Krusty has been my main source of entertainment throughout...mostly because he needs this game to be absolutely visually realistic... Even though this IS an online game...that shouldn't be taken seriously. (Or at least to the extent that Krusty takes it to.)
Speaking to Krusty now...
Have you ever seen the skins of the P-51s in racing colors? Or the Easter eggs within the various planes, such as the lyrics to Superfly in the cockpit of the C-47, or the "Rinse and repeat" in the tail turret of the B-29? Granted, this is dedicated to realism, but not so much as to make it stuffy, and limiting how much fun one can have with the various aspects of the game. (*AHEM* skinning!!!)
If you don't like this amazing skin that Ink has created for the Ki-84, then DON'T USE IT! It's not that complicated! It's the same as all of those nameless posters who complain bout the fact that you can see what model of plane the enemy is flying from 3-5k away. If they don't like that, they can just turn it off.
I'm done.