I have a counter theory for you Mr. Coombz, you say any other gaming community and this does imply there is something different here. I think a lot of Aces High players, especially the more mature ones don't play a lot of other games and / or don't have the vast experience of internet culture that you seem to have for instance.
Look at me, this is my first forum, my only computer game. I'm sure you find it hilarious to see someone like me getting trolled like a noob and all those other things I have to look up to see what they mean.
From my perspective the whole Midway episode had to be experienced to be believed. Still now why someone would pursue this as an activity is beyond me, wouldn't they be better taking up something more constructive? Probably showing my age there aren't I?
I agree with Babalonian, an awful lot of players tried to help him, not so much help him so that he'd 'tow the party line' but more so he wouldn't have to rely on what has become accepted in this culture as an unsportsmanlike shot. Everyone that helped him with ACM ultimately just helped him attain those shots with more frequency which is rather a shame and a betrayal of their time and energy.
Also, surely the obsession lies at Midway's feet does it not?
First if all, other than Wii Blazing Angels and MS Flight Simulator I have played very few games. This one grabbed a hold of me due to my lifelong interest in aeroplanes and flying.
Second, like Nrshida, this is the first and only forum I've ever participated in and likely my last.
Third, you are making up way too much silly stuff about me trolling and such. I'm for the most part just being me, honest, and sincere, with a bit of fun and silliness mixed in. Your hyper sensitivity and need to analyze me is kind of silly at times, imho. But, I do like silly.
Fourth, as several excellent pilots have already said, they have either never or rarely been HOed by me in the MA in recent memory. I do HO often, but usually, not always, wait for the other guy to pull the trigger first. The main reason Krupnski, BatfinkV, and Bruv, as examples, say I don't HO them is because they don't shoot first, usually don't get directly in front of my guns on first merge, and I therefore tend to hold my fire. Often not even knowing it's them. Remember they have honestly told you they have rarely, if ever, been HOed by me.
Fifth, I have never cursed, or otherwise used foul or crude language or crude name calling as many others have. That's a line I won't cross out of respect no matter how many names or crude insinuations others have applied to me or their other fellow pilots.
Sixth, I have never been angry or otherwise furious at anything anyone has said or done in game or in forum. It's a game. Although there sure are a wide variety of real life personalities involved creating quite the colorful interaction. Everything from hard working blue and white collar people to movie stars to kids to veterans to wives and moms to rock stars to pilots to rich people to poor people and everything in between. Makes for a lot of disagreements and discussions as all this variety of people try to reconcile things.
Seventh, I have always been and am grateful for help received and have reciprocated on many occasions. By far my primary intent here and in-game being to have fun improving my piloting skills to beat the best pilots.
I could go on, but for the sake of a little bit of brevity won't. Seven being a lucky number.
The point is that you and many others, seem to over interpret my too frequent communication and silliness. In the immortal words of Sgt Hulka, "Lighten up, Francis".
... and that goes for the rest of you Midway haters too, if you can, please.
Feel free to make up whatever mumbo jumbo you want, for your satisfaction and pleasure, but I've, again, given you my honest and sincere thoughts on this.
I know some of you won't be able to help yourselves from doing so.
Please don't respond in this thread so we can get back to the original topic at hand.
A new thread, if you require it, is easy to start although likely not worth it.
To those that already realize most of this, I admire your insight.
To everyone that took the time to read, I thank you.
My apologies to BatfinkV for this lengthy (and over-communicated) diversion from the original intent of his thread.
Now, back to having fun practicing and improving my piloting/pwning skills.