Author Topic: US allows drug tests on students.  (Read 1897 times)

Offline Fatty

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #90 on: June 29, 2002, 10:41:27 AM »
Yeah, it is incredibly naive of me to assume that if drugs are not allowed in school there would be less drugs in school.

Offline Sandman

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #91 on: June 29, 2002, 10:44:01 AM »
More stats:


Offline Fatty

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #92 on: June 29, 2002, 10:49:47 AM »
Are you saying you want nicotine on the tested list Sandman?  No problem there.

Offline Sandman

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #93 on: June 29, 2002, 10:57:11 AM »
Been to the east coast, Fatty?

Look around Virginia and observe all of the tobacco fields.

Tobacco isn't going away. The growers have far too much influence at the capitol.

Just so everyone understands, I don't believe that children below the age of consent should be allowed to use any of these substances, alcohol.. nicotine... whatever. At the same time, I think drug testing undermines my authority as a parent because it sends one message loud and clear, "I don't trust you."

This is just more drug war silliness. The same drug war that costs this nation more than any other nation spends on national defense.

Bush should go ahead and turn it off. It'll be one way to pay for his tax cuts.

Offline Tumor

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #94 on: June 29, 2002, 10:57:30 AM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM

IMHO, if you think that drug testing will make the difference between effective parenting or not, you're a potential failure as parent looking for something/someone to blame.

I can tell you aren't a parent.
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline midnight Target

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #95 on: June 29, 2002, 10:58:44 AM »
Originally posted by Eagler

amazing ....

why don't we just offer it in the cafeteria at lunch time? How bout making sure middle school kids can try it out too? Or is 12 too young but 15/16 old enough?:rolleyes:

you ppl freak me out.  
What the hell is wrong with testing CHILDREN 18 and under in HIGH SCHOOL for ILLEGAL drugs?
Afraid a sober society would tell the left to go jump in a lake?

 I can only assume those against this are in HS themselves or their brain still is ...

This is why this issue is the closest thing we have to McCarthyism. If your against it, you must be for drugs! Just like you must have been a commie if you were against the HUAC.
 Another hypocritical conservative viewpoint IMHO. They want big government out of their lives, just not out of yours.

Offline Sandman

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #96 on: June 29, 2002, 10:58:51 AM »
Originally posted by Tumor

I can tell you aren't a parent.

No you can't. I have two children. One is 14 the other is 12.

Edit: Before you ask... Yes, they live at home. Yes, with both of their parents. I've been married for 19 years.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2002, 11:12:51 AM by Sandman »

Offline Tuomio

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #97 on: June 29, 2002, 11:13:48 AM »
Illegal drugs = Police business

Illegal Drugs != School business

Ok, since you parents are so much into getting your children busted, then do this alltogether:

Because police must have probable cause for stripsearch (im sure that one day this will also be thrown out), you parents must do it for them. You can search your kids every hole and secret pocket and give all your findings to the cop. If any narcotics are found, vóila, jailtime for that little bastard!
In some states you get a bonus if this thing is repeated 3 times, mandatory minimum! I bet it would get you and your kid smiling to get him 99 years of prison time without chance of parole!

Believe me, if cop finds any drugs, that kid is out of school, since he prolly gets jailtime. He wont be bothering his classmates anymore. This is what youre afraid of right?

Oh but i forgot, its not YOUR kid thats harrassing (this seems to be synonyme for drug use (which seems to be synonyme for abuse)) others, no that couldnt be!

Luckily for most of the kids, drugs have never been cheaper, more available and pure, than they are now..After 40 years of worldwide drug prohobition. Seriously, these drug tests are just a small finetune to that machine, which needs to fail again and again to open peoples eyes.

Offline Elfenwolf

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #98 on: June 29, 2002, 11:17:35 AM »
I'm amazed so many of you are so willing to toss away your civil rights in the intrests of the "common good." The Supreme Court as much as acknowledged their decision to allow random drug tests was unconstitutional yet the "common good" of fighting drug abuse in schools is paramount over the civil rights of school children. IMO "common good" is the absolute worst reason to suspend civil rights.

