point(s) Theory in compressed time as opposed to the months and years required in the real world. The anonymous nature of the Internet and lack of real and personal consequences make this possible. By being anonymously your worst you and the community will act out emotionally and predictably in the most extream manners thus making trends and Tipping Points happen in periods of hours, days, weeks, months(Tours), even years if enough players last that long. Years are more salient to HiTech for business modeling than for studying Tipping Point Theory.

If we all played by our real names and our contact information was required publicly in the game to keep us under control, it would take months and years to study Tipping Point in the community because we would all act nice due to the possibility of consequences for our actions. Recording each flight for our lawyers.... ;). No need for a conspiracy. Just human beings being their worst because the game is anonymous. Keeps em coming back now dosen't it? ;)
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline DMBEAR

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #89 on: December 11, 2009, 07:16:13 PM »

Games like this are the perfect environment to study Tipping Point(s) Theory in compressed time as opposed to the months and years required in the real world. The anonymous nature of the Internet and lack of real and personal consequences make this possible. By being anonymously your worst you and the community will act out emotionally and predictably in the most extream manners thus making trends and Tipping Points happen in periods of hours, days, weeks, months(Tours), even years if enough players last that long. Years are more salient to HiTech for business modeling than for studying Tipping Point Theory.

If we all played by our real names and our contact information was required publicly in the game to keep us under control, it would take months and years to study Tipping Point in the community because we would all act nice due to the possibility of consequences for our actions. Recording each flight for our lawyers.... ;). No need for a conspiracy. Just human beings being their worst because the game is anonymous. Keeps em coming back now dosen't it? ;)
