Author Topic: i don't normally do this  (Read 4386 times)

Offline CAP1

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i don't normally do this
« on: January 03, 2010, 11:54:40 PM »
but the same ole crap's gettin pretty old.

couple weeks ago, i come across a guy, just about co-alt. we merge, i go vertical, look back, and he's rollin over headin for the deck. i follow, he split-s's, doesn't get position, and egresses.

 as he's doing this, he's on open channel, asking if i'm sight seeing, and why running. yet he is the one egressing.

 i head for a different part of the map, so as to not get into any more crap with this guy. go where there's a lot of action, by the time i get there, there's only 1 or 2 bad guys, with a bunch o good guys on them. i keep alt, and head south.
 come across a lower con, and it almost seems as if he hasn't seen me....i dive to slightly below him, closin hard, last minute, he break turns..i go back up, roll over, and there he is, already 4k out.
 another friendly caused him to turn, and i was able to get him.

 was the same dude from earlier. what does he say? "nice pick cap"  WTF??? he ran, was forced to turn, then accuses the person that originally engaged him of picking?

 now tonight......a nearly co-alt merge, 1st pass nothing. 2nd pass is looking to be a ho, i dodge, but take 3rd pass, i ho him back(which i've admitted to doing). 4th pass another ho, 5th pass, yet another ho..and a white collision message(although according to my film he was at least 5 feet away from me)

 by this time, i've lost an aileron, and an engine, and some other stuff, so i try to drag him into the ack(which i've also admitted to doing when necessary). he gets close, but not close enough for ack to hit him...than after 2 or 3 pssses, he comes on open channel saying "go land p38 you obviously don't want to fight anymore". i replied "of course i don't want to fight a hotard".
 so what was his excuse? i dove on him 3 times. i'm still pretty baffled how i can dive on him from co-alt. merge.
 after the first pass, i did gain an alt advantage, and did my best to maintain it, so the ho passes(we both fired) were him goin up, me goin down.
 then he tries to say ack hit his engine, and no damage from me.

 before the above fight, i had a corsair run from me for 2 sectors, just so he could land. and he had no kills.

 so what's the deal?? why is it that when someone loses a fight, it was never their fault? or why can;t someone admit to being beaten by someone? why do people feel the need to critisize one for doing the same thing they themselves do? (i don't generally complain about gettin ho'd anymore, as i'm gettin better at dodgin em).

 why did this dude feel the need to lie about why he ho'd? he could've just said " i did it, o well"? like i do when feel i'm forced to?

 the worst part? all three of these guys are vets. 2 of em i hold in fairly high respect, although it's dropping each time i see em on.

 i have film of all of this stuff, but i'm choosing to leave it off here for now, as i'd rather leave their names out.....unless i need to put em in.

a whine has been recorded....and now it's time to go to bed.
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline flatiron1

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 12:00:57 AM »
Mid War   .squelch 1

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 12:01:21 AM »
      If I see one more whine in here I think I will loose my daggone mind !     :cheers:

Offline CAP1

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2010, 12:03:03 AM »
      If I see one more whine in here I think I will loose my daggone mind !     :cheers:

it'll be my last for just got under my skin tonight. vets doing this is why noobs aren't learning much else. tomorrow, i'll be all better......just wanted/needed to vent.  :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2010, 12:08:18 AM »
it'll be my last for just got under my skin tonight. vets doing this is why noobs aren't learning much else. tomorrow, i'll be all better......just wanted/needed to vent.  :aok

Yep.  A well known Vet was in LW Blue and whined about "HO'ing" after he turned 270 degrees to open up on me first.   He missed, I didn't.   IT made my night though.
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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2010, 12:36:11 AM »
CAP, you're a good guy and fun pilot to wing with (for the few times I've been in MW).  Don't let them get to you. 

He's one to make you giggle.  The other night I'm cruising along in my B-Pony, and I see a set of B-17s 4k below me.  I kick on WEP and dive toward the top and hammer the far left 17, parts of the 17 are falling like confetti, but she didn't go down.  I zoom back up and realized the 17 never fired.  So I dive back in and BOOM, one 17 down.  Still no one firing.  Ok lucky day, silly AFK bombers.  So I start a shallow dive in behind the second drone, and begin to spew four .50s of love.  About the time the wing catches up Mr.AFKr shows back up and begins to fire. First hit knocks out my engine.   

Luckily I am at 10k and at the edge of a friendly radar circle.  So as I am gliding my 51 in I start getting private messages about how I shouldn't attack AFK bombers, and how I am weak, ect ect.  The whole time I laughing my arse off. I glide into base as one of my squaddies finished off the last 17.  I send MrAFK one last message..."This ones for you bud"  then I landed my two B-17 kills.

