"the sea levels have risen? OK.. we are in a warming period.. that is to be expected. how much? how much have they risen? I was hearing 30' by 2050... couple of feet by next year.. don't see anything like that.. nothing to worry about so far as I can see.
The nuke winter? well.. my point was.. we never had one so we don't really know if it is even possible.. every prediction for the effect of say... iraq oil fires or mount st helens or say.. the yellowstone fire.. all have been wrong.. and wrong to the side of being way less of an effect than was predicted. I simply have a healthy doubt about the nuke winter thing. Not something I would like to test but... probly, like everything else... much exaggerated.
Okay, here we go.
The SL rises because more landbased ice melts than gathers again AND/OR the sea is heating up. The S-Pole could be growing, but less than the N-LANDBASED ice is melting. Either way, there are enormous powers at work, and as a twist to this, - co2 is more concentrated in the N-Hemisphere.
This is being checked now on numerous places on the globe. What a waste of gov. funds
The nuke winter...yes. Well a NUKE winter is something that you don't want to test, although variants of it have already happened. If you dim the sun through the atmosphere, you will have very fast cooling. This has been demonstrated in big volcanic eruptions, and I'll be more than happy to provide you with the information about it if you need it, but Ithink you actually chose not to mention those.
Anyway, the Iraqi oil fires are like a candlelight compared to a proper NUKE situation.