Author Topic: Top ranked player, No Class  (Read 4757 times)

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #30 on: October 01, 2008, 03:09:42 PM »
For the life of me I can't remember who the other 38 was. I was flying single. He showed up after the fight started. I might pick on some for flying spits by calling the plane a trainer, but I never mean to hurt anyone..... all in fun. They are after all very forgiving in most aspects.

OPP was upping and I was not letting him get much more than a stones throw from the base. He was very aggressive coming out of the field. He also was not going to give up..... I finally had to rtb or set it down from fuel starvation. I didn't think OPP would take to kindly to me trying to land at his base...... or the ack for that matter.  :rofl
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline Bosco123

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2008, 03:16:51 PM »
Here was my K/D for last sortie, 1.5. That does not always mean that I'm horrible at the game, I occasionaly get into fighter, somthing like the Dhog, and fly it into 5v1 or 5v5 situations. Most of the time I die, either I get picked, after fighting three at the same time, or get get ganged by 5v1 or more. I like to have a small alt advantage on most cons, I usually fly at 5K and wait there at the feild. That always ends up having four or five guys uping, and I just cannot kill them all.

The fact is, I have never played for rank, and probably never play the game for rank. If you want a perfect example of a milk runner/ score *hore, look at Tripl5. He is absolutly the loudest, most annoying score *hore in the game, and hes not realy good at it. He is the biggest whiner in the game, all you need to do is kill him and watch on 200 for the whine. Those are the people that I never whant to be, big loud mouths such as himself, which he can never back up. I've never seen him accept a DA request yet.
Thats just how some people pay their 15, I know I never will like that, but theres nothing I can do to change peoples minds.
Skifurd AKA "Bosco"
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Offline Stang

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2008, 03:18:37 PM »
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 03:51:53 PM by Stang »

Offline SEraider

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2008, 03:36:26 PM »
Hey Phil Be carefull!

Your post could be interpreted by "inciting" hostile responses.  This could very well break the rules "all over the place" and risk getting this thread locked down.  You might be reported by crybaby's.

Remember Phil, please be nice, be politically correct and walk on eggshells for YOU DARE NOT BREAK THE RULES or the powers that be will charge you! :furious :t :mad: :rolleyes: :mad: :frown:
* I am the embodiment of Rule #14
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* Stick and Stones won't break my bones, but names could "hurt" me.

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Offline BigPlay

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2008, 03:43:01 PM »
Took a few days to think about posting this for discussion...

Mid-War arena
My plane: Spitfire 9
Enemy plane: 2 P38J flying in pairs

I got shot down by one of them 2-3 times in a row.
I never said anything and kept trying to defeat. These 2 guys were in sync and after few passes, one of them was lining me up every time.
Good for them and "good for me ! " Learning experience and the scraps were video recorded :aok

Well the one who shot me down(2-3X) was obviously low in ammo and RTB.
The other one stayed.
I got up and this time the game wasn't so much fun for him :lol
I'm an average pilot and play this game for Spitfires. I luv my Spit9  :D
As for the P38J, I know the kite theory wise. Pros and cons....

After a few passes, the pilot in the 38J(above me with E at all times) comes out and comments: " Flat turns are for newbies spitfire dweebs "
He was getting upset because he couldn't line me up ! :rofl

I hope this pilot reads this !
If my actions were sooooo DWEEB or NEWBY or IF SPITS are for beginners only, why couldn't you finish me off ?

Then with time, I was at almost same alt but suddenly he was out of fuel(what he said) and had to rtb....

Conclusion: two average pilots met and either one gave each other a shot !

Real conclusion: One think he's better than the other because he's a TOP 3 fighter pilot in ranks/scores AND he lacks of patience :rofl

Ahhh we crossed each other after the initial scuffle.
He got me and I got him... :aok
I use the .squelch and play the game...
All of my scraps are recorded for my learning tool.
When I view them, ya should see the comments he throws at me ! Hilarious !

