Author Topic: Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online  (Read 4999 times)

Offline CRASH

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #45 on: June 13, 2001, 09:38:00 AM »
Not aruging, more in the spirit of discussion for me although, granted, my writing style is a bit forcefull.  
     I know the're percentages, their not accurate as Mo pointed out the day they started and my own experience being online all day monday leads me to believe that their were, arguably, far fewer than 100 people on any one server at any time during the day.  That notwithstanding, the number of people online didnt seem to matter much to my game performance, what mattered was the number of people in view, ie. the number of people I needed updates on from the server.  Any more than 2 and I was outa luck with fps's in the .02 range.  Game runs fine offline, frames in the high 20's, only online is the problem.  People keep paroting the 1000's of people online rap, and as soon as they get it worked out it'll all be wonderfull, and I agree, if they get it worked out, but the fact is even with very few people on per server it doesnt work so how could it possibly work with 10,000?  Isn't that just pie in the sky day dreaming?  Isnt that just us deluding ourselves?  


Originally posted by Kats:
Crash, I don't see any reason to argue your opinion. But one thing I would like to mention, those number beside the arena's are percentages. So when you see 94%, that's not 94 people that's 94% of anywhere between 1000 and 1200 people per arena. I've been playing all week and the lowest I have seen is about 3000 people online - they are averaging about 5000 people on-line at any given time. Once they sort out their server issues, all the arenas will be combined to one 10,000 player arena.

Offline gijeff

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #46 on: June 13, 2001, 01:16:00 PM »
Salute Gents,

     Heya Vati, SURE I am still flying AH, hell I ain't going anywhere.  I am a member of VMF-323 squadron (Ripsnort's), and the webmaster for their website.  Dunno about the "positive attitude" and especially dunno about the "great flying" but I am here for the duration.   :D

Jeff Waite
aka GIJeff

Offline Professor Fate

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #47 on: June 13, 2001, 01:31:00 PM »
I just got the game from BestBuy for 29 smackers and so far it's pretty darn good, Though coinsidering the FPS, log-on, load time and all the hype for the last 2 years I expected alot more.  

I spent last night towing 88's with my half track out to the field of battle to defend Spontin from a feeble allied attempt to take over the town. It was pretty busy 88 crews were lining up in the garage once they heard there were a couple of dedicated drivers to get them where they wanted to go.  Was neat dashing across fields avoiding snipers and enemy tanks while looking for a spot to deploy the gun. I also learned that you have to look behind often and keep the speed down abit if the terrain gets to rough the towed artillery can detach from the Half Track making the both of us great sitting ducks as we try to hook back up.

Have been staying away from the air battle FPS is kinda poor for that right now I think. But the ground battle is kewl as all git out.

Sirloin I can't believe it, shame on you!  :)Panzer Elite is still the best WWII tank sim out there.

Hazed I heard they're not going to offer wwiionline for sale in the UK.

(just kidding hazed)    :)

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Professor Fate ]

Offline Thirdup

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #48 on: June 13, 2001, 01:45:00 PM »
Will WWIIOL ever wortk right?....dunno.

Why do I hope it does?

Historic arena with limited plane/vehicle sets and no radar.

I grew to hate arena play in Air Warrior.  Flying-Quake-and-land-grab with little or no tactics/cooperation.  Scenarios were great fun...with historical and limited plane sets.

Now I'm finding AH to be the exact same game.  The MA play is nothing more than Air-Quake and land grab (which is fine if your into that sort of thing).  I have tried several of the AH events and ALWAYS enjoyed them (but most don't seem to draw enough players).

I do hope WWIIOL falls into place.  

I also wish HTC could maintain some form of historical play (read: limited plane set, historical units/aircraft/ more Niki vs 190 or Niki vs Niki).  Unfortunately, I don't know if there are enough HTC customers who want the same type of play.

So, I will keep an eye on WWIIOL and just pray they can get it up and running.

Offline hazed-

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2001, 02:23:00 PM »
professor you dasterdly swine  :)

i read not for UK and said 'what?' out loud  :D

phew had me there, Im on the verge of ordering it from america and shipping it here.I dont think i can wait for the UK release especially with no AH to play either.

Offline Vulcan

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #50 on: June 13, 2001, 03:47:00 PM »
What makes you think WW2OL is anything different than this with a 2 sided historical map?

Originally posted by Thirdup:
Now I'm finding AH to be the exact same game.  The MA play is nothing more than Air-Quake and land grab (which is fine if your into that sort of thing

Offline Staga

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #51 on: June 13, 2001, 05:40:00 PM »
After 6 hour gaming session in WWIIOL I can say it Rocks  :D
No discoes, No CTD's but ground war in night without tags is hard  :eek:

Offline Professor Fate

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2001, 10:00:00 PM »
hehehe Gotcha!