Now I have a new goal for this tour: To hunt MrAFK and kill him as many times as possible. Why?  I enjoy the funny PMs.

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2010, 12:55:06 AM »
Every now and then I get silly PM's for stuff similar to that...

Most recent was attacking a set of B-24s at 10k with too much altitude flying a P-51B in MW. Was flying long range so I went to 17k and kicked it down to Normal Power. Well a clean P-51B will do 380+ mph in level flight at those settings. Needless to say when I dove pure vertical in on him I had a ton of smash. Wings creaking and just starting to get compression as I fired every time, a nice flamer on each pass. He called me an alt monkey and other various things for not attacking from long six. When I got done with him I killed his escort who was co-alt flying formation on the initial bounce.



Offline CAP1

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2010, 07:42:34 AM »
Every now and then I get silly PM's for stuff similar to that...

Most recent was attacking a set of B-24s at 10k with too much altitude flying a P-51B in MW. Was flying long range so I went to 17k and kicked it down to Normal Power. Well a clean P-51B will do 380+ mph in level flight at those settings. Needless to say when I dove pure vertical in on him I had a ton of smash. Wings creaking and just starting to get compression as I fired every time, a nice flamer on each pass. He called me an alt monkey and other various things for not attacking from long six. When I got done with him I killed his escort who was co-alt flying formation on the initial bounce.


CAP, you're a good guy and fun pilot to wing with (for the few times I've been in MW).  Don't let them get to you. 

He's one to make you giggle.  The other night I'm cruising along in my B-Pony, and I see a set of B-17s 4k below me.  I kick on WEP and dive toward the top and hammer the far left 17, parts of the 17 are falling like confetti, but she didn't go down.  I zoom back up and realized the 17 never fired.  So I dive back in and BOOM, one 17 down.  Still no one firing.  Ok lucky day, silly AFK bombers.  So I start a shallow dive in behind the second drone, and begin to spew four .50s of love.  About the time the wing catches up Mr.AFKr shows back up and begins to fire. First hit knocks out my engine.   

Luckily I am at 10k and at the edge of a friendly radar circle.  So as I am gliding my 51 in I start getting private messages about how I shouldn't attack AFK bombers, and how I am weak, ect ect.  The whole time I laughing my arse off. I glide into base as one of my squaddies finished off the last 17.  I send MrAFK one last message..."This ones for you bud"  then I landed my two B-17 kills.

Now I have a new goal for this tour: To hunt MrAFK and kill him as many times as possible. Why?  I enjoy the funny PMs.

these 2 storys are funny.
 i've never had anyone pm complaints to me yet......just over open channel, thinking nothing'll be said.that's over with. 
 if i keep gettin that typ of poop, i'm gonna start posting names along with the films. none of us is perfect, espcially me, but these clowns are teaching the new guys how not to fight, then they deny silly stuff like that. the only way we're gonna get it to stop, is to call em on it. :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

Offline dedalos

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2010, 08:16:42 AM »
Hey CAP, Did the letters J and maybe G and maybe a few numbers after them come up?
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline CAP1

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2010, 08:19:30 AM »
Hey CAP, Did the letters J and maybe G and maybe a few numbers after them come up?
nah...they didn't.

think of a model of fighter........... :noid
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2010, 08:20:05 AM »
Hey CAP, Did the letters J and maybe G and maybe a few numbers after them come up?

80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2010, 08:25:11 AM »
I had someone demand I go to the DA, only to not show up, make excuses back in the MA on 200 and then PM me for the next 20 minutes with, amongst other things, his real name and location so that we could meet in person.  Apparently he fancies himself quite the vigilante.  

The screen shots are real gems.  Its not every day that you have someone command you to look up their Facebook account just so one could see who one was "dealing with."  :D

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2010, 08:32:44 AM »
I had someone demand I go to the DA, only to not show up, make excuses back in the MA on 200 and then PM me for the next 20 minutes with, amongst other things, his real name and location so that we could meet in person.  Apparently he fancies himself quite the vigilante.  

The screen shots are real gems.  Its not every day that you have someone command you to look up their Facebook account just so one could see who one was "dealing with."  :D

 :rofl :rofl
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2010, 08:49:25 AM »
Aww look they are both missing fingers...... must be from the online typing fights.  :rofl
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: i don't normally do this
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2010, 08:59:32 AM »
How do you guys remember all these sorties. I bet you take your work home with ya. Let it go and thnk what would Jesus do?
No Fat Chicks on this Sc00ter