My child will be a High School senior next year. She is active in athletics and other school activities and if she's asked to take a drug test to play sports and she takes a drug test then I will feel like I've failed to install just how important our Constitution is to us. Oh, BTW, she does NOT do drugs, alcohol or nicotene and I don't need a drug test to know that.

Offline Fatty

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #99 on: June 29, 2002, 11:18:30 AM »
Right.  I heard the tobacco lobby was secretly funding the push to keep kids on their drugs instead of someone else's.  I hope their secret enforcers don't read this.

Offline Fatty

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #100 on: June 29, 2002, 11:24:18 AM »
I hope she doesn't plan on making it to the international level then Elfie...



DC 7.1     Unannounced doping control may be conducted by FINA at any time, including at the time or location of any competition in every Member country. Preferably it shall be carried out without any advance notice to the competitor or his Federation. Every competitor affiliated to any FINA Member Federation is obliged to undergo unannounced doping control decided by FINA.  


DC 7.2     Every Member Federation shall include in their Rules a provision obliging that Member to allow unannounced doping control of any athlete under its jurisdiction. It is the duty of every Member Federation to assist FINA and, if appropriate other Member Federations in the carrying out of unannounced testing.  Any Member Federation preventing, hindering or otherwise obstructing the carrying out of such testing shall be liable to sanctions according to Rule C 10.


DC 7.3     FINA shall keep a register of competitors who are being subject to unannounced doping control.  Member Federations shall have the obligation to submit the names, current places of living, addresses, training times and facilities, telephone numbers of swimmers requested by FINA, to enable FINA to conduct unannounced testing.


DC 7.4      It shall be the obligation of each competitor ranked among the top 50 in each event, as well as that competitor's Federation, to keep FINA informed about where the competitor can be met for unannounced testing any time, by utilising the FINA Location Form.  If the competitor cannot be found for unannounced testing due to incorrect or insufficient information provided to FINA, the Federation to which the competitor is affiliated shall be obliged to pay expenses for the unsuccessful attempt of testing.

DC 7.5     If FINA attempts to conduct unannounced testing but is twice unable to locate a competitor at the address or location provided to FINA for such purposes, FINA shall send notice regarding the situation to both the competitor and his or her Federation, requesting more detailed information as to the competitor's schedule.  If the competitor cannot be located thereafter for a doping control test during a period up to twelve (12) months from the first date the competitor was unable to be located, the competitor shall be considered to have failed to submit to doping control in accordance with DC 2.1.

Offline Sandman

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #101 on: June 29, 2002, 11:29:24 AM »
Hehe... Doping control isn't about recreational drug use. It's about detecting perfomance enhancing substances and/or methods.

DC 3.1     Except as set forth in DC 3.5, the following classes of substances shall be prohibited in competition:

A.  Stimulants

B.   Narcotics

C.  Anabolic agents

D.  Diuretics

E.   Peptide hormones, mimetics and analogues

F.   Cannabinoids

G.  Beta-blockers (Diving and Synchronised Swimming only)

H.     Local anaesthetics;


                   and the following classes of substances shall be prohibited at all times:


                   A.                   Anabolic agents

                   B.                   Diuretics

                   C.                   Peptide hormones, mimetics and analogues

The cannabinoids were added a few years ago. Remember when that (US or Canadian) snow boarder won the gold at the winter Olympics a few years ago? After detecting THC in his blood, they took the medal away but then had to give it back because marijuana wasn't on the list. It's not considered a performance enhancing drug. LOL.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2002, 11:32:34 AM by Sandman »

Offline Elfenwolf

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #102 on: June 29, 2002, 11:31:42 AM »
Originally posted by Tuomio
Illegal drugs = Police business

Illegal Drugs != School business

Ok, since you parents are so much into getting your children busted, then do this alltogether:

Because police must have probable cause for stripsearch (im sure that one day this will also be thrown out), you parents must do it for them. You can search your kids every hole and secret pocket and give all your findings to the cop. If any narcotics are found, vóila, jailtime for that little bastard!
In some states you get a bonus if this thing is repeated 3 times, mandatory minimum! I bet it would get you and your kid smiling to get him 99 years of prison time without chance of parole!