Staga! I just finished watching that movie a few minutes before I posted this.

btw for any interested Fishu posted this on the wwiiol board but it got lost in all the hate mail      :) Hope you don't mind Fishu.  and  makes it alot easier to see where you're going


[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Professor Fate ]

Offline Jekyll

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #53 on: June 15, 2001, 07:05:00 AM »
Well, all I can say is that some people must have some horribly misconfigured systems out there.

Duron 650
512 Mb Ram
Geforce 2 MX

18-40 fps in tanks, 15-25 fps as a grunt, 15-48 fps in aircraft.  All this is online play with friendlies and enemies nearby.

I tend to take the talk about "This is toejam because my system continually CTD's" ever since one guy on the WW2OL board posted precisely that, then went on to admit he had a Pentium 2 233 with 64 meg ram - (Both processor and RAM under min specs).

Nobody 'likes' WW2OL ... they either love it or hate it.  It sure isn't Aces High, Warbirds or Operation Flashpoint - it requires some thinking, lots of teamwork and a willingness to coordinate Air, Infantry and Armour in order to 'capture the flag'.

Lone wolves are pretty well dead meat.

Offline Westy MOL

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2001, 07:33:00 AM »
"Lone wolves are pretty well dead meat."

 Not if they have Gamecheat to make thier Chars next to invincible with unlimited ammo or GEAR to make same go 500mph.

 Actually, glad you're finally happy Jekyll. IMO, you're one of the few, the 20% who say they are to some degree. Numbers online do not inticate happy gaming people. Just numners online. From all the reports on several different boards a large proportion of those players are running single and double digits fps, are trying to make it work  and are not having alot of fun.

 Hopefully the next beta patch release will fix some problems which may help stem the return of boxes to their stores, keep people interested while the cheats taint the game and make people hope that someday not only will the game be stable but actually advance and have additions and features added.


Offline MrRiplEy

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #55 on: June 15, 2001, 08:00:00 AM »
'Well, all I can say is that some people must have some horribly misconfigured systems out there.
Duron 650
512 Mb Ram
Geforce 2 MX

18-40 fps in tanks, 15-25 fps as a grunt, 15-48 fps in aircraft. All this is online play with friendlies and enemies nearby.'

512Mb RAM? I'd say you're the one with a misconfigured system in the sense that nothing out there requires that kind of amount of RAM - Except the worst game code seen untill to day.

And that 15fps of yours is by no means playable. I see a lot of people hanging on the '5 fps is playable' thread but they're really not even fooling themselves. Deep down they know its a load of BS.

When aces high goes down to 33fps (smoke usually does that for me) it gets choppy and playability is very low. I don't even want to think about playing at 15 fps.

Offline Spitboy

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #56 on: June 15, 2001, 08:23:00 AM »
Actually, glad you're finally happy Jekyll. IMO, you're one of the few, the 20% who say they are to some degree. Numbers online do not inticate happy gaming people. Just numners online. From all the reports on several different boards a large proportion of those players are running single and double digits fps, are trying to make it work and are not having alot of fun.

Westy san, where are you pulling those statistics from? Do you even follow the boards for WW2OL anymore? I dunno about you, but I was online in WW2OL last night for several hours, on two different servers with 800 or so online, and maybe 1 in 20 complained about not having fun. The positive comments from players (regarding fun) FAR outweigh the negative in game.

You know as well as I do that the boards represent a distinct, vocal minority of the players in any game, especially when you are talking a userbase of 30,000. Even more so when your user base is that broad. And even on the SF boards, the ratio of complainers to happy folks is nowhere near 80% unhappy, 20% happy. Not even close. Even here, there's a decent ratio between people who hate it and people who say they have a good bit of fun.

Numbers online do indeed mean something. A steady 3,000 players in prime time, even with all these bugs? That's 10% of the user base during prime time - pretty standard in the industry. It means people are giving the game a chance, and finding it at least enjoyable enough to continue playing - even in its current state. I consider those numbers a good thing - they mean that as the game improves, even more will be online.

I don't mind negativity, there's plenty to be negative about, and there are quite a few unhappy people. Keep in mind, a certain % of those unhappy people are just complainers, and every game deals with their ilk - even AH. The frame rate needs LOTS of help, there's issues with CTDs, etc., etc. But your estimates are just way off - there's also PLENTY of people who are finding fun in the game, even now. The numbers online DO bear that out.

Spitboy -SW-

Offline Yoj

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2001, 09:49:00 AM »
All I can say is, my frame rate is abysmally bad and the game is unplayable.  However, my setup is bare-bones minimum by their recommended numbers (which are clearly too low anyway).  I have had enough play exerience to see what enjoyment can be had, and I'm doing whatever I can to make it so I CAN play.  Between me improving my machine (which needs to be done for the next generation of software anyway) and them improving their code and transmission, I expect to have a satisfying game experience reasonably soon.

