Author Topic: Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…  (Read 11876 times)

Offline beet1e

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #90 on: March 07, 2004, 05:28:51 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
I'll just assume that I was correct in the type of... fight... it was.

You assume a lot, and you've assumed wrongly in the past. But on this occasion, you can think what you like, Old Bufo Marinus. What happened in those sorties is for me to know and for you to try to figure out. The "type of fight" was in no way relevant to this thread which, just to reiterate, is about map rotation. But, as always, when a debate is not going the way you want it to go, you try to degrade it into a pissing contest about "flying styles" and whether someone had "an advantage" or not. You base your whole TFTT thesis on the false premise that every plane can be flown like a Spit V, and that because you favour turnfights at 2K that everyone else must fly like that too, or else be proclaimed a dweeb.  I've seen your career stats for the P47 - 7 kills and 6 deaths in a P47D30. Looks like you gave up on it in short order. Maybe you were trying to turnfight it in one of your TAS style weed-wacking fights? Yeah, well I can see why you didn't last long with the P47 if you thought that was the right way to fly it. :lol

Offline nopoop

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #91 on: March 07, 2004, 06:31:17 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
Yeah, well I can see why you didn't last long with the P47 if you thought that was the right way to fly it. :lol

Ammo's doin pretty well flying a Jug that way. He be doin the weeds. I always see him on the way in shortly before I meet my maker. I've done alot of that lately.

It can be done consistantly, it's just not easy.

Easy being the operative word.

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline beet1e

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #92 on: March 07, 2004, 06:47:37 PM »
Originally posted by nopoop
Ammo's doin pretty well flying a Jug that way. He be doin the weeds. I always see him on the way in shortly before I meet my maker. I've done alot of that lately.

It can be done consistantly, it's just not easy.

Easy being the operative word.
Ammo's doing it in the D11 variant, not the D25. Let's see him do it in a D25. I was in the D25 because I needed to carry ord. The D11 does not carry ord.

Not being the operative word.

Toodle-Pip :D

Offline Toad

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #93 on: March 07, 2004, 07:17:54 PM »
What it's about is you complaining about small maps and then pointing out that they can be all right if you can get in some easy kills.

I don't care how you fly. But I find it greatly amusing one the true nature of your argument is fully revealed in this thread.

You don't dare post that film; it destroys your entire argument from day one and validates Laz's observations.

I find that hilarious.
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Offline Toad

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #94 on: March 07, 2004, 07:39:19 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
I've seen your career stats for the P47 - 7 kills and 6 deaths in a P47D30. Looks like you gave up on it in short order.

BTW, this didn't sound right.

So either you haven't actually looked or the way you check "career stats" is incorrect. How did you figure that "career stats" thing out btw? It's obvious to me you didn't use HTC's tour by tour kill stats.

I don't fly it much but I have flown it some. I flew it more before you even played AH, I think. Anyway, a quick check of my D-30 kill stats shows this statement of yours to be exceedingly incorrect.

Anyway, how are YOU doing in the F4U-1?  Want to match kill stats / male member length in that? :rofl
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Offline SlapShot

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #96 on: March 07, 2004, 10:25:12 PM »
Beet1e ... in

F4U-1 - 8 kills in  / 5 deaths in / 24 Killed by  / 50 kills of / 1.60 K/D in / 2.08 K/D against

Beets #1 plane ...

F4U-1C - 1203 kills in / 319 deaths in / 34 killed by / 51 kills of / 3.77 K/D in / 1.50 K/D against.

Talk about EasyMode™ planes ... the plane that was banished into Perk Hell is his #1 killer ... :D
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Offline Steve

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #97 on: March 07, 2004, 10:55:51 PM »
In fairness to Beet, career stats are updated at the end of each tour.  He could be tearing it up in an F4u-1 this tour and it wouldn't show in career stats.....yet.   :)
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Offline Lazer

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #98 on: March 07, 2004, 11:34:08 PM »
Big Isle's map sucks... WOW! :D

Offline MetaTron

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #99 on: March 07, 2004, 11:39:29 PM »
Beet1e, you're arguing with guys that log more hours on the bbs than they do in the game. Well, one of them at least logs more hours in front of a mirror, but I'll let you quess which one that is. :D

Offline beet1e

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #100 on: March 08, 2004, 02:52:55 AM »
Originally posted by Toad
You don't dare post that film; it destroys your entire argument from day one and validates Laz's observations.
What the hell are you talking about?

It's a thread about map rotation!
It's a thread about map rotation!
It's a thread about map rotation!
It's a thread about map rotation!
It's a thread about map rotation!

Five should be enough. :rolleyes:

Yeah, you'd love to get hold of that film and turn the thread into an off-topic rant about playing styles/personal stats/flying from disadvantages. The film is not relevant to the ON topic discussion about maps/map rotation, but on the other hand I can use individual screenshots from it to repudiate various false allegations that have appeared here.

About your P47D30 stats, you said "So either you haven't actually looked or the way you check "career stats" is incorrect." Erm... no... Slapshot beat me to it with the career stats link which, to use your own words, "destroys your entire argument from day one" :D Steve - if you still have that fork, I think you might want to hand it to Mr. Toad so he can eat his crow. :lol

So, Mr. Toad, Slapshot came to your rescue with your stats before you could dig yourself any deeper into that hole you were digging for yourself. 7 career kills in a P47D30? Heck, I've had 10 in a single sortie with that very plane - on the pizza map by Cod - LOL. Maybe I know something you don't?

