Author Topic: Time to unperk the Spit 14  (Read 5255 times)

Offline pellik

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #150 on: May 06, 2005, 07:02:47 PM »
Urchin: Morph's 'unless they are forced upon me' statement prevents those from being a contradiction.

And what does Lev in a la7 have to do with the uber-ness of the Tempest?

Offline Urchin

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #151 on: May 06, 2005, 07:06:00 PM »
Not a thing, the fact that "Uber lev" lost every fight in which he was in an Tempest and I was in an La7 should mean something though.

As far as it not being a contradiction.... horse****.  Kweassa and Karnak make some statements, Morphous decides to disagree.  His grounds for disagreement?  "I'm more 1337 than you are, therefore you are wrong".  Sure, it was forced upon him.  Uh huh.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2005, 07:09:45 PM by Urchin »

Offline Edbert1

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« Reply #152 on: May 06, 2005, 07:20:05 PM »
Is that a padlock I hear being clamped onto this thread?

Oh yeah, HTC is closed for the weekend, guess if the personal laundry is still being waved about it will come on Monday:cool:

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #153 on: May 06, 2005, 07:40:12 PM »
"I'm more 1337 than you are, therefore you are wrong". Sure, it was forced upon him. Uh huh.

Did they teach you how to read down there yet? Apparently not I guess.

I was told I was better than the masses. I was also told that the masses needed an deperked perk plane to beat me. Both statements in my eyes being completely BS and nothing more than that. I obliged them both and agreed in the most sarcastic manner I could. I can understand why you wouldnt see that. Being that  you are so very desperate and will pull anything I say out of context to use against me.  

Then you come trudging in with your  embarrassingly big mouth and bring Leviathn into it. This isn't between me you and him. Altho you seemed to think it was. I also never made the claim to be even half as good as Levi is. If you can show me where it is that I said I was I'd be happy.

The thread you were hanging onto has been broken. And now on your way down you're trying to take as many out with you before you hit rock bottom. Its clear that rock botton is here, and you've hit it.

The only problem with that is... You haven't taken anyone "out". You've just made yourself look even more foolish.
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Offline pellik

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #154 on: May 06, 2005, 07:53:56 PM »
Originally posted by Urchin
Not a thing, the fact that "Uber lev" lost every fight in which he was in an Tempest and I was in an La7 should mean something though.

As far as it not being a contradiction.... horse****.  Kweassa and Karnak make some statements, Morphous decides to disagree.  His grounds for disagreement?  "I'm more 1337 than you are, therefore you are wrong".  Sure, it was forced upon him.  Uh huh.

Morph offered his opinion, which a lot of pilots actually value. Kweassa attacked him for not having some proof, which is almost always useless when offered here anyway Then he started talking about Morph proving he is a better pilot. Morph's comment was completely sarcastic if you read it in context. It was also goaded.

Where does this idea come from that you need "grounds for disagreement"? It sounds like your saying people arn't alowed to disagree with you unless they can provide some bull**** meaningless numbers that if looked upon at the right angle may support your view. Almost every time I've seen someone offer proof here reguarding plane performance in game it's been completely useless, as simplifying performance to just a few numbers doesn't really help anybody to understand the ride.

And hey good for you taking down Lev in his tempest. It doesn't really matter here tho as this mess is about the MA environment, and the tempest is much much better there. It's not really a bird for co-E nose-to-nose merges. If you could show us a film where you use your awsome la7 to pounce Lev or reverse him then maybe I'd understand how it's so great. All I have to go by now is how I see Lev landing ludicrius numbers of kills in his tempie all the time and I pretty much never see you land in your lala.


Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #155 on: May 06, 2005, 08:06:06 PM »
You dont have to have to be very good, or have very much skill, or talent to do well in a spit.
If my 8 year old daughter (7 at the time) whos only experiance in this game is in watching me, can get 2 kills in a spit, anyone can

Thats not to say there are skilless talantless people that fly spits.
It saddens me to say I see very skilled people in them all the time.
It saddens me because these folks I see I know dont need that kind fo crutch to do well.

Im never impressed with someone who gets kills in spits
Im far more impressed with someone who gets kills in say a P47, Or even a Hurricane or Niki.

Spits are good if all you want to do is get easy kills.
If you want to be challanged, fly just about anything else

If this isn't a troll, then its got to be the biggest bunch of bullpoop that I have read in quite some time.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #156 on: May 06, 2005, 08:34:20 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
Did they teach you how to read down there yet? Apparently not I guess.

I was told I was better than the masses. I was also told that the masses needed an deperked perk plane to beat me. Both statements in my eyes being completely BS and nothing more than that. I obliged them both and agreed in the most sarcastic manner I could. I can understand why you wouldnt see that. Being that  you are so very desperate and will pull anything I say out of context to use against me.  

Then you come trudging in with your  embarrassingly big mouth and bring Leviathn into it. This isn't between me you and him. Altho you seemed to think it was. I also never made the claim to be even half as good as Levi is. If you can show me where it is that I said I was I'd be happy.

The thread you were hanging onto has been broken. And now on your way down you're trying to take as many out with you before you hit rock bottom. Its clear that rock botton is here, and you've hit it.

