Author Topic: NOE Hall of Shame  (Read 9520 times)

Offline bmwgs

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #180 on: December 14, 2009, 06:41:56 PM »
For some reason it didn't work, had to do it the hard way.      :D

One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine... - From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook

Offline Wingnutt

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #181 on: December 14, 2009, 07:36:05 PM »

Avoiding combat by hiding in the horde whether at 200 feet or 20k isn't fun for anyone.

so I and a group of other folks fly to a base and attack it and nobody tries to fight us off..  and WE are the ones avoiding combat?


Offline The Fugitive

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #182 on: December 14, 2009, 07:41:58 PM »
yes, if its you and 20-30 of your closes friends.

 Look at it from the other side, you spend the night defending with a few others against 20-30 guys base after base. I don't mind doing it now and then, but marching base after base across the map, there just isn't any fun in it.

Take your 20+ guys and split them into 2 attack forces and work two bases at a time. I'll be happy to spend the night fighting against 10 guys at one base. Or do you NEED the other 10 guys so you have a better chance of me not shooting you down?

Offline Bronk

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #183 on: December 14, 2009, 08:45:28 PM »

I have yet to see where any number of NOE's have even come close to an end it all.  Like I said, after a couple the other side usually mobilizes and the fight is usually on.  I guess the fix back in 2006 worked, since I haven't seen any changes concerning NOEs.  I don't think either map is poison, I like both the large and small maps.  I just like some better than others.  As for the chained map, sounds like it could be fun.
They were but the horde NOE crowd whined and it went poof...along with big maps. We may see both happen again.

Now who is telling who how to play the game. Who am I telling not to noe? I just want some balance. Lower dar to 100-200 feet and kill auto pilot below 200'. Make em work just a little.  Limit the numbers in a mission?  Not in the mission but limit numbers that can hide below bar dar. Say between 7-15. Sounds like you are trying to tell others how to play.You do realize repeating yourself just doesn't make it true?

No offense taken, its your $15.00, play the way you want.  By the way I live in TeXas and I believe I pay a bit over $16.00 for the pleasure of playing.   :D
Sorry bout the extra fee but you do get to live in texas. :D

Now who is being pompous?  Where in this sentence did I tell someone how to play.  I just simply stated a fact.  One other thing I guess you missed the first sentence where I said this was my opinion.  Read what I write, not what you want me to write.

Struck a nerve I see, sorry bout that.

This was more than just about horde NOEs.  This was a complainant about all aspects of NOE's.  No one can even agree on what is a horde NOE is.  Everyone has a different amount.  When I am in tower I do take a minute to look around.  If I see something suspicious I will react.  You don't have to sit there for hours on end.  
I can't speak for anyone else in this thread. For me however it is about the horde NOE.

Only the top part of my response "not in bold" was directed to you.  The rest is my "OPINION", and was not directed at anyone specifically.  Guess you missed the "opinion" sentence.  I don't know if you are a dueler or a furballer, and really don't care.
Huh then who said this in his opinion piece.

You want your classic one on one

Yup pointed right at me.

Sounds like you like to fly in a pack or should I say horde.
:rofl Yes the BKs are the horde :rofl

Again, don't know, and don't care.
Then why did you say all I wanted was the 1vs1.. or you going to deny your own text?

Sorry to hear that, but you sure seem to have some strong opinions concerning a game you haven't been involved in, by your own statement, for some time.  Been a lot of changes in the two years that I have been on.
I highly doubt the game has change all that much... just look at the same bs on the bbs.

NOW, who is telling whom how to play the game.  

You are the one claiming about not being too serious about the game. I see it struck another nerve, again sorry.

I believe it is my decision as to whether I want to change sides or not.  I have stated a number of times that I could care less if one decides to jump from side to side for whatever reason they want to.  I personally like where I am, and maybe it's because I'm just to old and fat to move around much.  I have changed over a couple of times, and haven't seen any difference, so I really don't see the need to switch.  I don't see it as a barrier, but you are entitled to your opinion.



As are you entitled to yours. Game history though is on my side. When we as a community fail to police ourselves HT steps in. Be it ENY, adding a plane to the perk list or removing maps... donut anyone.
See Rule #4

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #184 on: December 14, 2009, 09:15:28 PM »
Yup pointed right at me.

Sounds like you like to fly in a pack or should I say horde.
:rofl Yes the BKs are the horde :rofl

Again, don't know, and don't care.
Then why did you say all I wanted was the 1vs1.. or you going to deny your own text?

Sorry to hear that, but you sure seem to have some strong opinions concerning a game you haven't been involved in, by your own statement, for some time.  Been a lot of changes in the two years that I have been on.
I highly doubt the game has change all that much... just look at the same bs on the bbs.