What he does for RANKS and SCORES is sad.
I'm fighter sweeping for 20min and looking at the map, bombers are on the way and he's taking time to gain alt. Suddenly patience pays off ! I see the enemy formation and I'm above.
Suddenly POUF !  X3 Pilot bails out ! all is recorded !
Got one proxie out of 3.
Guess who ? The same TOP RANKED player...
Then the comments starts  :o :o

I have been playing for 3yrs(back from an 8mths leave) now and enjoy the game.
I've met many of you and have given you good scraps(win or lose)
Ack-Ack, Hired Guns, Muppets, Bi-Polar, Leusche, Mace, Hamer6 and many LTARS
Vonholtz and the list goes on....

As for the sad player, of all the "perk points" you have accumulated, buy yourself a personality and respect others !
If I was as good as you with top ranks, I would be helping the ones looking up to you ! You were a beginner once too !
Grow up ! This game is for mature players only  ;)

Ahhhhh thanks guys !
Feel better now :lol :D


Phil .... I was there and the same thing happened to me while flying everything. It's hard to fly against 1 38 with alt let alone 2 in the hands of skill pilots .Also they fly the side with the lowest numbers so they can get the 38L everytime, well at least one of them does.  Both are very capable 38 drivers. The problem I had was one of them (who has been up till now)very respectable in regards to demeaning comments has now come out of the closet strong. Just because we all aren't as skilled in ACM as he , he feels the need to respond with foolish comments in regards to either what one is flying or how one flys his plane. WHO FRIKEN CARES!!!!!! This cartoon game is nothing more than entertainment, It doesn't establish my pecking order in society or my self worth. It doesn't pay my bills nor does it make my wife like me more. In fact it makes my wife dislike me more. The comments about his nice little business and how his Secretary does all his typing for him as an excuse for his constant spelling mistakes on words with more than 4 letters drove me over the line the other day. He lives in a state where cow dung is as prevalent as asphalt, wait a minute   :huh..... are the streets paved where he lives?
That might be an overassumption on my behalf. Beside.... when is mechanical bull repair a nice little business anywhere?  :rofl

For those that know me since I fly mainly MW I do have a big mouth   :furious but I keep the criticizing about flying ability to a minimum. I'd rather make comments like the one above. My hope is that the person mentioned just stcks to killing (what he does best) and leave the smack talk for the pros. Because when it comes to that he's the guy in the trainer. Let's just all get along and kill each other.... OK !

P.S. He sucks in GV's
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 03:47:30 PM by BigPlay »

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2008, 03:52:39 PM »
Who was the P-38J driver?  No offense to him but if he can't shoot down a Spitfire doing flat turns, the P-38 driver isn't all that good.



Offline Shuffler

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2008, 04:09:17 PM »
Bigplay..... of course your talking about me in your previous post. If I am an amature at smack.... I must be a top amature. Your still raging and you were not the target of my statement. All I did was state that whenever I got killed by the other fella it seemed I was already engaged with one or two others. That happens.... no big deal. You chimed in with your attacks on everything from myself to the state I live in. Your more than welcome to do that.... at least here in the US you have freedom of speech. The other fella didn't take it as hard as you did. Remember he has the right to fly as he wants and I have the right to say/post how he is flying. Neither of you should get upset over a simple post. You can tell folks how I fly all you want..... I'm not embarrassed about it.

Oh and my spelling.... I'm usually flying and typing.... not to mention the margarita in hand.  :aok I only mentioned my secretaries because it seemed funny at the time.
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2008, 04:16:34 PM »

LOL!  My squaddie?  I am very surprised he wasn't able to go after a flat turning Spitfire, he's just as good as me in the P-38J.  I guess we all have our bad days.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Stang

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2008, 04:16:45 PM »

Phil .... I was there and the same thing happened to me while flying everything. It's hard to fly against 1 38 with alt let alone 2 in the hands of skill pilots .Also they fly the side with the lowest numbers so they can get the 38L everytime, well at least one of them does.  Both are very capable 38 drivers. The problem I had was one of them (who has been up till now)very respectable in regards to demeaning comments has now come out of the closet strong. Just because we all aren't as skilled in ACM as he , he feels the need to respond with foolish comments in regards to either what one is flying or how one flys his plane. WHO FRIKEN CARES!!!!!! This cartoon game is nothing more than entertainment, It doesn't establish my pecking order in society or my self worth. It doesn't pay my bills nor does it make my wife like me more. In fact it makes my wife dislike me more. The comments about his nice little business and how his Secretary does all his typing for him as an excuse for his constant spelling mistakes on words with more than 4 letters drove me over the line the other day. He lives in a state where cow dung is as prevalent as asphalt, wait a minute   :huh..... are the streets paved where he lives?
That might be an overassumption on my behalf. Beside.... when is mechanical bull repair a nice little business anywhere?  :rofl

For those that know me since I fly mainly MW I do have a big mouth   :furious but I keep the criticizing about flying ability to a minimum. I'd rather make comments like the one above. My hope is that the person mentioned just stcks to killing (what he does best) and leave the smack talk for the pros. Because when it comes to that he's the guy in the trainer. Let's just all get along and kill each other.... OK !

