Again I will remind you that liberal socialist is a contradiction in terms. You're just lumping everything that's not rightwing together.
You not knowing Cynthia Mckinney's name but only knowing her as,
the Black chik who slugged the Capitol Officer?
proves her right that she is profiled as a black woman and defended herself accordingly when the officer grabbed her arm. I give her a lot of credit. While she is human, and therefore no saint, she has been one of the few people in government actually trying to look out for the people.
Personally I would love to see Jon Stewart repeat what he did to that freak in a bowtie Tucker Carlson with that retched blond woman. Whats her name again? beautiful piece of oratory. Jon Stewart is a comedian. Coultier is a political pundit. There is a difference. I think Stewart himself highlights it best in the video on the link.