Slapshot! The banishment of the CHog into Perk Hell predates my inauguration to this game, and I therefore consider it irrelevant. Still, if you can't get one over me in the present day, why not talk about the past, of days gone by when I wasn't even here. :lol The rest of what you said is way off topic, by the way. Still, it's always good to give the pot a good stir after you've been proved wrong when you said "Yet you then claim to have landed 5 kills and did not vulch. The math does not add up my friend." But you were right to question the fact that it was a 4v4. In fact there were only 2 of us rooks present at the start as the screenshot from my film shows, making it a 2v4. Oh, and I will concede that one of those kills was a vulch. The other four were not, and I have the proof.  I'll post it one day, but it won't be today. :D

Slapshot cites the F4U1C as my #1 plane. I thought the "skill ratio", as HTC calls it, was based on k/d. My own view that anything less than about 100 kills in a plane is too small a sampling to be accurate  - a bit like trying to gauge the popularity of the pizza map based on BBS rants. So let's discount my 11/1 k/d in the 190F8 and look to the next plane in the k/d list for which I have more than 100 kills. Erm..., erm... why, it's the P47D25 at 4.45! Who would have thought it. :eek: Guess I must be doing something right in that plane after all.

MetaTron!  Yep, and just look - Toad/Slapshot, all dying to turn this into a thread about play styles etc. and the rights and wrongs of one style versus another, despite the fact that the unofficial squad mantra is to fly what you like, how you like, and despite the fact they claim "not to give a fig" about what/how anyone else plays this game, while they provide subtle assertions that *their* way is the only *correct* way. Can you say "hypocrite"? ;)

Offline Toad

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #101 on: March 08, 2004, 07:52:51 AM »
So much to do here.

OK, first the P-47 thing. Sorry to tell you this Beet, you've been deceived but probably not intentionally. Innominates Career Stats are simply incorrect.

How do you like your crow? Rare or well-done? With as much lipping off as you've done about my Jug flying, I'd have to guess well-done.

Let's go with official HTC stats, OK? I didn't bother with career but if you'll check my D-30 Jug stats in  tours 4-8 just for starters, I think you'll see the error of your ways. Now, those are not real impressive stats overall but that is flying the D30 as a weedwacker. :)

Anyway, Innominate's stats are wrong and I hope you enjoy your crow.
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Offline beet1e

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #102 on: March 08, 2004, 08:10:33 AM »
Well alrighty then. Let me know when/if we can get this thread back on topic. :cool:

Offline Toad

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #103 on: March 08, 2004, 08:14:56 AM »
Now, to the patented "Ol Shifty On-Topic Discussion Defense".

It probably escapes you but YOU are the one that brought your glorious tale of a successful vulch sortie to BBS to aid your discussion of maps.

Here, let me help you remember. You started this thread with a small map whine:

But you're killing us with these small maps.

You state that you just log now if a small map is up that doesn't suit you.

I logged on yesterday and saw Baltic was still up - and immediately logged off again.

Further on you post a picture of what, for you, are unacceptable play conditions and again say you usually log when small maps are up. Apparently, you don't like steamroller tactics but as we all know, those are common to all maps now.

I just checked the MA to see what's happening - the pic shows what I saw. Note the long green bardar and short red one in one sector, and the long red one and short green one in another sector not far away.... I looked at all this and logged off. I've got more interesting things to do right now than to participate in this mess.

Now, you've said the same boring stuff that you hate on the small maps is present on the big maps:

People are forced down the furball road and forced to contemplate the hordes/steamrollers and forced to deal with suicide duel porkage - assuming they don't log off, that being the choice I normally make in that situation. As soon as the friendly side starts to get the upper hand, the vulchers are drawn by that big green bardar. Of course, that same thing happens on pizza.

But, of course, on Pizza you have "choice". :lol As you say:

The difference is that there are more choices on AKD/pizza. There will be another battle at the embryonic stage in another part of the map

Then you tell us just how good it can be on the Pizza map.

I upped a P47D25 and joined some squaddies trying for a capture on A23 of the AKD/pizza map. It was a straight fight between our field and their field. No P51 interlopers from the field next door or anything of that sort.

This sortie is highly praised as the sort of action YOU come to AH to find. :)

Now, you're not known to be bashful about posting films of your exploits of derring-do but this time the film is not going to be released. Strange indeed? Don't you want all of us unwashed to see how much fun there is to be had on AKD?

No, Beet... you started this map whine thread and you used that sortie to support you position. It's not off topic a bit to discuss it or ask to see it.

In short, I think that film clearly demonstrates why you find the large maps so much better than small maps. I think you're embarassed to show that what you like is exactly what Laz has pointed out for so long.

I think it would truly illustrate why you don't like small maps and it's exactly what Laz has often pointed out.

On small maps, you have to fight. All the time. To and from the targets.

Don't ya just hate that?  :rofl
« Last Edit: March 08, 2004, 08:19:20 AM by Toad »
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Offline Toad

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Small Maps – a Creeping Process. Hmmm…
« Reply #104 on: March 08, 2004, 08:15:43 AM »
Excuse me, Beet? No apology for all that career stat vitriol?

A simple "Sorry, I was wrong" will do.

Thank you.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!