Author Topic: Pelosi now thinks she is the president.  (Read 2064 times)

Offline Yeager

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Pelosi now thinks she is the president.
« Reply #60 on: February 17, 2007, 10:31:32 PM »
I say, offer a better solution.
I think we have gone over this before but lets do it again.

500,000 troops on the ground at the start of the campaign against Hussein.

Leave the Iraqi military and police units intact and under allied control after the initial victory.

Be prepared to take responsibility for the destroyed Iraqi infrastructure and work hard immediately after the rollover to bring the average Iraqis life up to a decent standard.  With an intact military and police force this would have been possible.

Put a strong military commander Macarthur type in control, not some lackluster civilian like Brenner.

These are just a few of the better solutions that have been talked about since 2003 but you guys know all this.  Stand up and take account of Bush having  screwed this Iraq deal over with his ignorant refusal to make any changes until after the war situation deteriorated so badly that the American people loaded congress with democrats to wake him up out of his stupor.
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Offline Bodhi

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Pelosi now thinks she is the president.
« Reply #61 on: February 17, 2007, 11:10:12 PM »
OK, but you are still stuck in the past playing arm chair general.

Please come up with a solution for the here and now.
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Offline Shuckins

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« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2007, 11:11:53 PM »
To a great extent, Bush can be accused of accepting bad advice.  As an example, the reason 500,000 troops did not take part in the invasion and occupation of Iraq is because Bush was told by his commanders on the ground that they were NOT needed.  Therefore, he gave them exactly what they asked for.

As to the rest of the plan for rebuilding post-war Iraq, exactly what parts can be faulted, at least in concept?  The rebuilding of the pipelines and infrastructure?  The establishment of an interim governmental authority?  The writing of the constitution?  The attempt to build up military and security forces?  The holding of the elections?

There was nothing wrong with the basic plan.  Implementation became problematic for a number of reasons:  sectarian violence originating with former supporters of the Baathist regime which led to retaliation by shi-ite militia groups;  violence sponsored by terrorists infiltrating from Syria and Iran;  the rise of a vocal and ill-conceived anti-war movement within the United States;  a lack of boots on the ground to mitigate these problems which was the result of U.S. commanders underestimating the size and complexity of the task.

The buck may stop on the president's desk, but at some point he has to accede to the knowledge and experience of advisers who are supposed to know their jobs intimately.  As far as I have been able to ascertain, his commanders still insist that large numbers of troops are NOT needed.

Offline lukster

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« Reply #63 on: February 17, 2007, 11:14:45 PM »
Originally posted by Yeager
You guys are all failing to get the point.  Of course the liberals get blame, plenty of it, but they are not the ones who failed to properly execute the war in Iraq, causing all this mess with Pelosi and a liberal controlled legislative branch to begin with.  That was purely Georges doing.  And lazs, you aint complaining now but just wait till Pelosi gets her congress rolling over you.  You will NOT be a happy camper.

Regardless of what Bush may have expected or any of us thought might happen in Iraq we should have realized that this would be a long and bloody fight. Iran, Syria, and others cannot sit by and let us democratize Iraq without a serious struggle. Better to fight those who would Islamicize the world there than here. Of course I realize there are those who think middle eastern muslims would have been content to simply practise their religion alone had we simply left them alone but I think they are mistaken.

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #64 on: February 17, 2007, 11:43:12 PM »
Please come up with a solution for the here and now.
350,000 more troops.  Deploy an additional 150,000 along the borders of Syria and Iran.   Be ruthless.  Destroy any resistance.  Use pork as a weapon.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Shamus

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« Reply #65 on: February 18, 2007, 12:07:51 AM »
Originally posted by lukster
Regardless of what Bush may have expected or any of us thought might happen in Iraq we should have realized that this would be a long and bloody fight. Iran, Syria, and others cannot sit by and let us democratize Iraq without a serious struggle. Better to fight those who would Islamicize the world there than here. Of course I realize there are those who think middle eastern muslims would have been content to simply practise their religion alone had we simply left them alone but I think they are mistaken.