NOW, who is telling whom how to play the game.  

You are the one claiming about not being too serious about the game. I see it struck another nerve, again sorry.

I believe it is my decision as to whether I want to change sides or not.  I have stated a number of times that I could care less if one decides to jump from side to side for whatever reason they want to.  I personally like where I am, and maybe it's because I'm just to old and fat to move around much.  I have changed over a couple of times, and haven't seen any difference, so I really don't see the need to switch.  I don't see it as a barrier, but you are entitled to your opinion.



As are you entitled to yours. Game history though is on my side. When we as a community fail to police ourselves HT steps in. Be it ENY, adding a plane to the perk list or removing maps... donut anyone.

Mindnao too   :cry   

Offline bmwgs

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #185 on: December 14, 2009, 11:32:13 PM »
For some reason my quote option is not working correctly, so again I'll do this the long way.

They were but the horde NOE crowd whined and it went poof...along with big maps. We may see both happen again.

Went away?  I thought this is what this thread was complaining about.  So evendentually they didn't go away.

Who am I telling not to noe? I just want some balance. Lower dar to 100-200 feet and kill auto pilot below 200'. Make em work just a little.

I have no problem with the above suggestions.  I think it would make the game a bit more fun than it already is, but it sort of sounds like your trying to dictate play.  Naw, you wouldn't do that.   :D

Not in the mission but limit numbers that can hide below bar dar. Say between 7-15.

Now this is really ridiculous.

You do realize repeating yourself just doesn't make it true?

Read your quote above, and you question me.

Sorry bout the extra fee but you do get to live in texas.

Happy to live here.  It makes it worth the extra buck.   :aok

You are the one claiming about not being too serious about the game. I see it struck another nerve, again sorry.

Have no idea where you dreamed this one up.  Serious, I don't even know where you interpreted this from.  Struck a nerve?  You give yourself way toooooo much credit.  I assure you Bronk, you will have to go a long way to get my dandruff worked up.  I just like answering some of the BS I seen posted with my own BS.   :D

Then why did you say all I wanted was the 1vs1.. or you going to deny your own text?

For the life of me, I could not at first figure out what you were talking about here.  I went back and read my original post and I see where you can take one little sentence and alter the whole meaning of what was being said.  Here let me correct my mistake,  I already did this in the previous post, but I guess you didn't get that either.

In the bold where you see "You want your classic one on one" replace it with, "When players want their classic one on one".  Now that should clear it up.  I said in my previous post that my opinion was not specifically directed at anyone.  

Here it is again in case you missed it "Only the top part of my response "not in bold" was directed to you.  The rest is my "OPINION", and was not directed at anyone specifically.  Guess you missed the "opinion" sentence. ".  Hope it's clear now.  Was a simple mistake, but by reading the entire section it is easily seen I was speaking in general terms.

Then why did you say all I wanted was the 1vs1.. or you going to deny your own text?

Not denying that's what I typed, but when one reads the entire post, it is easily seen as a mistake by using first person, instead of using a general term.  Of course you don't see that, but then again I expect that.

I highly doubt the game has change all that much... just look at the same bs on the bbs.

Actually it has, in my opinion, changed a bunch.  Can't learn everything from reading a book, well, maybe you can.   :)

You are the one claiming about not being too serious about the game. I see it struck another nerve, again sorry.

I still have no idea what nerve you are speaking about.  I really am starting to think that you actually believe that you are getting me all worked up about this.  Let me send you a clue.  I am retired, the kids are grown, and my wonderful wife doesn't nag me about playing the game.  I have nothing but time on my hands to read the forums, and do other things I like to do.

About being serious about the game, that is open to one's interpretation.  Do I let this game control my life, the answer is no.  Am I serious when I play, I like to think I am, but I'm sure others have different opinions.  Be sort of like defining a horde, there is no real answer, everyone has their on definition..

Now here is the big one.

As are you entitled to yours. Game history though is on my side. When we as a community fail to police ourselves HT steps in. Be it ENY, adding a plane to the perk list or removing maps... donut anyone.

In this type of community, it will never be able to successfully police itself.  

I will explain why.  When a player can change his ID at will, then there is no accountability to the community.  Sure HTC can track this and take action if needed, but the community itself can do nothing.  It has no enforcement capabilities, and peer pressure is out of the question when an identity can be changed on a whim.  In this type of community when one tries to dictate behavior, it turns into a spam session on the BBS, 200 and/or country channel.  I just saw this happen the other night.  Sides are taken, and then the button pushers join in, and it is nothing but a free for all.  

HiTech is the ruler, and with the diverse amount of players that we have he, and his staff will be the one dictating the how, whys, whens, and wheres.  I think he has made that perfectly clear.  I actually like it that way.  HiTech and staff may take suggestion from players, and I believe they actually do, but in the end the buck stops with them, not the community.  So the thinking that the community can solely police itself is a pure fantasy.

No thanks on the donuts, you better lay of them though, I think you are getting way to much sugar.      :D



« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 11:37:14 PM by bmwgs »
One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine... - From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook

Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #186 on: December 15, 2009, 03:59:22 AM »

Not in the mission but limit numbers that can hide below bar dar. Say between 7-15.

Now this is really ridiculous.

Sorry BMW...but if you smash an undefended feild with 15, its time to pack things up and :bolt:
****Let the beatings begin***

in game name: Tralfaz

Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #187 on: December 15, 2009, 04:02:00 AM »
Sorry BMW...but if you cannot smash an undefended feild with 15, its time to pack things up and :bolt:

****Let the beatings begin***

in game name: Tralfaz

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #188 on: December 15, 2009, 04:10:05 AM »
Not in the mission but limit numbers that can hide below bar dar. Say between 7-15.

Now this is really ridiculous.

its actually quite sensible - darbar represents reports from ground-based observers and whereas a few aircraft might slip through undetected, a 20 strong force including formations of heavy bombers almost certainly wouldnt ...
71 (Eagle) Squadron

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Offline Bronk

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #189 on: December 15, 2009, 05:52:03 AM »
its actually quite sensible - darbar represents reports from ground-based observers and whereas a few aircraft might slip through undetected, a 20 strong force including formations of heavy bombers almost certainly wouldnt ...

Sensible is something the horde NOEr is not. Otherwise they would not be using the horde.
They (the horde NOErs) wish to cloud the issue. It is not about removing the NOE from the game. It's about balance. By allowing people to mask there numbers like this the game is out of balance. IMO.

Fred, if I may call you Fred. We will not see eye to eye on this issue. That is ok. Just remember this thread when HT does one of his fixes.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 05:53:50 AM by Bronk »
See Rule #4

Offline bustr

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #190 on: December 15, 2009, 06:07:15 AM »
I thought part of the function of the radar ring around each base was to be a buffer giving the observant player time to up a plane or whirble to investigate the source of the flashing. It seems to be MA tradition to ignore pleas for help at a field until that sector is too late filled with darbar. And then the traditional afterwards grousing about the evil NOE hoards.

If 20-30 guys are running bases with rapid NOE raids in your country. Send 6 guys to 6 feilds in their coutry to make the radar flash and hit fuel or ords. Remember suicide porking jabbos from AH1? Have 6-8 guys in jabbo behind them NOE to one of the 6 feilds and take down radar,troops, fuel and ords. It makes a darbar and looks like a big mission. Then everybody auger and make the dar dissapere. Meet at a new start feild and repeat it against those 6 feilds taking down the dar,troops, fuel and ords at another base. Second or third feild the NOE raiders in the big mission will start loosing members to defend their own interests. Then NOE and take one of their feilds a few sectors away.

One squad of about 12 guys can play heck with a country for a few hours like this if no one cares about their precious score. You will have the enemy flying around away from your country frustrated trying to get ahead of your nuisance raids. Nuisance raids are simple nonsense, but it worked in AH1 and for real in WW2. Don't get angry chasing them around, make them angry chasing you around......
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline kilo2

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #191 on: December 15, 2009, 06:11:58 AM »
Question. Many of you claim not to care if bases are taken, why would it matter to you if the base is taken by a certain number of people noe.

Some of you also think because its not fun for you to roll bases that it must not be fun for others. Different strokes for different folks.
X.O. Kommando Nowotny

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Offline grizz441

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #192 on: December 15, 2009, 06:16:14 AM »
Question. Many of you claim not to care if bases are taken, why would it matter to you if the base is taken by a certain number of people noe.

Some of you also think because its not fun for you to roll bases that it must not be fun for others. Different strokes for different folks.

I don't care in the least bit, but it is an embarrassing spectacle to witness.

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #193 on: December 15, 2009, 06:28:46 AM »
I don't care in the least bit, but it is an embarrassing spectacle to witness.

If you actually feel embarrassed playing this game you take it way to seriously.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 06:52:21 AM by kilo2 »
X.O. Kommando Nowotny

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Offline grizz441

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #194 on: December 15, 2009, 06:50:54 AM »
If you are actually feel embarrassed playing this game you take it way to seriously.

If you're going to troll me, don't botch the delivery with a poorly written sentence.   ;)

I think the fact that we post on a message board about gameplay indicates we all take it a little too seriously, including you.   :aok