Author Topic: HT, Donut map FT  (Read 3818 times)

Offline Kweassa

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #75 on: September 08, 2006, 07:21:57 AM »
1. Everything about them SCREAMS that they were designed to be outside the main strategic flow. When HT approved THIS map, he approved the implications of the design as well. That means that HT expected the Donut itself to be a dogfighting center from the beginning.

 A seggragated dogfighting sanctuary impervious to outside influences by practically eliminating all elements for tactical capture?

 Or simply a part of the map that is clearly more advantageous to a certain type of fighting, and yet still influenceable when the limiting conditions can be overcome by collective effort?

 That's a big difference between the two. I've always viewed the FT as the latter, never the first. No place in the map should just be separated from the rest to serve a specific purpose of a certain interest group.

2. Any talk of "the capture battle flowing over fightertown" as a natural event is bogus, plain and simple. FT captures are deliberate griefing attempts, except for the ONE time (IIRC) that a FT base was the final capture of a reset.

 An explanation that is so conveniently self centered. Anything that's fun for you can be as much grieving as any for someone else, on the receiving end. It's all relative - no matter how dweeby a cherry picker can be, we got no right to dictate what we think is fun over others.

 Granted, you guys are merely separating yourselves and not dictating your own methods to others. However, you also have this peculiar attitude in general that your own fun and passion towards AvA fights must be defended at all costs - even if it means shutting off a certain part of the map and claiming it as your own.

 Then, in the same sense, perhaps someone else should request that the rest of the game map excluding FT should be declared as an all-strat zone - no individual flying, no hording on whim, every movement on the map be coordinated by players. Any reckless, individual flying at the all-strat zone will be considered as an outright attempt to grief people who enjoy strategic aspect of the game.

 You think that's fair?

3. "Cant bother to defend their bases" is also bogus. FT captures essentially always occur during low number times, when a dozen guys can completely cap and vulch nearly unopposed. When there are only 40 on a side, and no nearby bases, you cannot defend against an implemented cap.

 How is it bogus when the very words came out from one of your very own? Look at mars01's comment. He clearly states in those exact words that furballers are at FT to furball, not defend anything. This clearly implies that despite conditions are given that FT may be adequately be defended, you people will still refuse to be bothered by defending anything, does it not?

So it seems to me that what happened was NOT HiTech giving in to whiners. It seems to me that after months of watching the community wrangle, watching the effect of a few griefers repeatedly subverting the obvious intent of the map -- and seeing that subversion likely to continue each and every rotation -- he acted to defend the majority from the few who were trying to screw things up.

 What makes you think you're the majority? Because you guys are more vocal in the BBS?

Think about those few who glitched the system by using the film recorder in game to find enemy GVs. When that minority subverted the game's obvious intent, HT fixed it FOR THAT REASON, and not because the majority shines about it.

 In that case, HT fixed a bug.

 In this case, HT allowed the community be split up in the MA by with virtual inaccessibility.

 Call it what ever you want - intentional griefing, or just trying legitimate capture against bases where there are people. HT took one preference of how people play the game, which was totally legitimate by MA rules and standards, and removed it from the FT as a no-tresspassing zone by removal of critical game element.

 In the end, no matter which way you look at it, of the two different preferences in how people want to play in the MA, HT picked a side, and made a special arrangement.

Nothing bullsh@, nothing hypocritical at all. This one isnt hard, bro....

 Not really. It is quite elaborate from the beginning to the end. It shows how much the self-proclaimed 'vets' are self-centered with obvious hypocritical double standards in judging what is right or wrong, when their own interest is involved.

 The FT being overrun sucks. I never disagreed with that.

 Nor am I one of those people who screw FT over. Having your favorite battle zone being ruined sucks, anyone understands that.

 But there are plenty of things that can happen in the MA that sucks. Plenty of people come to the boards in protest about how some people are ruining what they think is fun. Everytime those posts are up, the vets show up ridiculing the protester, saying how they should just deal with it. Post funny internet photos of wine bottles and cheese.

 When it comes to their own interest, an isolated event such as this comes up (I mean really, how often does the FT get conquered by one side during the entire span of the map?) and immediately they run to the boards and start a flogging contest on how tardly everyone else who don't share the same sentiments are.

 What makes you guys so special that your own fun should be protected over others? I don't know what the hell the FT conquering boys were thinking, but I'll bet they had plenty of fun conquering it, driving out everyone else and claiming sole dominion. I don't give a shi* about its ethics because capturing territories is a way this game is played. They played by the book, aided by favorable circumstances in player numbers, and earned the right by conquest as any other field in the game could be.

 Now, that's been blocked. No fun for the FT-busting boys.

 So their way of having "fun" is not important as your own?

 If this ain't blatant hypocrisy, then I don't know what is. HT probably decided on the most effective and immediate method to soothe the whiney buggers, and perhaps what he did was good. Frankly it's his game so he may do whatever he wants it. No, I got no beef with HT.