Come on lukster...

What Bush expected is what was the action was based on.

You cant now say "we" should have known better. Face the fact, it was a snafu from the beginning.

The term flip flop is popular around here..we are seeing that with our President now, but politically it's not possible to say "well maybe I made a mistake" because you already fried the opposition for saying that at one time or another.

As long as gotcha politics is the norm, we live with this.

OK...time to line up all the reasons its the democrats fault.

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Offline Holden McGroin

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« Reply #66 on: February 18, 2007, 12:20:54 AM »
WASHINGTON - The Senate gridlocked on the        Iraq war in a sharply worded showdown Saturday as Republicans foiled a Democratic bid to repudiate President Bush's deployment of 21,500 additional combat troops.
The 56-34 vote fell four short of the 60 needed to advance a nonbinding measure identical to one the House passed Friday. Seven GOP senators broke ranks, compared with only two during an earlier test on the issue.

Whew... the President just narrowly escaped a resolution that would have done nothing.  Bet hes breathing easier now....
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Offline Donzo

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« Reply #67 on: February 18, 2007, 02:21:27 AM »
Originally posted by Holden McGroin
Whew... the President just narrowly escaped a resolution that would have done nothing.  Bet hes breathing easier now....

Since they worded it so specifically (included the exact number of troops the plan called for). I kinda wish it would have passed.  Then Bush sends 21,499 troops over there. :lol

Offline lukster

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« Reply #68 on: February 18, 2007, 09:07:12 AM »
Originally posted by Shamus
Come on lukster...

What Bush expected is what was the action was based on.

You cant now say "we" should have known better. Face the fact, it was a snafu from the beginning.

The term flip flop is popular around here..we are seeing that with our President now, but politically it's not possible to say "well maybe I made a mistake" because you already fried the opposition for saying that at one time or another.

As long as gotcha politics is the norm, we live with this.

OK...time to line up all the reasons its the democrats fault.


Saddam surrendered unconditionally Shamus yet he balked at just about every condition we set and even went so far as the attempted assasination of a US president. Removing him from power was really little different than removing Hitler. Islam is growing and many of it's leaders want to dominate the world with their religion. Fight them there now or here later. It really is that simple.

Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #69 on: February 18, 2007, 11:41:39 AM »
Originally posted by Yeager
Please come up with a solution for the here and now.
350,000 more troops.  Deploy an additional 150,000 along the borders of Syria and Iran.   Be ruthless.  Destroy any resistance.  Use pork as a weapon.

Come up with a realistic solution.
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Offline Yeager

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« Reply #70 on: February 18, 2007, 12:47:34 PM »
Come up with a realistic solution.
350,000 more troops. Deploy an additional 150,000 along the borders of Syria and Iran.
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Offline Maverick

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« Reply #71 on: February 18, 2007, 12:51:06 PM »
Exactly where are those troops Yaeg? How many folks to you think are actually in uniform? There are other places in the globe where we maintain a presence and they can't all be folded up to put their garrison in iraq.
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Offline Yeager

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« Reply #72 on: February 18, 2007, 01:25:40 PM »
geeze mav, come on will ya? The horse is saddled up and waiting.....

anyhoo..... you asked, I answered.... and now you are just going to mess with me because you support this moronic president.  

I get the distinct feeling that no matter what I suggest you fellas are just going to come back to me with an "aw schucks, we cant do that, what are you smoking" type rebuttle....quite simply wasting my time.

Lastly, If you are going to fight a war against terrorism then you had better be prepared to do whatever it takes.   And dont ask me what "whatever it takes" is because if you cant figure that out then like I said, all your doing is wasting my time.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline john9001

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« Reply #73 on: February 18, 2007, 01:35:22 PM »
the govt is doing "what ever it takes", it's just going to take a little longer.


Offline Yeager

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« Reply #74 on: February 18, 2007, 01:42:22 PM »
the govt is doing "what ever it takes", it's just going to take a little longer.
I have no doubt you really believe that.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns