Author Topic: How do you protect  (Read 2416 times)

Offline GtoRA2

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How do you protect
« Reply #90 on: January 12, 2005, 08:29:12 PM »
Thats some NICE bait Nash, fantastic.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #91 on: January 12, 2005, 08:31:30 PM »
Well... bustr, that was well said. I don't discount that aspect of the hobby. Funked made a post recently about aquiring a stock and it falls into the same sort of category you're talking about. All good.

I don't how to describe the aspect you touch on. Maybe engineering and sport are the best words to use.

But why are these aspects completely drowned out by 2nd ammendment, crime, what-politician-did-what types of posts? Why do posts having nothing to do with the gun's actual use get completely drowned out by posts of a "what-if" nature? Be it "what if you experienced a home invasion?", be it "what if our guns were taken away?", and be it "if such and such a country had gun law X..."

A post about hitting targets will hit 20, maybe. A post about gun rats goes through the roof.

Offline wombatt

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« Reply #92 on: January 12, 2005, 08:40:52 PM »
Well Nash some people enjoy bowling and some golf or playing pool.

And then some of us enjoy target shooting.
Or to be more correct Long distance precision shooting.

It is very hard to place a round consistently in a tight grouping at 1000 yds you have to contend with wind 'humidity temp and a host of other factors that can effect a round going that far down range.

Then there are your reloads most everyone shooting these compititions reloads there own ammo custom taylored for there rifles action and barrel and given weather conditions.

But to me the best part Is the zen you know that moment of total
body relaxation needed to control and steady the rifle.
There can be no movement at all.
You even get to the point where you fire in between heart beats
as you own heart beat will throw off your shot.

Any way I hope I explained why some people enjoy fire arms this is just my reasons.
I own no hand guns only shot guns and rifles thats my thing.

I have no need for a pistol.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #93 on: January 12, 2005, 08:50:37 PM »
Again, as I said in my initial post, I was commenting on one aspect of gun ownership. If this BBS is any indication, the predominant aspect.

Because frankly, we don't see alotta "tight groupings" posts around here.

"What's your custom tailored ammo" posts? Practically extinct if they ever existed at all.

Yet the other kinds of gun posts? Every day, like clockwork.

Ask lazs about tight groupings, zen, and the art of total body relaxation. Chances are...

It's not going to happen. Least it hasn't happend yet.

"What ifs", on the other hand, is common grist for the mill.

Offline wombatt

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« Reply #94 on: January 12, 2005, 08:51:31 PM »
Originally posted by Nash
Again, as I said in my initial post, I was commenting on one aspect of gun ownership. If this BBS is any indication, the predominant aspect.

Because frankly, we don't see alotta "tight groupings" posts around here.

"What's your custom tailored ammo" posts? Practically extinct if they ever existed at all.

Yet the other kinds of gun posts? Every day, like clockwork.

Ask lazs about tight groupings, zen, and the art of total body relaxation. Chances are...

It's not going to happen. Least it hasn't happend yet.

"What ifs", on the other hand, is common grist for the mill.

I see your point.

Offline NUKE

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« Reply #95 on: January 12, 2005, 09:02:24 PM »
Then there's guys like me. I'm not gun fanatic, but have always owned at least one gun since I was a kid and never have owned a handgun.

I currently only own my Russian SKS after having sold a pre-ban min-14, with folding stock.

I mostly just go into the desert now and then and plink at fruit and cans, targets and whatever. It's fun.

About the gun posts, I jump in now and then but nothing really serious. I feel that it is my right to own a gun if I want to and beyond that, I don't much care about what anyone says about long as they don't pose a threat of taking them away from me.

I care more about what people say about my country and our guns laws, if that makes any sense Nash.

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« Reply #96 on: January 12, 2005, 09:12:58 PM »
Well that would explain why it is that I didn't even know you had a gun.

You have one, and do what it is ya want to, and life goes on.


What is one supposed to make of the fact that certain people (a whole lotta certain people) get completely wound up about the whole thing?

And that those certain people seem to be the farthest removed from, say, custom gun assembly or competative shooting?

Offline NUKE

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« Reply #97 on: January 12, 2005, 09:26:47 PM »
Originally posted by Nash

What is one supposed to make of the fact that certain people (a whole lotta certain people) get completely wound up about the whole thing?

And that those certain people seem to be the farthest removed from, say, custom gun assembly or competative shooting?

The thing that gets everyone going is the issue of gun laws and debating gun bans verses rights to own guns . It's not about the guns themselves, it's about the logic and debate regarding gun laws.

It's not the same as someone posting a picture of their gun collection or talking about ammo, or technical apsects of firearms ( which has been done here). Those posts will not generate the intense arguments as the ones that focus on gun laws. An element of it seems to be about America verses everyone else too......each side trying to make a point that they will never convince the other side about.

Offline bustr

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« Reply #98 on: January 12, 2005, 10:01:37 PM »

I have no clue where you call home. It's not my business to know. Your privicy is your right as a human being.

The extream responses about gun ownership and the exerscise of self preservation for whatever reason reflect, aside from any negative digs from our audience, a love of the freedom that the United States protects for its citizens. You cannot separate from them that love and the blind love of the contract our constitution makes with us that our right to the preservation of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness has been given us as a gift from the Creator. This then makes us all equal in the eyes of the Creator, and not abridgable by any human against another human.

They beleive in your freedom and right to life to the same extream that you unconciously will always choose life for yourself in all circumstances. In reverse when you question their unwavering belief in their God give right to protect their lives and the lives of others. You then present yourself as a quandry, don't you Nash beleive in Life and Freedom?
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Toad

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« Reply #99 on: January 12, 2005, 10:04:34 PM »
It's about why anyone would think they have the audacity to try to deny me the rights granted to me by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It's about the disaster that looms if no one speaks out against these bozos.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Nash

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« Reply #100 on: January 12, 2005, 10:24:09 PM »
Oh the AUDACITY! Pry the gun from my cold dead hands! Or whatever.

Uh yes, yes I do bustr. I do believe in "Life and Freedom".

But I don't gotta sound like a zombie while doing so, do I?

I gotta admit, there was a certain something about the way you tied your words together there, almost as if I was living in the 1800's. And no doubt, the good patriots will come rallying.

I guess it would only be fair to respond by saying... lemme see.. All you need is love, and guns don't kill people - people with guns kill people.

But this isn't going to get us anywhere at all, is it?

Lookit, the gun law debates are never about, say, new regulations in target shooting.

Instead, the gun debates surround the issue of having the ability to protect oneself. It always, always, always ALWAYS is that.

The ability to protect oneself naturally leads to "what if" discussions. Say, "what if" Britain had less strict gun laws. Or "what if" only the criminals had access to guns.

Ya see, we're talking about two completely different breeds of gun owners.

Sure, the one type of gun enthusiast shares some fundamental concerns with the other type. Yet but for the other type it is far less about the guns than it is about the concerns.

If that doesn't make any sense, try this simple equation:

Time spent talking about guns on a BBS, expressed in minutes, as compared to time spent actually shooting guns.

Or time spent talking about the legal or societal issues, as compared to time spent talking about guns with regard to marksmanship, craftsmanship, history, etc.

Something is going to become apparent.

And I think that with a certain type of gun owner, the part of the brain that would so invest itself with the self-defense aspect of gun ownership, is naturally going to seek out other situations where defense is invloved. That would be defending the ability to own guns in the first place. So it's either pimps or Presidents. Either way, ya gotsa to self defend!


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« Reply #101 on: January 12, 2005, 10:38:21 PM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
 he is, he admited it when he had a minny melt down and went on about how he was there when he and drunky were to meet and drunky did not show..

thats proof, and he is not longer trying to hide it.

really??  well welcome back mrBlack, I'm looking forward to your next meltdown.  Don't disappoint us.  :D

Offline Sandman

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Re: How do you protect
« Reply #102 on: January 12, 2005, 10:45:14 PM »
Originally posted by JoOwEn
yourself, family or loved ones from a violent crime. Do you own a gun, take self defense courses or maybe just a glof club? I just realised that Im a 145 lbs defensless young man. maybe I should take some karoke courses.,,185958_186520,00.html

I think the best bet is to look around your neighborhood and if anyone seems disreputable, simply invade thier house before they invade yours. ;)

Offline wombatt

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« Reply #103 on: January 13, 2005, 02:00:33 AM »
Originally posted by storch
really??  well welcome back mrBlack, I'm looking forward to your next meltdown.  Don't disappoint us.  :D

Got some beach front swamp land for sale!

Offline Nash

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« Reply #104 on: January 13, 2005, 02:09:27 AM »
Hiya lazs, I know we're both early risers... and that's when you get yer BBS time in. But I'm sleeping in, and unfortunately we're not gonna be able to have breakfast together today. So I'll leave ya with this to keep ya busy, and we'll do breakfast tomorrow.

Guns. And Lazs.

There is a striking simularity in all this with the PETA action. You get one set of nutjobs saying its bad to eat meat, and the other side goes "Oh yeah?!" and proceeds to rub a porkchop all over themselves.

Who is ultimately right? It doesn't matter. Because by that point, who cares ? They're all looney tunes.

It is my completely bullchit opinion that you are doing guys like Toad (I'm gonna use him as an example for a while) and all the regular gun owners out there one huge disservice.

They got guns. They actually use them for something. They're well aware of the whole gun debate and the 2nd amendment etc. But you never hear Toad talking about protection from any home invasion, or if a sawed-off would better do the trick if you encountered the invader in a narrow hallway.

Or making Dixon California safe.

Okay, comparison's sake.... ya look at the fishing BBS' and its all about the craft, the technique. Once in a long LONG long while you get someone talking about some political issue. But very few and far between. Mostly, yeah, it's about fishing.

Why is it then that the gun discussions here never seem to revolve around, well, using GUNS?

Lazs, back last Fall you mentioned some book which is called (I think) The Arming of America. Something like that anyways.  At that point I had seen you reference it so many times that I had to check. I did a search on lazs + arming america. I got back no less than 18 billion, 3 quadrillion and seventy-two threads with your name on it.

A political book. About gun ownership. Not about gun shootin'. Not about guns themselves. No... Just gun rats. That's all. 18 billion, 3 quadrillion and seventy-two threads about nothing more than gun rats.

What I'm saying Lazs, is that guys like you pick fights, and you get them. Guys like Toad never pick fights, never start threads about guns. They just go out in the hills somewhere and shoot stuff.

Contrary to however big you think the bogeyman is that you've constructed, nobody really has that much of a prollem with that.

But you are that different breed of gun owner. Your gig is defence. Aside from blastin' a few bottles here and there, you own guns for defence, and you make threads about guns in order to defend the guns you own to defend yourself.

I would say, quite frankly, that it would be a huge mistake for regular gun owners to get too entwined in a lazs gun rats debate. Lest risking spreading porkchop on themselves. There are plenty of good reasons to own guns. But those reasons go right out the window when the predominant reason seems to have become enabling one's self  to spend hours arguing about merely owning guns, and merely the right to do so.

At least those types of guys get driven off the fishing BBS faster than you could say "Bang, you're dead." Because, who needs it?

Anyways, good morning. :)