 The only beef here's with the hypocrites, and I accuse them of their double standards and bigotry in general matters concerning AH.

Offline scottydawg

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Re: Re: HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #76 on: September 08, 2006, 07:27:06 AM »
Originally posted by WilldCrd
im confused, if its near impossible to take it did teh horde take it in the 1st place?:huh

Once one country has taken all 3 bases, troops n bombs have to be flown in from another base... over the 25k mountains.  That's what makes it hard.

I'm surprised that the furballer Rooks allowed this to happen...  I mean, it ruined their fun too.

Offline straffo

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #77 on: September 08, 2006, 07:29:21 AM »
I don't understand HT action ... the players should have corrected this using the game dynamic as is, it was not a bug  needing a divine intervension.

Offline Waffle

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #78 on: September 08, 2006, 07:32:06 AM »
You guys should write a book. :D

Offline Nightshift82

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #79 on: September 08, 2006, 07:32:17 AM »
it just proves that prayers do not go un-answered  :D
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Offline Simaril

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #80 on: September 08, 2006, 08:12:22 AM »

I'm not looking to get a 1v1 here, but you seem way more stoked than the situation warrants. This isnt a crisis!

 You cant claim to be a neutral observer with your previous posts; you have taken a pretty aggressive anti- furballer position. You also seem to be really loose with the "you guys" accusations. That's the logical equivalent of saying the entire rook country captured FT....So just because I think HT did a good thing here doesnt mean I'm part of some anti base capture union headed by Mars and Lazs.

Honestly -- whats is the big deal if one map in the rotation gives a special nod to air to air guys? That's all this is!

Well, you're right that the FT bases can be defended (they usually are), and that they can be recaptured -- though it takes extraordinary effort. Can you recall anything else that triggered a multi-country cooperative capture raid? The guys who like the donut ARE willing to do a lot to keep it functioning.

What makes HT intervention appropriate?

Just this: a small segment of the AH community gets off on jsut busting chops. (That smallness is what I meant to contrast against the "majority" in my last post. Even so, count the planes in FT sometime -- a huge plurality of players prefer that donut, whether you like it or not.)

Anyway, that small group of griefers can use very little effort, if timed right, to deprive a very large chunk of AH their fun. Reparing that takes an inordinate amount of corrective effort, especially when the griefers can do it all over again easily. Then, they get to sit back and watch the anguish that was theuir goal all along.

Look, Kweassa... you yourself said

originally posted by Kweassa
....I really don't care about the existence of FT, although I do think making a separate "sanctuary" in the game map is an indicator that the strat system of the game is strained to the limit....

So if the game construction we call the strat system is off a bit, why the heck should a game construction like no capture vehicles in FT be a big deal?

Or to put it differently --

If you think the FT advocates should be expected to cooperatively climb 25K mountains to get FT back, why the heck shouldnt it be right to expect the nonFT griefers to have to do that instead? After all, jsut like we could do that to RE-capture the bases, YOU still can do that to TRY to capture them!!!!
« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 08:17:49 AM by Simaril »
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Offline lazs2

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #81 on: September 08, 2006, 08:27:12 AM »
kweezy.... you sure seem to convert from arrogant and cynical and condencending to angry and pouty and profane....

seamlessly... congrats.  

What is it about a FT that can't be captured or gets reset when it does that bothers you?   Is it that it is a place where people can do something dirfferent than whorde?  is it that it offers choice?

Wastes resources?   What?   It is a place where anyone can go and do something a little different... I seen lots of landgrab guys in there having a good time.  It is a place where people can sharpen up their sa or just have an hour or two of mindless fun...

or not.

You can fly one or ten sorties there and then go somewhere else on the map and do something else...  it is simply more choice not less.

Fields being far apart is a "sanctuary" for whorde types and strat types... their whining have changed good maps in the past.

The FT only "affects" you if you go there or....  if seeing other people having fun bothers you.   If you can't grief it or revel in it when someone else does.

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Offline Nifty

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #82 on: September 08, 2006, 08:34:56 AM »
This subject is getting stale. Someone should start a HO thread to pull attention away from Fighter Town.  :)
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Dichotomy

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #83 on: September 08, 2006, 08:52:47 AM »

Over the past couple of weeks I've watched the argument rage between the (now) 'Holers' and 'strat' guys.  I've also gone on record as saying to other furballers that, while I didn't agree with the delivery, I understood the message.  

As the game grows the dynamics change.  I think HTC did a GOOD thing here by giving the guys that desire pure air combat a place to go and get into it quickly.  I'd like to see this addressed on different maps as well as I personally got a great deal of enjoyment out of it last night.

Regardless of wheter HTC has said in the past that they won't give in to the demands of a few I would think just by observation of the map last night it shows that the strat guys were doing their thing and the furballers were doing their thing.  Everybody was doing what they WANTED TO DO and getting value for their entertainment dollar.

This is a smart business move by HTC.  As the customer base evolves and grow you might have to change your initial business strategy to maximize your customer base.  My business is steel fabrication but recently we've seen an opportunity to get into aluminum which as recently as 12 months ago we said we weren't interested in.  Guess what? Aluminum sales made up for 10% of our net profits for this fiscal year.  Okay apply that here.  A strategic decision was made, possibly as an experiment, but I think so far a successful one that will A) keep the large part of the customer base happy and B) reduce or hopefully eliminate the fights on these boards.

Look I'm never going to agree to ad nauseum attacks on this or any other board.  They are pointless, childish, and really solve nothing.  But in THIS case I do think the Holers had a point.  Possibly delivered in an abrasive and non diplomatic way at times but a valid point nonetheless.

I'd recommend that everybody back off and lets see where this map change takes us now and into the future.

For me as a noob this offers me the opportunity to decide when I log in each night if I want to join a team in taking a base or do I just want to go up and have Mars, Laz, or somebody else hand my butt to me in the air.

I just got extra value for my (actually) $16.02 a month.  I'm happy and as a newer customer I see that something I'd like added to my service has been done.

This time it's not just my opinion.  It's a belief.

Warmest regards sir.
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline mars01

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #84 on: September 08, 2006, 09:28:13 AM »
Why do you care Kweassa??

You have the rest of the map to cherry pick, potatod, jerk off or what ever you call what you do.  So take the rest of the map and go do it and quit crying.  All we asked for were 3 bases on the entire map where it's just about the fighting.

What is so wrong with 3 bases being given up so that a large part of the community can play the game they choose to play.

Honestly if there were a FT on every map, I would get my Furballing fix and then eventually want a change of pace and might pick up the strat game a little bit again.  And the beauty of it would be, when I get bored taking bases I could go back to what I love in an instant, without flying around hoping to run into someone that wants to fight, without finding a great fight only to have the potatod be right behind me and ruin it.  I dont have to look at a map and search as if for the holy grail just to find a decent fight, which many times comes up empty.

As laz, et-al have mentioned, FT gives the AH community choices.  Choice is good in a game.

For me as a noob this offers me the opportunity to decide when I log in each night if I want to join a team in taking a base or do I just want to go up and have Mars, Laz, or somebody else hand my butt to me in the air.
 HEhehee Last night was your night bud, my SA sucked, I was over controlling my plane for the better part of the night.  I was pure bait LOL :D  and loved every minute of it. :aok

« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 09:31:42 AM by mars01 »

Offline detch01

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #85 on: September 08, 2006, 10:24:42 AM »
Originally posted by Dantoo
The design parameters were (I know some of these sound cynical but they are factual):

Able to take off in a N1K and HO someone from another base in 5 minutes or less
Place the town so close to the field that field ack covers town
Make fields large so as to practically prevent all hangars being down at once
Place additional ack (if allowed) at the field to deter vulching
Isolate the fields from the strategic map area
Position fields so that it is near impossible to "sneak" capture from outside airbases.

:lol A subtle yet sarcastic comment on the state of the AH nation. Well said Dantoo :aok I was ambivalent about this terrain until I read this. It is now my absolute favorite.

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Offline SlapShot

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #86 on: September 08, 2006, 11:56:29 AM »
Kwe is just sour grapes cause, as the "Founder of the New Perk Agenda" and the "Founder of the UTSTAFF Movement", these personal agendas haven't made a blip on HTCs radar.

Its OK for him to bring forth proposed changes which he believes will better the Aces High experience, but damn all those others who have other agendas.

FT is NOT UN-CAPTURABLE. It can still be captured, but only using resources outside of the 20K mountains. That will make it extremely difficult for griefer to take bases ... if they decide to try at all. Griefers usually look for the easy way out.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Solar10

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #87 on: September 08, 2006, 12:45:36 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot

FT is NOT UN-CAPTURABLE. It can still be captured, but only using resources outside of the 20K mountains. That will make it extremely difficult for griefer to take bases ... if they decide to try at all. Griefers usually look for the easy way out.

Now it is just as hard to capture the it first time as it is to recapture it.
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Offline hitech

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #88 on: September 08, 2006, 12:48:32 PM »
1. Everything about them SCREAMS that they were designed to be outside the main strategic flow. When HT approved THIS map, he approved the implications of the design as well. That means that HT expected the Donut itself to be a dogfighting center from the beginning.

Never saw a design for the map.

Acctualy I didn't ever get a chance to see this map in any way until it was already being tested in the backup arena.

The not getting to see it is entirerly my fault, and is corrected for future terrains.

Some one please dig up my comments about the map right after it was released, and see if my concerns at that time were well founded?


Offline BugsBunny

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HT, Donut map FT
« Reply #89 on: September 08, 2006, 01:35:19 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
Bugsbunny, you're a nobody to me.

 I am right.

We are both right.  I am very happy about that :rofl