P.S. He sucks in GV's
I think this just deserves a simple "WOOWOO!" in response.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2008, 04:25:08 PM »
Phil .... I was there and the same thing happened to me while flying everything. It's hard to fly against 1 38 with alt let alone 2 in the hands of skill pilots .Also they fly the side with the lowest numbers so they can get the 38L everytime, well at least one of them does.  

It's very hard to fight an experienced P-38 driver at any altitude but your YMMV.  As for the L, there is no L model in the MW arena, just the G and the J.  For flying on the low side so we can fly the J all the time, I call BS on that one.  Since it's mostly SAPP members that fly the P-38 the majority of the time in the MW, we will switch sides to help balance out the numbers, not to fly any certain P-38 model, nor do all of us fly the J, there are quite a few G fans amongst us.  I know players in the MW accuse me of that all the time and all I can do is just laugh in their faces for being stupid.  The last player that accused me of it was promptly shot down right after he made his comment by a P-38G flown by me.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline oakranger

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2008, 04:35:44 PM »
it is funny how people are.  I will tell you this Phil, fly up against N72.  That guy dose thing in a 109 and 190 be on of what the you think the limitation would be for them.  He is not ranked so high. 

But you do the right thing by not responding on 200.  it just creates way to much emotions.  The best players others where they where shot down or not.

56th Fighter group

Offline Stang

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2008, 04:36:51 PM »
When I flew in there the other night I heard AKAK pondering switching to the G full time.  Hardly something one would say if they switched solely to fly a certain perk ride to have an advantage.

I've got a different theroy.  It's all that Corky guy's fault!

Offline JAGED

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2008, 04:39:09 PM »
The best players others where they where shot down or not.

How does one issue a <S> to a specific individual across country channels without making it PM? Thanks!
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Offline Steve

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2008, 04:42:09 PM »
I suppose that could be true but if you look at my score I'm usually in attack mode so whats the difference. I just want to get up and prepare for them before they get to me. I forget to switch out of attack all the time and thats why i like it there. guess that makes me a score ho but it's an unavoidable part of the game. Score is there to gauge someones progress and view.

I'm sure by the time i get home later there will plenty of guys giving me unwarranted flack. I'm not the best pilot and by far cocky. I just fly everything decent enough to really enjoy the game and have fun, thats it.

Well it seems you are mistakenly thinking I'm passing judgement on you.. I'm not. People play for score, I have no problem with this. Score Ho's don't have any negative impact on what others are trying to do to have fun in the arena. I'll use Shawk as an example. He is the king of Ho's but you won't find him taking down the hangars of a field involved in a furball or sinking a cv involved in same. He's a good teammate and very helpful to those around him; he calls out the bad guys and will come to the aid of those in a tight spot. IMHO that's a good person to have on your team.
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Offline Phil

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Re: Top ranked player, No Class
« Reply #44 on: October 01, 2008, 04:54:50 PM »
Holy crap.....

Guys !
Thanks for the support !!!
SHUFFLER is not the culprit !
SHUFFLER was present and he did his job well !

BigPlay !
Tks for your support when this incident erupted  :D
You added a comment(during game play) to this suspected player and it obviously demonstrated that I was a respectable pilot and could be a threat when
the adversary makes a bad move....

The squelch option works great. Unfortunately when you review your scraps/films, the squelch option doesn't work. The comments this guy was making and his actions he will take when we cross again during game time is sad, very sad .....

Hey I'm a big guy and you know what I do for a living. I can take lots from the public and have done for many years....
I'm just tired of this crap. That is why I took several mths off.
Now that I'm back, this waste player suddenly appears....

Thanks all !
Phil /OPP7755