Author Topic: How can we keep the small arenas fun?  (Read 4760 times)

Offline Flayed1

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #120 on: October 29, 2006, 12:49:04 PM »
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Offline Kev367th

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #121 on: October 29, 2006, 12:53:26 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Had a new thought today on field capture.

What if each country had only 2 fields that could be captured at any one time.
I.E. Bish would have 1 field on the knight front , and 1 field on the rook front that could be captured.

Once one a  field was captured , the next one back would then be available for capture.


Sorry, not the best idea.

Sometimes on a 'stale' map a good idea is to try a get a base away form the main melee.
This opens up a new front and starts another fight.

Also kiss goodbye to NOE's, not much point if they know where your going anyway.

Also invalidates having dar, won't need that either.

You would stop what we did to prevent a reset, i.e took a base away from the main melee just before we had a base taken that would have reset us. The Bish then went on to fight back from our corner and reset the Rooks.

Would be another move towards removing what little of the strategy part of the game is left.

Undefended bases -
Well defend them.
Seen GHI and a few others stop a base take on their own, sometimes even only in IL2's because FHs were down.
Only people to blame for an undefended base take is the defenders themselves.

Good example -
Last night the Rooks grabbed the VBase next to Knits HQ. One Osty would have stopped them.
The Knits then tried doing it to us Bish, but I seen the base flashing and grabbed an Osty.
Result, they didn't get it.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 01:21:28 PM by Kev367th »
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Offline DamnedRen

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #122 on: October 29, 2006, 01:27:46 PM »

The posts are nothing more than what any reasonable person thinks.

It's when folks can't get together and work as a Community that things get out of sync. When that happens we just need to stop and get back on track. Creating 100 posts saying "why I think the game should be played my way" divides a Community. If someone really thinks everything should be done exactly the way they want it then perhaps they should go take lessons on how to create a game like this, make one then tell everyone up front, "You can come and play here but you must play it the way I like it and if I change my mind in a few days then you must change to play the way I now want to play. Otherwise, leave." What a minute....HTC has also provided for that also! He made a H2H Arena! You can even use his program, go in and create an arena and run it anyway you want to. The numbers might be limited but hey! Is there really much of a difference between an EW arena with 25 people in it and 8? YOU can determine the sides. There must be 4V4 and YOU can determine what planes they are allowed to fly and YOU can say No Bombing. Or, YOU can go so far as to say, "if you shoot me down I reserve the right to boot you". Yeah, that sounds like fun, don't it?

Personally, and I normally don't state my preferences, I don't care if there are 200 or 600 people in an arena. It's not the numbers that makes the arena great it's the people up enjoying the fact that they can get up and fly and have fun iso watching TV. Hey, that guy just died for you and he tried his best to give you a good fight. That's bad? Those guys just took a field. Wow, now you can use it. Or, you just lost a field. Ah well, there's another I can use. Those folks that get up and are enjoying themselves actually make your night a better experience. They're up joking with their Countrymen. They're even flying with some stranger enjoying fighting together at some base. Yes, a squad is alot of fun but anyone up there having a good time is just as much fun to fly with as your squads. Why? Because their fun is rubbing off on you and making you evening much better. Don't get me wrong as I'm in a squad. There's alot to be said for squads (like helping new folks get going in the game) and I won't go into that here (:)) but the fact that you're up having fun is what its all about. Right?  I ask again, I wanna know just how many of you guys are paying, out of your pocket, your own money just to up and have a horrible night flying in AH2?

If anyone asks me I do have to admit I prefer larger arenas. My reason, however, is not selfish. IMHO the larger arenas give any flyer the chance to experience every nuance of the game without having to move to some other arena. You can bomb, furball, jabo, tank, drive pt boats, fly fighter sweeps, defend, attack, milk run even and just about anything else under HT's sun all in one arena just by moving to a different location within the same arena. What more could anyone ask for in a game. If anyone's asking I don't advocate only one huge arena. I never have nor ever will. But I can use the LW arena to have an enjoyable evening. And should I get the urge I know the other arenas are as much fun!

My peferences aside, if the arenas get smaller, no big deal. I'll be there. It just reminds me of the old AW days.