The only problem with that is... You haven't taken anyone "out". You've just made yourself look even more foolish.

No, it wasn't even between me and you until you decided it was.  You shot off at the mouth, and I came in and agreed with the people you were shooting at.  

I'm done with you, just take me up on the suggestion.  Take Lev over to the DA, fight La-7 vs Temp.  Then switch up the planes.  If you are half as good as you say you are... the La-7 will win no matter who is in it.  

As far as you being better than me... I guess you'll never find out.  I'm certainly not going to waste my time coming back to find out one way or the other.  Maybe if you say it often enough, it'll become true.

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #157 on: May 06, 2005, 08:38:34 PM »
Originally posted by pellik

And hey good for you taking down Lev in his tempest. It doesn't really matter here tho as this mess is about the MA environment, and the tempest is much much better there. It's not really a bird for co-E nose-to-nose merges. If you could show us a film where you use your awsome la7 to pounce Lev or reverse him then maybe I'd understand how it's so great. All I have to go by now is how I see Lev landing ludicrius numbers of kills in his tempie all the time and I pretty much never see you land in your lala.


You apparently are used to reading Moutheous posts... that wasn't meant as some indicator of my skill, rather, it was meant as an indicator of how well the La-7 matches up with the Tempest in a 1v1 fight.  I couldn't tell you exactly how every fight went (other than the standard DA rules for merging), but I still remember the La-7 won every fight.  

Perhaps I should make it more clear...  when Lev was in the Tempest and I was in the La-7, I won.  When I was in the Tempest and Lev was in the La-7, he won.  This isn't 2 fights... it was a series of fights.  To me, that says the La-7 is a better fighter than the Tempest is, in the original context (which was stated to be a pure A2A matchup).  

As far as me landing kills in the La-7... I'd be shocked if you EVER saw me land them... I haven't played AH at all in ~3 months, and for the last 6 months I was playing, it was under a different name.

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #158 on: May 06, 2005, 08:51:31 PM »
No, it wasn't even between me and you until you decided it was. You shot off at the mouth, and I came in and agreed with the people you were shooting at.

Noone but you made the choice to come in here and degrade  yourself Urchin. I certainly didnt "force" you to post here and and make yourself look like a fool.

For me this game was NEVER about who was better than who. If that were the case I'd have been gone a long time ago. You on the other hand... This game has always been just that to you. Some way for you to prove to those around you that you were better than them. In the end you lost out regardless. And the only one who was losing the entire time was you and you alone.

Do you honestly think that anyone who understands the fact this is just a game and a way to have fun in some spare time, cares about how good you or anyone else is for that matter? I think you do. And I also think that the reason you dont play anymore is because no one did give a watermelon how good or god like you thought you were at it. And that got to you so much so that you had to call it quits.
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Offline Urchin

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« Reply #159 on: May 06, 2005, 08:57:14 PM »
Lol, I don't think I've boasted about how "godlike" I am at AH in about 3 years.  

Do I think I know how every plane stacks up vs every other plane?  Yea, I do (think that at least).  Do you?  Apparently you do, else you wouldn't get as defensive and angry as you appear to get when someone has an opinion that differs from yours.

I quit simply because the game lost all appeal for me, I never laboured under the illusion that anyone gave a **** who I was or how good I was.

I certainly don't think I made a fool of myself, or if I did at least I wasn't alone.  At least I have a better picture of what kind of person you are now Morph, thanks for that.

I think you must be majoring in psych at whatever community college you are at now...  I also think you probably outta change your major.

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #160 on: May 06, 2005, 09:26:19 PM »
I certainly don't think I made a fool of myself, or if I did at least I wasn't alone. At least I have a better picture of what kind of person you are now Morph, thanks for that.

Ofcourse a fool never see's what he is. Hence... the "fool".

You knew who and how I was long before this. Back when you would call me on the phone at 2-3am in the morning and I would listen to you talk about your lifes problems and offer you advice on how to handle things.
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Offline Krusty

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #161 on: May 06, 2005, 09:26:43 PM »
Ye Gods, PLEASE lock this thread!

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #162 on: May 06, 2005, 11:17:33 PM »

Offline 1K3

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #163 on: May 06, 2005, 11:59:50 PM »
Final summary...

Spit 14 is perked way too high, thus RAF fans are feeling the injustice they have to contend with...

There are other planes that can compete with spit 14 on equal terms...

the planes are... P-51s, Bf-109G-10 (a match for Spit XIV... for FREE!!!), La-7, Fw-190D-9 (The Luftwaffe's version of its Tempest), P-38L


*un-perk all prop-driven fighters
*lighly perk ALL "1944" late war planes to create a mid-war scenery...

(Bf-109G-10, Fw-190A-8/D-9/F-8, P-51B/D, P-47D-25/D-40, P-38L, F4U-1D, Typhoon, La-7, Yak-9U, A6M5, N1K2-J, Ki-84
« Last Edit: May 07, 2005, 12:33:56 AM by 1K3 »

Offline SuperDud

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #164 on: May 07, 2005, 12:02:39 AM »
So thats it then, the spit14 stays perked, but at a lower cost:p :D
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