Appreciate you doing that!
I think I know who it is. He followed us a couple days ago. Chicago has been our top city in at least that past 28 days for Spotify play. The album has close to 27,000 plays so far in total on Spotify. That includes the singles that we've been releasing though. The stats carry over to the album.
I didn’t analyze every song, but 2-3 caught my attention with hooks that should be heard. To say that about one song of 30 is s good start.
Yes, some of your songs fit the area programming.
I can hear chicks playing #1 in a country or suburban bar.
Just remember, be careful of false positives.
Its very smart to start album #2 right now. You’ll need it in 9 mos. Take your time apply what was learned. Shows you’re in it for the long haul (future biz).
These guys get stuff pushed on them by local bands every day. They tend to shy away from beggers, lets play it as the quiet get the most attention. Don’t push, amateurs do that. I never asked these guys for anything, so when I do I must be on to something.
I’m helping both you and them, IF I’m any help at all.
>IF< (massive word), you need to play the area, you have some clout and access to the best gear and engineers in the area, same as you prolly have there.