Offline Simaril

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #123 on: October 29, 2006, 01:49:20 PM »

Gotta admit, I'm a little confused.

Did you mean to be responding to Lazs, and got my name in there by mistake?

If you're responding to my recent post about monopolies, I'm not sure what you're talking about. That was meant to just be about MrNoName's silliness about huge imbalances showing "organization." (And MrNoName -- you wouldnt be so blase' about monopolistic practices if you'd ever been ripped off by one!)

If you're responding to the opening post, well, I'm still I've never asked anyone else to play a certain way. Everything I've suggested comes down to a simple thing --  
Treat other people the way you'd want them to treat you if you were in their shoes.
Your actions affect others, so it'd be good manners to keep that in mind while you enjoy yourself. Turn off your cell phone in the movie, dont get your gossip update during someone's christening, etc, etc.

Its not hard, its not nasty, its not arrogant. You could even say its the single founding concept of our culture's morality. But for some reason, many here seem to take exception to it, or claim that they're special situation gives them an exemption.

You want to play with 40-60 squaddies? Fine, go for it. But wouldnt it be considerate to do that in a way that lets the other guys have some fun too? And wouldnt it be an actual organizational ACCOMPLISHMENT to succeed when the enemy has some players too? (Conversely, if your "organization" cant succeed without having some 2:1 country advantage, I wouldnt be so quick to brag about organizational excellence..)

I have repeatedly said that every AH player should play the way he likes. Capture game, GVs, fighters, furballs, whatever...its their $15.

But I'd argue that the biggest measure of a community is how it treats its own. No one player -- OR GROUP OF PLAYERS -- should be any more important than the others, and all should both give and recieve equal respect.

Treat other people the way you'd want them to treat you if you were in their shoes.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 01:54:33 PM by Simaril »
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Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

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Offline DamnedRen

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #124 on: October 29, 2006, 02:01:20 PM »

My first post was for you. The second one for Laz...

Sorry for the confusion.

Also, I was typing the exact same thing on another post while you were typing a response to me.
Go figure. It is all about community not arena size.

Rats....I'm gonna have to quit typing and go mow the lawn.

I wonder if I type some more my wife will think Im really busy....watcha think? :)


Offline Mugzeee

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #125 on: October 29, 2006, 05:11:33 PM »
OK Class...go back and read Rens posts.
Then come back here and tell me why anything needed changed at all?

The fact is...the old MA offered every platform of fun that anyone wanted so long as one didnt need an excuse for ones suckage on any given night.

Other than the fact that squads are having issues trying to form up on squad nights the new setup is fine.

Even the dynamic LW is still causing problems for squads wanting to fly in the LW arenas.

Our squad has basically been forced to fly in what ever arena we can all get into on any given squad night.

While i am currently no longer a subscriber i still contend that Ah2 will finally settle in nicely.

If and only If the game continues to keep squads scrambling to be together will i continue to stay away.

Other than that i think AH2 is a great game...just no longer for MugZ

Offline Simaril

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #126 on: October 29, 2006, 05:13:59 PM »
Originally posted by DamnedRen

I wonder if I type some more my wife will think Im really busy....watcha think? :)


If you can sell her on the idea that you're working on a "mowing simulator" you MIGHT pull it off...

Let me know if it works!
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

"Social Fads are for sheeple." - Meatwad

Offline pluck

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #127 on: October 29, 2006, 05:46:58 PM »
can someone help me understand why when a base is captured it's the furballer's fault?  do the strat guys not defend their conquests?
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline Overlag

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #128 on: October 29, 2006, 06:22:35 PM »
Originally posted by pluck
can someone help me understand why when a base is captured it's the furballer's fault?  do the strat guys not defend their conquests?

the fuballers whine we capture there bases and "ruin" the fight. but if they was having there furball in a constructive manor they wouldnt loose the base, yet still have a furball.
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Oldman731

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #129 on: October 29, 2006, 07:44:57 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
the fuballers whine we capture there bases and "ruin" the fight. but if they was having there furball in a constructive manor they wouldnt loose the base, yet still have a furball.

This is the flaw in the reasoning.  By the definition we tend to use here, "furballers" don't care about taking OR defending bases.  We're just off playing with each other, as many have noted.  It's the strat people who should be interested in defending, as well as taking bases.  By suggesting that the furballers assume this duty, you are implicitly saying that the furballers should participate in the strategy game.

- oldman

Offline pluck

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #130 on: October 29, 2006, 08:19:37 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
the fuballers whine we capture there bases and "ruin" the fight. but if they was having there furball in a constructive manor they wouldnt loose the base, yet still have a furball.

ah. so i guess my next question, how do we furball in a constructive manor?

for me it is sometimes frustrating that good fights are ended with the sinking of a CV or the destruction of FH's, but i understand that others are trying to take a base and that is their fun.  what i despise is people taking out the FH's, leaving town up, vh up, and making no attempt to capture a field.  i'm not sure if people do it because they want to vulch bombers/wait for hangars to come back up.  i find it a far stretch that some call themselves strat players, yet their actions involve no strategy at all. it's like all they know is to take FH's down and wait, no other plan.  how can you maintain cap with 100 gv's out on field?  can't capture town with it up, and even harder with tigers rolling into map room.  i'm not pointing fingers at anyone here or squads, this is just a general observation.  so in affect they have ended a good fight for no reason, they will not capture the base, and they spend lengthy amount of time on range ch. telling everyone to do stuff yet they hover the field.  so surely you can understand why some would find this behavior a bit annoying to say the least.  though not fair to apply to every strater.

now for our fundamental differences.  i don't want to feel like i'm at work when i'm playing a game.  i work enough and have plenty of stress.  i just want to log on, have some fun, shoot down some planes and have some laughs.  if you mean constructive by the way i conduct myself on the chat channels, or by respecting others people way playing the game, or helping a noob fine.  but i'm not going to turn this into some kind of work where i have to play the way others feel that i should and accomplish some goal that i care nothing about.  if there is a good fight on the map, i will be there, it's that simple for me.  i log on, see where the fight is, i go there.  others log on and see where the fight isn't and go there.  sometimes a few of us show up and they go somewhere else, sometimes not and we have a battle:)  i won't whine when someone takes a base, i don't really care.  i get kinda irritated though when people spoil a fight and make no attempt to take the base.
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline Overlag

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #131 on: October 29, 2006, 09:53:59 PM »
Originally posted by pluck
ah. so i guess my next question, how do we furball in a constructive manor?


furballs to me seem to be who can get On the deck as fast as possible, then TnB there untill you die... Why cant a furball happen at..... lets say 10k?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline pluck

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How can we keep the small arenas fun?
« Reply #132 on: October 29, 2006, 10:30:30 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
furballs to me seem to be who can get On the deck as fast as possible, then TnB there untill you die... Why cant a furball happen at..... lets say 10k?

well my experience with the birth of a furball goes something like this.  plane A meets plane B at 10k.  they fight, it is a good fight and both planes have burned E and alt.  enter plane C and D.  Plane C noticing an nme lower dives in, Plane D sees plane C and dives after him.  more planes enter and it becomes difficult for any others who are not entering combat to gain alt, they get pinned to low alt.  so now you have a bunch of planes otd, depending where the battle is, you may not be able to grab alt, unless after each low alt kill everyone reverses direction and climbs back to 10k and resets.  after the furball is formed, there is little reason to climb to alt other than to pick.  so furballs tend to be low, because many who would climb are pinned, and many who tried to pick made some bad decisions.  furballs do not generally start because 2 parties are flying otd and run into each other, though that would be a faster way to the inevitable.  furballers enjoy the furball because it's challenging, fluid, and fun:)
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline outlaw21.bryan

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fighter town
« Reply #133 on: October 29, 2006, 10:33:03 PM »
Yes, Yes, most def need a map with Fighter Town.:D

Offline Overlag

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Re: fighter town
« Reply #134 on: October 29, 2006, 10:57:51 PM »
Originally posted by outlaw21.bryan
Yes, Yes, most def need a map with Fighter Town.:D

every 2 bases has what could be a Fighter town between them...... why fracture the community any more?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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