Author Topic: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.  (Read 3650 times)

Offline BnZs

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #75 on: November 13, 2009, 04:41:42 PM »
Can you explain that?  % fuel would have to be different for each plane because they have different sized fuel tanks.

Still, I'm on your side when it comes to fuel burn.  Aircraft like the La-7 were used offensively, not defensively, and the only reason it's different in AH is the 2x fuel burn.

Anax, I hope you aren't claiming that an airplane which basically carried 1.5 hours worth of fuel was used "offensively" in quite the same way an A6M or P-38 was used "offensively". I know you are not, because it would be silly to do so.

The La-7 still can be used "offensively" in the AH MA, if one desires to manage fuel consumption. Pulling the RPMs down to 2100 or so gives you about 30 minutes and leaves you with approximately the same speed/climb performance as a P-47D on MIL.

Anax, 90% of the MA is going to manage fuel for a 20-30 minute sortie. Decreasing the fuel burn will not lead to more realistically flown missions IMO, it will simply lead to proliferation of Spixteens and Lalas in the offense/vulching role, and to every P-plane being upped with no more than 25% fuel. Not to mention buffs being upped with 25% all the time, climbing to 30K, and *still* being able to raid the HQ from virtually any point on the map. Not a net increase in realism, IMHO. 1.0 burn will never work well when the average flight is less than the channel hop and I just don't see the map distances getting longer, because of all the hue and cry THAT would cause.

"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline BnZs

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #76 on: November 13, 2009, 04:44:05 PM »
personally, I am in favour of the x1 FBM. Give the bases an average increase in seperation of about 20 miles or so. Theres way too much  - up,fly for 4 mins,ram or ho,then rtb if you manage to bag a couple of kills. Maybe there will be a bit more care taken about your cartoon life if a sortie has to last more than half an hour.As for ride choices, I'm all for defending more bases from a hypothetical increase in la's and spits, as for the pony maybe the extra weight will slow em down, really dislike runstangs.

I think I am with the vast majority when I say that 30 mins is about right for the average MA sortie. Longer missions than that are something one feels like on a more weekly basis. And I think most people take sufficient care of their cartoon "life" right now.
"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline straffo

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #77 on: November 15, 2009, 02:43:33 AM »
You can justify the existence of Chimeric plane all day long : common sense and logic still says it's a stupidity.

This simple fact destroy the pseudo-scientific reasoning behind the existence of FBM : is a cube still a cube if I use 1/2 scale for the Y axis  ?

I can't understand people having trouble understanding this.


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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #78 on: November 15, 2009, 10:37:18 AM »

The La-7 still can be used "offensively" in the AH MA, if one desires to manage fuel consumption. Pulling the RPMs down to 2100 or so gives you about 30 minutes and leaves you with approximately the same speed/climb performance as a P-47D on MIL.

A few months ago I spent the night flying the La7.
First I thought. "Man this thing sure runs out of gas quick." Then I remembered several times seeing Shane in places that he aught not be let alone fighting there and being able to RTB based on what I was currently seeing fuel wise.
So I started tinkering with the throttle and RPM settings. I was amazed at the legs it grew.

Realistically speaking. Pilots typically didnt fly with the throttle and RPMs fire walled from take off to landing.
And this holds true for most planes. Climb to the desired alt then manage your fuel. Once you get to alt and up to speed. you wil find you can reduce the fuel and throttle settings significantly thus significantly increasing your operating range. And not loose one MPH in airspeed.
In some planes like the D9 you can even enter a slight climb of around 2K without loosing a significant amount of airspeed.

I do this in the D9 all the time. While alot of folks I know and fly with take along drop tanks. I rarely do. I'll do an auto climb to about 5 K Level out and get up to speed then enter a 2K climb for the rest of the trip. I usually get to the area I want to fight in at around 10k. Which is plenty high under most circumstances.
I find for me this is the perfect alt. 90% of the people I see at 20K have no idea what to do with all that alt. And are easy to dodge.
 And if I do get jumped. I have alot more E at my disposal then those guys with drop tanks and/or on full auto climb.
I fight and just around the time my bullets run out. My fuel is telling me its time to go home.
If Im being chased and low on gas I dive to the deck, completely reduce my RPMs. cut my throttle by about 1/3 and cruise on home still outrunning my pursuers.

I rarely run out of gas.

Know your plane
Get your aircraft up to max speed then mess with the RPM and throttle settings to find what is the most efficient. Different aircraft handle the settings differently
La's were primarily lower alt fighters. 10K is more then sufficient for the roles they were intended or should be used for.
Shane. The best La pilot I've seen to date. I dont think I ever saw above 5K.
If you insist on taking one to 20K and fighting with it. of fly firewalled all the time  and you run out of gas. Thats not the games fault

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Offline Karnak

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #79 on: November 15, 2009, 11:34:07 AM »

The problem comes in the vertical.  Full power settings are often the most efficient climb settings in reality, but that may not be true in AH due to the 2.0 FBM.  I know that when I fly a Spitfire Mk XIV its drop tank is dry by the time I reach 25,000ft.
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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #80 on: November 15, 2009, 12:27:29 PM »
You can justify the existence of Chimeric plane all day long : common sense and logic still says it's a stupidity.

This simple fact destroy the pseudo-scientific reasoning behind the existence of FBM : is a cube still a cube if I use 1/2 scale for the Y axis  ?

I can't understand people having trouble understanding this.

thats an easy one, they are dumb :rofl

Offline Bino

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #81 on: November 15, 2009, 12:29:00 PM »
I agree that the 2x fuel burn rate needs to be replaced.

Please make it 4x.

Thank you.


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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #82 on: November 15, 2009, 12:38:06 PM »

The problem comes in the vertical.  Full power settings are often the most efficient climb settings in reality, but that may not be true in AH due to the 2.0 FBM.  I know that when I fly a Spitfire Mk XIV its drop tank is dry by the time I reach 25,000ft.

What is the great need to be at 25K? Bombers rarely go that high. and I dont know about the spit cause you couldnt bribe me enough to get in one. But most fighters dont perform as well that high.
My experience is that after 18-20K. The advantage starts to move in favor of the bombers.
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Offline whels

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #83 on: November 15, 2009, 12:51:18 PM »
Quote from: straffo link=topic=277968.msg 3496126#msg 3496126 date=1258135826

And my stance still not have changed  25% fuel should give the same amount fuel for all planes not 64 gallon for some and 48 for other etc. 

25% of fuel capacity is not the same for every plane.

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #84 on: November 15, 2009, 02:44:15 PM »
25% of fuel capacity is not the same for every plane.

Read the thread.  He misspoke and meant something different, which is easy to do when English is not your first language.
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Offline Stoney

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #85 on: November 15, 2009, 07:35:36 PM »
Full power settings are often the most efficient climb settings in reality, but that may not be true in AH due to the 2.0 FBM.

No, its even more important to use full power climbs with the 2.0 fuel burn.  In most cases, its best to use WEP even.  If you know you want to enter the fray at 12,000 feet, best to climb to that altitude as fast as possible, accelerate to your combat cruise speed, then pull the power back to the most efficient power/rpm combination that will give you that combat cruise speed.  The only other way to get better range would be on longer trips, where you have to cross a couple of sectors before you arrive:  fly on the deck at the power setting that gives you minimum fuel consumption for the speed you want.  Then, only begin a climb to altitude at the distance from the fray that will allow you to get to your chosen altitude and accelerate to your desired speed.
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Offline Shane

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #86 on: December 01, 2009, 12:26:54 AM »
A few months ago I spent the night flying the La7.
First I thought. "Man this thing sure runs out of gas quick." Then I remembered several times seeing Shane in places that he aught not be let alone fighting there and being able to RTB based on what I was currently seeing fuel wise.
So I started tinkering with the throttle and RPM settings. I was amazed at the legs it grew.

Know your plane

Get your aircraft up to max speed then mess with the RPM and throttle settings to find what is the most efficient. Different aircraft handle the settings differently
La's were primarily lower alt fighters. 10K is more then sufficient for the roles they were intended or should be used for.
Shane.  I dont think I ever saw above 5K.
If you insist on taking one to 20K and fighting with it. of fly firewalled all the time  and you run out of gas. Thats not the games fault

Trust me, I've taken the La7 upwards of 35k  :aok  The rest of what you said rings true about fuel management. And knowing your plane. The EB6 is your friend - it makes it so much easier, especially for RTB.
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Offline whels

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #87 on: December 01, 2009, 11:27:04 AM »
fuel management isnt just about throttle either. Some engines like prop pitch reduction for better GPM, some like manifold reduction, and
some want both.  example, P47s F4Us F6s with the R2800 like prop pitch/RPM reduction  alot more for better GPM than you
can get with manifold reduction.

Offline Strip

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #88 on: December 01, 2009, 11:32:57 AM »
Being at critical altitude helps as well....

A few thousand feet either way can mean 30-50 mph depending on the plane. I like to fly long range sorties (50/50 short vs long) in a the P-51B/P-47M. Flying at a critical altitude lets you get there faster with less fuel burned. At 375+ it doesn't take long to get anywhere either, and that is in cruise settings. Same techniques apply to the short range birds but I dont fly them much in the long range role.


Offline 2ADoc

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Re: Normal fuel burn rate in the main arenas please.
« Reply #89 on: December 02, 2009, 03:08:12 AM »
I would have to go thumbs down on this one.  If we were to go to the 1x FBM, and expand the map, the game would be just like flying FSX, and real flying.  Hours and hours of boredom, interupted by moments of stark terror.  If the 1x FBM multiplier was to be used, take away the computer generated E6B and give me, the guy that has 4 of them on my desk have an advantage.  If we had to fly 6 hours to get to a base to bomb it, that would be boring.  How many people know the Fuel burn on a C-47 on take off, and when do you make your first power reduction, and to what?  Add head winds, that effects ground speed, which in turn effects range, that has an effect on fuel load out.  If we did go to the 1xFBM it would open to big of a can of worms, and the game is fine.  Fuel burn and time speed and distance, a wind triangle is not biggie to me, but there are non pilots here and they would not be able to figure the math, not that it is hard, they don't know how to do it.  Anyone happen to know the fuel burn on a P-39 set to auto lean, turning 2650 at 42 inches, I don't have the manual with me and I would hate to have to go dig it out.
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