I have 60 days of free play due, which I don't even dip into until they start the clock.  If its not running by the time they start charging, that's when I'll get upset   :)  (I've spent more for some absolutely awful box games than I did for WW2OL, so if it doesn't work out its no biggie).  

- Yoj

Offline Eagler

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #58 on: June 15, 2001, 10:08:00 AM »
Though I have yet to play it online, I did get their newsletter:
Thanks for taking the time to read our first WWII Online newsletter. We hope this will provide you with some new information of what's happening with the launch as well as what's coming up in the game. In the future we hope to offer this newsletter as part of our Player Services package available through
Here's what you'll find in this week's newsletter...
***** INSTANT ACTION *****
SECTION 1: A special letter to our customers
SECTION 2: Dev update from our Producer
SECTION 3: Gameplay Tips
SECTION 4: Update from our Game Manager
SECTION 5: Notes from Customer Service
SECTION 6: What next?
***** INSTANT ACTION *****
How can I improve my framerate?
There are players who are experiencing good frame rates on top end systems but we are working to optimize the game to run even better. Try reducing your visibility rage using the F4 key- some players have seen an improvement with this option. Be sure to check out the following links for some tips:  [How can I enhance the performance of the game?]
How long until we have one game world?
You probably know that we have temporarily set up multiple game worlds to handle the server loads until we have completed our scaling efforts. Our original design was to support thousands of players in a single world. We haven't strayed from that design. However, based on the overwhelming response to the game's release, it is likely that even after scaling the game world we will need to run multiple instances of the war. Our team is evaluating these issues right now and is working to bring the best solution to the players. No timeline has been set for a game change but we will be informing our customers as soon as possible.
When does the free trial end?
Until we have completed our server scaling efforts and have finalized our game world approach, you are not using up your free 30-day trial. We will notify our customers in advance of when the 30-day free trial begins. Until that time, enjoy the free game play as our thanks for your patience and support.
SECTION 1: A special letter to our customers
"...we had our butts handed to us after finding out just how many people couldn't wait to experience the promise of WWII Online."
On June 6th, 2001 Cornered Rat Software, and Strategy First officially launched World War II Online. This was a decision in which all parties shared and despite our best efforts to prepare the game for release, we had significant problems. Networking hardware failed, web servers buckled under the load causing errors and we were forced to expend effort battling hacking attempts to both our web and game network. Add all this together and mix in the normal 'opening day jitters' to the game code and we had our hands full.
For those of you who have been with us since that day, you are already aware of the difficulties we experienced handling the customer response to the game's release. Quite frankly, we were ill prepared for the number of signups and players and our infrastructure failed under the load. In other words, we had our butts handed to us after finding out just how many people couldn't wait to experience the promise of WWII Online. We quickly took drastic measures to try and get our customers signed up and playing as quickly as possible.
The entire CRS and team worked around the clock during those first days to quickly bring up multiple game worlds and stabilize our network status. With the help of our partners, publisher and the support of our customers, we battled our way through to bring you the beginnings of the WWII Online experience.
Where do we go from here? Our team continues to scale our infrastructure, correct problems and evaluate the best game play options in response to the strong sales of the game. Thousands of new players each day are taking up arms on the WWII Online battlefield and we are doing all we can to maximize their experience. Our team is preparing the first post-release patch that tackles load times, frame rates and other optimizations. They are also hard at work on the first feature upgrade slated to add new weapons and vehicles to the war.
Thank you. Thank you for your support in buying the game. Thank you for your private and public notes of encouragement. Thank you for sticking with us as we grow. Our players tell us something we've known for a long time- this is the game they've been waiting for. Even if they are only able to get glimpses of gameplay and must look past the rough patches they are telling us this game is new, exciting and compelling. We agree and that's why we are committed to bringing you everything it is meant to be. Thank you.
The entire team at
CRS, and Strategy First
SECTION 2: Dev update from our Producer
"Grenades and satchel charges will be added..."
Hello to all the new players. Our next patch focuses on performance increases and functionality fixes. There are a few routines that are being streamlined as well as a few "broken" ones that we have found thanks to reports from the community. The patch should be available sometime this week.
Our first feature upgrade will add grenades and satchel charges  to give the troops a bit more flexibility fighting against armor. The RAF will get two new aircraft, the Hawker Hurricane (a single seat fighter), as well as the Bristol Blenheim (a multi-crewed level bomber). No date on this yet but it is not far away.
WWIIOL offers an online combat experience that is unrivaled. A truly dynamic environment where thousands of players fight in tanks, as troops, and in aircraft, all at the same time! This game experience produces fantastic memories from moment one. Riding into battle chatting with your friends, huge formations of troops and tanks moving across the farmlands of France, wild dogfights at treetop level going on above. It's simply the only game of this magnitude. Reports coming in from the battlefields so far all say the same thing; that WWIIOL finally brings players into the virtual battlefield for  the first time. More vehicles, more theaters, RPG functions and career tracking, and Naval units are all planned in upcoming patches and free updates. WWIIOL has only just begun, and it's already the biggest, baddest fight you can find on the Net. The virtual battlefield is here and it's only going to get bigger and better.
Chris "MO" Sherland
WWII Online Producer
SECTION 3: Gameplay Tips
"When you capture an Army Base there will be a big explosion at the base, indicating it has changed hands."
Buildings are captured by bumping into the "Radio Tables" located inside the Capture Buildings - the ones in cities with a flag on them. You must bump the radio table as a trooper to capture a Capture Building. When you capture a building the Radio Table will disappear for a minute and the flag on the building will change to your country's flag. When you capture an Army Base there will be a big explosion at the base, indicating it has changed hands. You can't capture Forward Bases, these can only be destroyed. These bases will be out on a road somewhere in between two cities. To destroy a Forward Base you must shell both structures until both explode and disappear.
Look for more great game tips at "Eggman's WWIIOL Newb Resources"
Be sure to check out the official WWIIOL Headquarters
SECTION 4: Update from our Game Manager
"We'll be setting up training arenas, a command staff for both Axis and Allies and working to integrate all of the player services..."
Hello folks, I'm Michael "GRYF" Weber. I'd like to take a minute to tell y'all a little bit about the direction we are taking WWII Online and what you can expect in the future.
First, we have a commitment to making WWII Online the best WWII combat experience you can get. Immersion, excitement and fun are the key ingredients for getting where we want to go. Our focus over the next few months will be to get you folks into the thick of planning and fighting- and having the most fun possible. In fact, my main purpose is to make sure all of that goes off with as few bumps as possible. We'll be setting up training arenas, a command staff for both Axis and Allies and working to integrate all of the player services that are in our web package. We'll be providing a complete experience to those who wish to take part in it. The ability to plan, executing those plans with missions and accomplishing your stated goals will be available to everyone who wishes to do so.
As we grow we'll be adding new terrain and features to WWII Online. We're working hard to make sure there is some play balance for all the items we are adding. We will need your feedback via the message boards, email or in game to make sure that we have done our jobs well. We want to provide the best MMOG experience possible and your feedback will go a long way to ensure we do.
We have a vision on where we need to be, it's just going to take some time to get there. If you need anything you can always contact me ( and we'll do our best to see the situation resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
Michael "GRYF" Weber
WWII Online Game Manager
SECTION 5: Notes from Customer Service
"We understand that many of you are more than eager to play and any delay in you reaching that goal is upsetting."
Thanks to everyone who has submitted an issue to us since the release of the game. We have received more issues than expected, but please be assured we will answer every question submitted as quickly as possible.
If you have a problem with your game, please go to the Customer Support page at;  from this page you can read the Support and General FAQs, read the online Game Manual, and submit a problem through iCommunicate.  iCommunicate allows you to not only submit a problem, but also search our Knowledge Base for existing solutions; there is also a Chat applet within iCommunicate, which we will be implementing as soon as possible to allow you to get help for your problem in real-time.  You can also send an e-mail to or; again, due to the unexpected number of e-mails, we will answer every question submitted as quickly as possible.  We do urge you, however, to use iCommunicate, as it allows us to give you access to the Knowledge Base (and eventually Chat).
We understand that many of you are more than eager to play and any delay in you reaching that goal is upsetting.  We are concentrating our efforts on not only getting an answer to everyone, but in finding and verifying answers to your problems.
Finally, thanks also to those who have bought the game, and have submitted an issue, and special thanks to those who have given us words of encouragement.  This has been a trying time but we will persevere and flourish.
Customer Support Team
SECTION 6: What next?
"... you will be able to experience our Player Services package which includes webmail, squad listings, website hosting and our online newspaper."
In addition to the work being done to scale and improve our infrastructure, bug fixes and feature upgrades, we hope to bring back the official WWII Online website in the coming days. With that you will be able to experience our Player Services package which includes webmail, squad listings, website hosting and our online newspaper reporting from the battlefield. We also hope to bring back our official forums and other great resources we have available. Our decision to bring all resources to bear during the flood of signups meant we had to suspend much of that. That is a temporary situation and we look forward to bringing these great services to you soon.
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Intel Core i7-13700KF | GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS Elite AX | 64GB G.Skill DDR5 | EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti FTW3 | Vive Pro | Warthog stick | TM1600 throttle | VKB Mk.V Rudder Pedals

Offline Ripsnort

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Just In Case Your Thinkin' About Buyin WWII Online
« Reply #59 on: June 15, 2001, 10:10:00 AM »
Read The Truth

you'll have to scroll down to the bottom, then hit next after reading the intro paragraph.