Believe me, if cop finds any drugs, that kid is out of school, since he prolly gets jailtime. He wont be bothering his classmates anymore. This is what youre afraid of right?

Oh but i forgot, its not YOUR kid thats harrassing (this seems to be synonyme for drug use (which seems to be synonyme for abuse)) others, no that couldnt be!

Luckily for most of the kids, drugs have never been cheaper, more available and pure, than they are now..After 40 years of worldwide drug prohobition. Seriously, these drug tests are just a small finetune to that machine, which needs to fail again and again to open peoples eyes.

Tuomio, that reminds me of a true story that happened back in 1974 or so. I was driving to my aunt and uncle's house for a visit when I saw my cousin Bill in the back seat of a Sheriff's car. I continued on to my Aunt and Uncle's house where my Aunt was crying her eyes out at the kitchen table. The conversation went something like this-

Me- Was that Billy I saw in the sheriff's car??
Auntie-(sobbing) Yes it was. He just got arrested for posession of marijuana.
Me- What?? How did THAT happen?
Auntie- His sister knew he had some and I tricked him into taking a ride with me to the Sheriff's substation. I told him I had to sign some papers and I went in and told the cops he had pot on him.
Me- You WHAT??? You turned him in for smoking pot??
Auntie- (sobbing) Oh, he's gone way beyond just smoking the stuff- When the Sheriff's Deputy and I came out to the car he was EATING it!!

Anyway Bill's claim to fame is that he was featured in a 60 Minutes piece on indoor pot cultivation in Ansterdam several years ago. Now he lives in the Philippines where he grows dope. I don't think he eats the stuff any more though.

Offline Fatty

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #103 on: June 29, 2002, 11:31:52 AM »
I know, Elfie got me sidetracked.  That is where the high school drug testing move started, however.  Particularly here in TX where roids can be had over the counter across the border.

Offline Tumor

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #104 on: June 29, 2002, 12:26:43 PM »
Originally posted by Elfenwolf
I'm amazed so many of you are so willing to toss away your civil rights in the intrests of the "common good." The Supreme Court as much as acknowledged their decision to allow random drug tests was unconstitutional yet the "common good" of fighting drug abuse in schools is paramount over the civil rights of school children. IMO "common good" is the absolute worst reason to suspend civil rights.

My child will be a High School senior next year. She is active in athletics and other school activities and if she's asked to take a drug test to play sports and she takes a drug test then I will feel like I've failed to install just how important our Constitution is to us. Oh, BTW, she does NOT do drugs, alcohol or nicotene and I don't need a drug test to know that.

Please explain to me what the hell your civil rights have to do with being tested for illegal drug use in ANY instance in which you are taking advantage of a government sponsored or privately sponsered activity?  Let me guess... it's a total invasion of your privacy to either 1. Take a breathilizer test or 2.  Have your Driver's license revoked?  Better yet.. I guess it's totally "Big Brother" that in almost every city, county or state government I've lived in (many) you can find yourself in the drunk tank for no more than walking down the sidewalk while over the legal limit?  Public drunkeness is ILLEGAL and it's entirely up to the POLICE whether or not you spend a few hours behind bars.  How many private corporations or government organizations have been successfully sued for requireing thier employee's to undergo random drug testing in the last 20 years?  Why should SCHOOLS where the drug problem is OBVIOUSLY  rampant allow students the "freedom" or "right" to partake in illicit drug use without fear of getting caught? How in hell can you possibly justify stating "random" testing for ILLEGAL drug use has anything whatsoever to do ith your precious "dreamed up" civil rights.  What a completely pathetic drug induced whine.

The druggies on this board really SHINE!  Sure hard to miss'em.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2002, 12:37:27 PM by Tumor »
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann